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A grow that's real not fade away. hazy's perpetual


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Dreaming of a vacation...

Dreaming of a vacation...

Glad to see you could get away for a few days hazy! Thanks for the trip down
memory lane! Haven't seen the Superstitions for over 30 yrs. Wow, they look
wonderful. I always had visions of finding the Lost Dutchman's Mine, lol. When
I was in the scouts growing up we camped a lot of places but the one I
remember best is a place called "R Bar C 3". Ever heard of that? It had a place
where the river ran through plateau type rocks to 3 big beautiful pools with
20' to 30' natural water slides between them. We would slide till we had holes
through our shorts, lol, good times. Private property somewhere, scouts may
have owned it. That river looks like great fun to sneak up on the undercuts in
the bank and drag a worm along. I'm jealous of that and your plants.

Nice job on the "Silver Lights". Love the name, forgot to tell u. What do u
think, should I make more of these beans? Guess I'll do a search on that name
and see what comes up, seems like its prob been used before but who knows?
Hard to believe you were that far ahead of me, mine just went into flower. I
think I only ended up with two females to evaluate. :( Thought I would have 3
or 4. Saved a really nice male. :)
Here's a female topped just before she went into flower.

Only another 65 days. :)

Nice garden upgrades coming your way. My cooling system is seperate from my
garden air. Fresh AC air brought in from other room through the lights and out
to the great outdoors. I had to exchange my hoods for cool tubes in this
system to keep smell out. Hoods are almost impossible to keep from sucking in
smell. I found that cool tubes are superior to hoods in almost every way after
installing them. I think you'll like. :) I would deff vent my filter to the outside
to create neg pressure in the garden. My garden is at neg pressure 24/7 or
smell would fill my building.
So I'll put in a fan to suck cool air from the room into the closet and instead of
blowing it out of the house, I'll just blow it back into the room. Cool air in at
the bottom----then the warmed air exhausted back into the room near the
top of the closet.
The only issue I see with this is kicking the warmed air back into the garden.
This is very similar to what I have. I have vent openings to bring AC air from
the building to supplement the 15,000 btu AC and on hot days I need every
bit of it to keep my garden around 76 to 78 deg. I don't like venting all that
AC but it's not really AC anymore after it's done its job cooling the garden. By
venting straight from the ceiling the filter removes the hottest air first and
keeps the neg pressure. You could just vent filtered air into attic.
Anyway just some thoughts on your upgrade.
The flower to veg to flower sd is cool.
Geez, spent all my time in your thread, lol.
Gotta say, Thuracide, the shit, the kind, I love you. I'm gonna marry a bottle
of Thuracide when I grow up! No fukkin gnats, I mean fungus gnats for a
couple of weeks now (knock on wood). Has cost me about $80 but I'm not
drinking funkus gnat coffee anymore! Lol, I hate those little bastards feels
good to get rid of them.
Lots more to say and no time to say it in.
Love watch'in your garden grow hazy, bbs, NS.


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Hazy, just took this shot I wanted to show you.
It's a Pacific Northwest Saguaro - very rare, kinda like the Bigfoot.
Sometimes Bigfoot is spotted in possesion of the saguaro...

I think I smoke too much of my bud...
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^^^ those are some Crazy ass foxtails nuggetshiner!

Sweet pics hazy I love the scenery, looks like I could do some sweet mountain biking there. Yea the northern cali growers have been doin it for a while I guess, to get multiple branches and an overall way larger plant. Like I said I've revegged plants and then put them into flower when small and they just blow up with weird crazy growth! I just put two HPK's into flower for two days but I don't want them in flower so I'm taking them into my veg cab tonight......I wonder if they will be stunted or just start growing/vegging again like normal....? PEACE


Active member
Hey nuggetshiner, thanks for the seeds. Yes, make more of the Silver Lights or whatever, hmm northern haze?, super lights?, maybe SL is best. I can name combine to come up with a name, but my creativity and originality ends there.

Seriously, you have a winner, imo, with my limited test run with only 3 females grown out. I was pretty sure this was going to be good stuff from the beginning, because the plants really looked good. then the abused and neglected one turned out to be better than whatever else I was smoking then. Just took a few hits, of the fruity pheno, just dried, 4 days since the chop, and I like it a lot.
I've smoked a little of both.
The spicy one- some kind of spice or herb with a hint of eucalyptus.
And the fruity and floral one; makes you smile and think of places like that stream in the above pic.
Makes you smile even more after a few tokes. They both taste like they smell.
... :abduct:
I had a great stream of thought from this bowl of SL that interrupted what i was typing. I feel like Samuel Coleridge when someone knocked on his door and blew his train of opium induced thought and creativity while he was writing Kubla Khan. Maybe the best unfinished poem you'll ever read.
(btw Neil Peart of Rush, used Kubla Khan as inspiration for 'Xanadu', on the Farewell to Kings album.)

Ok, I'm back, it really is good weed. This smoke report was written real time, and I just couldn't remember or concentrate on typing more of it until this rush finally left. Put my brain elsewhere for a bit. Bigtime beautiful head buzz, no doubt from the SSH dad. You could have a great day outside with this smoke, as long as you don't stop at the couch on the way to the door, no doubt, the fault of that NL mom.

I would have loved to have sampled the parents of this NL x SSH.
I've got 7 more seeds, and will prolly clone them so I can keep one.
Def make more seeds.
This high is a lot less in the head now after 30 minutes. Starts out a relaxing head high, and turns into a contemplative body high.

I think they went 66 days. Trichs were about 50% cloudy, 25% amber, the rest clear to partly cloudy.haha

Definitely going to get a cool tube. i think a hood would limit the footprint of the light, and be too big for my space as well.
I'll keep venting to the outside, cause i'll still have some veg light heat to get rid of. Sealed room would need CO2 as well and I ain't going there, not yet anyway.

oh, those JB buds look like they'd make good roach clip braids. they look great.

Where do you get Thuracide?

Thanks B/R, they're as good as they look.

Hello DonChron. Yeah, I thought about leting them go a few more days, but it didn't seem like the trichs were getting any more cloudy. Just starting to dry?

Hey cali, I'd be totally chickenshit to ever try the Salt River Canyon on a bike.

But there is a lot of great mountain biking around the mountains in and around phoenix and the Valley of the Sun in general. Biking the Superstitions in the winter. That would be cool.
I read what you said about your blueberry, so scratch that on off of the "strains that caligreen has that hazy's scamming on," and add that great sounding HPK to the list.
Chubbynugs has a bunch of HPK going in his greenhouse.
After 4 days in 12/12 that SD didn't go through a stunted phase at all revegging. In fact it seemed like it was just going to continue flowering, but after a while the new beginning buds grew out as branches. Got really leafy too.
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Registered Pothead
Great smoke report hazy. One of the better ones i have read in a while. You toss any plants outside yet?

Raistlin Majere

always love nature pix in your thread bro :ying:
LOL had to laugh when you were describing the Trichs, sounded lie a weather report to me
that nl x ssh spicy got some nice nuggage on her for sure :respect:

@ nuggetshiner ~ i have never seen them stacked that high before, NICE !!!


Active member
Thanks, chubby, i logged on earlier to delete/edit that report, because I thought it might be kind of stupid sounding. I'll leave it alone.
Good to see you RM, I like to put in pics of my desert and the things in it, because i figure a lot of folks(esp you east coast guys) don't ever see this stuff. Glad you like them.
Here's some sweet tooth

Some nice NL x SSH buds

clones of c99, gak, ob1

My last DreamGoddess my last Skush

5+ days left on the C99

Sour diesel


a nycd x SwT

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Great looking buds man, that sour diesel looks dank!!! Dream Goddess is a looker too, well they all look great but it's hard to just pick a few to comment on lol... take care man.



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
nice update bro. glad everything made your trip. kiss the wifey for us. lol. the NLxSSH report is promising. you will def like the tube. i agree with NS- superior ineveryway- paired with some hangers OMG talk about conveniant.
my lady used my stamps while iwas gone on my trip, so i am going now to buy some more. off they go tomorrow. sat or mon prob arrive.


Well hello mr. Hazy :wave:,

I just started to read through your diary and I must say your pictures/girls are very very beautiful my friend! I also loved the pics from your vacation, they are very beautiful as well! Theres nothing better than some great pics of the good ol' outdoors :yes:! Well I will be pulling up a seat to this show for sure from here on out, take it easy, stay safe, and keep up the GREAT work your doing on your side of the way :wave:!



How are they shaping up Hazy???? From the shots the C99 and SD looks good but how are they smelling?????!!!! Very good job, are you using that 600 now??? Right on with more of those C99 babies!! It seems like whenever I get a new strain, I completely finish it before I clone more and flower the strain again and I'm always bummed about the wait haha. Make a note of that and clone early!! You already know that though ;) PEACE buddy


Registered Medical Patient
what up Mr. Hazy...havent been here in a while, but Im glad I stopped in tonite..beautiful pics bro. ur skillz are killin it...That NLxSSH looks lovely as all heck!!! Ill stop in more bro, see ya l8r. Peace

- Z

Cozy Amnesia

Hazy, are you the hazy from totse? You spell the name is the same way, so it makes me wonder...


Active member
B/R the sour diesel is shaping up to have some nice buds. and that DreamGoddess is wonderful smelling, but it hermies. Really bad this time too. (for the last time)
Gave the wifey :kissass: a big kiss for doing such a good job while I was gone, Sir. (it was a short trip though)
You say get some hangers for the cool tube. you mean the kind that have the retractable cord? built in for adjusting height? sounds like the right idea.
Chubby, one NL SSH tasted fruity and piny, hashy, and the other was kind of hmm, smelled spicy, but had that taste I can never figure out. Earthy, hashy, more plain. Both had the same great buzz.
I'd love to see one of you guys run some of these NL SSH crosses that nuggetshiner made. I was impressed with both the plant structure and the size of the buds. They yielded well for my average. I won't say how much, because it is embarrassingly small compared to what all you guys with such great skills who come here and grace my thread with your postings could pull from them.
By the way, I love it when I come online and see all these great posts from everyone. Many thanks.
Gotta go on a rep spreading spree over in the flower pics section or something, so I can get some reputation back at you guys.

Come on in sniffs, this is the show that never ends. Not really much of a show compared to all of these guys that hang out with me around here. Just the trials and tribs, and overcoming and learning, that a still relatively new grower goes through.

new grower--funny, I grew my first plants back in the late 70s, and still pale in comparison to these guys.

Hey cali, I have 2 C99 clones in coco and perlite. Also have some new seedlings in coco. my near future clone situation is pretty crappy for a while. My vegging and mom plants are growing soo slow. Can't wait to get rid of this soil. Maybe getting the atmosphere under control with my soon to get cool tube, will make them happier too. It's been pretty hot in this neck of the woods.
Temps under control, good nutes and coco = better growth = bigger buds!?? I sure hope so anyway.
OK, cali, I just went up to the top of this post and took out a sentence where i told BlackRain that I could not figure out the smell of the SD last night, and that i didn't think it smelled sour like my NYCD. :pointlaug Well, I just stuck my nose down there and rubbed of a bunch of trichomes onto my nose no doubt, and oh my God!, it smells sooo sour. Who knows, it may be better smelling than my NYCD.
Now the C99---besides bug spray, but in a good way?, I'm not sure. She's in the back of the closet so I don't get her out much. My nose really doesn't work so good a lot of the time, and now I won't be able to smell anything but Sour Diesel for the next few hours. My nose and fingers reek of it.
Howdy ZuesOG. The props go to nuggetshiner for the NL SSH, all I did was do a halfway decent job with them.
coughcough,I'd sure like to see some other folks around here run some of these.
well cellardweller, when I saw your post about the Sweet Tooth I realized that i still have that whole bud in a jar that i've been opening for a minute and reclosing and then just putting it up every day. I didn't want to smoke it at work, cause it's a little too heavy and body relaxing for my workday.
But now it's the weekend.
So I rolled one up and smoked almost half of it when I realized that i had one hell of a nice buzz and the joint was out. Heavy stony pot.
Everyone should smoke a little Sweet Tooth at least once.
Smokes great in a joint, this one(remember mine are f2s, so more varied than than actual Sweet Tooth), smelled like pine with ? , not nearly as sweet and strong smelling as most SwT, like the one out posted a pic of a page or two back. That one was fantastic smelling if I recall. But i think it has all the stoniness of the SwT mom.
hey cd, do you have cuts of each of your Kalichakras? Just wondering if your going to keep the best one for a mom. Just scamming on getting a K cut someday.haha.
No Cozy Amnesia, not me. ICmag original here.
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naw, I dont have any cuts, but gave one each of #6 & #8 as well as 2 male cuts to a local friend from IC. Im tryin to make seeds, but lost all of my pollen due to heavy heavy rains. So any seeds I do make will be a Kali cross. You dont gotta scam bro. just ask.
(btw I think #8 would be the mom. very heavy,very healthy, just havent smoked her yet.)