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If I were a seed company


The Voice of Reason
OG bub said:
hmm, I would say that instead of F2's, go for originality..
price them according to yer cost of production and time..
moderate a helpdesk for yer products, be honest, and yerself, and helpfull..

pretty shure if you do them basic things, you will grow a content customer base.

basic experience in breeding, testing yer projects, and communication skills are also fundimental..

good luck. peace, bub.
words of wisdom from one who knows.


Active member
Let me start out with a God Bless America <sigh>. Ok! Now I’m speaking for me and no one else here. I went to school for 6 years and I have a master degree in Finance. So no one here in this thread can tell me with a straight face that you can not make a very good living from the packs of seeds being priced at $30 per pack of 10. If you have a 500 plant grow and 250 of the plants are used of seeds only not buds you should get a number of lets call it 300 seeds per plant, for numbers a round. Now you times that by 250 plants that gives you what 75,000 seeds and that would break down to 7500 packs of seeds. This is just one strain that we are speaking of here. Now let’s get to what we’ll call your money maker crop. The other 250 plants, and let’s say that you got 2 ounces per plant from that. Are you following me here? That would give you what 14,000 grams, or 31 lbs.

So lets do the math here: Seed crop projected income would be from 1 strain $225K, and lets say that you dumped the 31 lbs of bud at $3400 each that would show a income of $105K. Lets say that the cost to complete this whole grow bills and all cost you $10K, and you pay taxes of 28% no lets say 30% on the 225K so $67k in taxes = 157K. Please convince me that it can’t be done. Now you can put out what 4 strains a year using that style but I really can’t see why the big empire would not want every person to have his/her companies seeds.

OG Bud, I know that you are working on a deep chunk project right? Would you call those seeds F1’s because they are the first line of seeds that you have worked on? Or what are they really? You feel me?
H3ad you do have some nice stuff, I bought your 4 play. I do buy (seeds) well use to buy some things that I really thought I wanted to try.


The Voice of Reason
You can make up whatever numbers you like.
I'm not gonna do Plant numbers that make me a federal tagret.

Also... You can make 10000000000000000000000 seeds...
Selling them in a timely manner and getting paid regularly have alot to do with one's ability to make a living doing something....

You are being COMPLETELY unrealistic with your inflated numbers.
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The Voice of Reason
You could get rich as FUCK with a 500 plant grow dedicated to nothing but buds, and would never have to hassle with all the seed business bullshite....


The Voice of Reason
But, since it is so easy... why don't you just do it... then next year you can brag aboot how filthy rich you are from all the glorious seed money... :wink:

Things often are not as outsiders imagine them to be.

OG bub

ICMag Donor
bigbrokush said:
Let me start out with a God Bless America <sigh>. Ok! Now I’m speaking for me and no one else here. I went to school for 6 years and I have a master degree in Finance. So no one here in this thread can tell me with a straight face that you can not make a very good living from the packs of seeds being priced at $30 per pack of 10. If you have a 500 plant grow and 250 of the plants are used of seeds only not buds you should get a number of lets call it 300 seeds per plant, for numbers a round. Now you times that by 250 plants that gives you what 75,000 seeds and that would break down to 7500 packs of seeds. This is just one strain that we are speaking of here. Now let’s get to what we’ll call your money maker crop. The other 250 plants, and let’s say that you got 2 ounces per plant from that. Are you following me here? That would give you what 14,000 grams, or 31 lbs.

I understand yer point of view... however, years of school, and years of the seed business are two entirely different things.
no seed crop is gaurenteed, nor are results.. consider you lost yer hypothetical crop to under par progony.. you would need to start over and add up that expence to the next "hopefull" release.. after testing.

rule#1 dont count yer birds fore the eggs have hatched.

bigbrokush said:
So lets do the math here: Seed crop projected income would be from 1 strain $225K, and lets say that you dumped the 31 lbs of bud at $3400 each that would show a income of $105K. Lets say that the cost to complete this whole grow bills and all cost you $10K, and you pay taxes of 28% no lets say 30% on the 225K so $67k in taxes = 157K. Please convince me that it can’t be done. Now you can put out what 4 strains a year using that style but I really can’t see why the big empire would not want every person to have his/her companies seeds.

if seed production was as simple as math, Im pretty shure there would be MANY more rich folks around the world... myself included.

it takes time and money to get set up indoors.. it takes space.. it also takes time and money to setup outdoors.. it also takes space.. secure space..
nothing is gaurenteed untill its tested, proven, and recieved at a vendor...

bigbrokush said:
OG Bud, I know that you are working on a deep chunk project right? Would you call those seeds F1’s because they are the first line of seeds that you have worked on? Or what are they really? You feel me?

no, Incrossong an IBL would not constitute an F1. it would be a further generation of an IBL.
I might remind you Ive been working with DC since about '03.. Im decently versed in its in/out-crossing ability..

while I understand where yer coming from. I think that you might find more first hand knowledge in the actual practice.. vrs discussion..

I think if you look at my sig, and think about it a bit, you might understand a bit more..
"In theory, there is no difference between practice and theory..
In Practice, there is"

good luck in yer future project.
Peace, bub.


FourBearer said:
1976 - Mexican brick - $30.00/Kilo
Colombian Gold - $200.00/Kilo (unless you found it washed ashore)
Panama Red -$250/Kilo

I must admit, I really miss some of these strains.

Seeds - They always came as freebies, what a difference 10 years makes.

Sam, I should qualify my statistics, but what the hell went for $5000/Lb? The only seeds sold back then came with your stash.

DocLeaf, numbers can be viewed from many points of view.

H3ad, again, it depends upon timeframe and where you were and what you did.

All of your responses are correct to some degree.

Have a good day.....

Original Haze Herb was $5000 in the early 1970's. And yes seeds were sold in the early 70's regardless of what you think.


1. when reshuffled, another card often comes to the top of the pack

Does this mean you prefer to use the same genetics over and over, just reshuffled, because you will find another card on the top of the deck? I doubt it.

2. the number of knowledgeable breeders will have also increased, someplace

Maybe, but we do not see their work, we see lots of reshuffled knock-offs.

3. quality often means a little of less

4. prices have dropped on yesterday, not yesteryear

5. always depends on where and how in the world we sit

6. plummeted only into fluted crystal-cut champagne glasses the last time we looked

7. no more so than ever was the case

8. likewise the capabilities for breeders to identify and target a seed market has increased

just two stalks :wink:

peace peace peace


Grat3fulh3ad said:
Median Household Income: $12,686.00
Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.13
Cost of a gallon of regular gas: $0.59
Cost of a dozen eggs: $0.84
Cost of a gallon of Milk: $1.65


Median Household Income: $58,000 (increase of 457%)
Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.42 (increase of 323%)
Cost of a gallon of regular gas: $4.21 (increase of 713%)
Cost of a dozen eggs: $3.19 (increase of 379%)
Cost of a gallon of Milk: $4.19 (Increase of 300%)

$2.00/seed retail for beans in 1976
$8.00/seed retail for beans in 2008
An increase of 400%...

Seems pretty much in line with the rest of the economy to me...

My seeds were $.50 wholesale, $1 retail, a few were $2 because I only had limited amounts. That makes the increase more then 800%, way out of line.

Look at some strains that are 30$ a seed. Compare to your $2 high end.

= 1500% increase.

I wish I was growing in the 70s :D

Was weed even grown indoors then? haha


Active member
great thread, so much knoledge coming in, can't help but learn something if you keep your ears open and your mouth shut


Sam_Skunkman said:
Do you feel the same about apples, corn, tomatoes, wheat? Almost all the fruit and vegetables and grains sold in stores are from varieties that are Plant Variety Protected, ...


If cannabis was legal ...
Would you agree that most cannabis varietals today would not be protected under existing Plant Variety Protection laws?

I'm not sure if it's consistent everywhere, but in the US and Canada a strain needs to be new, uniform and stable.

I know that Skunk #1 would be protected. But the vast majority of strains today are neither uniform or stable.
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ICMag Donor
Chamba said:
FourBearer, Sam Skunkman and especially Docleaf,

consider yourself listed!

Listed? when, wat, dem who.. ? :chin:

Drop us a link :biglaugh:

Sam_Skunkman said:
1. when reshuffled, another card often comes to the top of the pack

Does this mean you prefer to use the same genetics over and over, just reshuffled, because you will find another card on the top of the deck? I doubt it.

Nah dude... we just mean the next breeder (or grower) might spot something in the line that the last one didn't. It's not like ppl are blind... it's always possible to gather something new from something old especially in plants.. just like the lady growing skunk#1 on her widow sill did with this 'Cheese' clone ppl are now crossing about. Sure the Skunk #1 is based on heritage gentics,, but many of the varieties now being put to Cheese underground come from many different backgrounds (spice, yumbolt, Strawberry d. et al.),, which adds much depth to an otherwise over-familiar genetic IMO.

Sam are you suggesting that it's time for a real change,, like a revolution amid pro. breeders,, rather than the present marketing renaissance that appears to be happening? :chin:

peace peace peace

dLeaf :joint:


Don't be fooled by the greedy...

Look at it this way. A "breeder", recieving $1 per seed can make $25,000 per crop, per 1kw of light used.

Don't fall for the hype and the lies. They are trying to keep you stupid, don't let it happen. Don't listen to some of these guys, you are making them filthy rich for doing extremely little....


The Voice of Reason
Sam_Skunkman said:
My seeds were $.50 wholesale, $1 retail, a few were $2 because I only had limited amounts. That makes the increase more then 800%, way out of line.

Ahhh... your $1 lined inflated about the same as gasoline...
Your $2 'rare' lines inflated about the same as eggs...
Wholesale is fairly irrelevant to figuring inflation, and actual value is relative.
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The Voice of Reason
When you're reshuffling a thousand card deck, and the cards have the ability to occasionally recombine into a never seen before card, The 're-shuffling as a negative thing' argument is fairly moot... How many pairs are there in cannabis dna?

Reshuffled Knockoff's? sounds like a made up concept... You mean top notch cannabis plants. Knockoffs are copies (wether poorly done, or as good as the original) Re-shuffling can produce unique profiles, wether you'd like it to or not...


The Voice of Reason
DocLeaf said:
Nah dude... we just mean the next breeder (or grower) might spot something in the line that the last one didn't. It's not like ppl are blind... it's always possible to gather something new from something old especially in plants...

dLeaf :joint:
'One man gathers what another man spills' - Robert Hunter/Jerry Garcia

There is absolutely a need and a place in the seed breeding world for
Seed lines which isolate specific distinct traits found within a larger gene pool.

There is only so much "new" out there... The cannabis plant displays a huge variety in phenotype, and isolating specific traits into breedable lines is at least as important as searching for "something new".


The Voice of Reason
You're correct, FB... a lot of my 'tongue in cheek' phrasing goes unnoticed :wink:, I have a great fondness for playing the devil's advocate in a discussion as well.