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SIRSMOKALOT's Casa del Mota!



last time i snapped a plant i sunk a nail through the break.
it worked...
never did find that nail though...i guess i smoked it..lol..
or the stem grew around it...??

awesome thread..Sir..:joint:

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Registered Medical Patient
duct tape works like a charm...I used it on my HUGE tomato plant out side and it healed up nice & quick-like!!!

D Rock

I'll go with duct tape. Never used a nail before. Wow, We Potheads will think of anything to rig something together.


wattup sirsmoke,that sux about the gal bro.ive use duct tape before and it worked well for me saved the plant honestly yo.might just stunt her out for a few days.


Heya SSA! The Major linked me to your thread, as I am about to embark on a gdp run. Just wanted to say your bagseed gdp's are absolutely out of this world! I knew before even reading your posts that the green was gonna meet the axe, and my fav was the blue, due to the size of the buds, but that purple is friggin amazing! Great job with em! =D


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Dr. Dog-here you go brother. i snapped some off for ya. thanks for the advise....

Luaith- using what was on hand i see. inventive i must say. hope you didnt smoke that bad boy... you might need a tetnis shot(not sure how to spell that) lol. thanks for the tip

Zeus- thanks as well and yes you did send me a PM with that

DRock- right. mcgyver growers and smokers. growin weed outta soda bottles and fixen stems wit nails and such.... personally i find teflon tape to be awesome. it expands with the plant and removes without leaving behind glues or anything.

YWI- i dont think shes gonna be bouncin back any time soon homie lol nice avatar. you get a dope ass custom pixie avy and all i got is this infant stoner. just my luck.... heres what happen to the plizz though.

Eijneb- :joint: good luck in your endevours. i hope you get what you are looking for. these phenos are all quite pleasant respectively. i let yeilds choose their destiny if the quality is on par. the 2 i kept grow extremely similar and uniform. blue stays slightly smaller, yet yeilds slightly more proportionately. 65-70 day flower times... i recommend 70. have fun! :joint:

TML- see ya when you get back my friend. hope family is well. new addiions are so much work.

broken plant
well to answer the ? Dr Dog, i ripped it of clones, and tossed it. 16 clones survive her. there was no saving her. it literally snapped clean off at the root ball, the only thing that held it to the bag were 3-4 large roots that were above the crack that withstood the weight bending with flexability, while the stem is rigid and simply snapped clean like a carrot snaps in half. here are the remnants in the bag

how round the trunk was

next of kin

here is the other cloner

roots longer than my forearm on that strw dzl. it just took off. it rooted in a bottle of water in five days, then i put them all in the cloner and it blew up. that cloner now holds
1 decap
2 Bam Bam
2 pollen chuck(maj's killa pheno)
3 gdp blue
3 gdp purple
4 strw dzl MLs

here are the straglers in coco that go outside in late summer. they have been under sufferable light while i was awy, and staying in low light to keep lil as long as possible. i want to keep em mini for outside.
2 bam bam
and purp in middle

panorama of the flower room from right to left

closer on the coco ones to view the appearance a lil better. the hps is killin the pics and so is the cheap cam. the good one is resting til buds show.

lok at the size of the Purp. that is one side view. look at the 5 gal bag all small lookin.

well so far i have thinned mad huge old fans all over the room, but still need to get those crowded lightless lowers. wantit all done asap, tops are stacking already with hairs on some tops already. get the stress overwith and start the flower feeding as the first signs are showing. i wish i could show the entire plants out of the room, but all are to big to get out of door whole, and room is to small to get cam back enough for a wide shot. they are so massive the decap is 4 ft wide or more and topped n lsted like crazy and is still up to my chin already on the mains.. and 2 weeks to stretch still lol
well friends and fam
that all i got for now
thanks for the frequent visits all of you.
i gotta go find a sexy avatar now peace
Sir :joint:


Grower of fine herbs...
Wow SIR this run really looks like its gonna give you that huge yield that you have been wanting.. Growing in the large tree style gave me the best yields of any technique.. This last round even after the problems with mold and whatnot I yeilded almost 13oz's from under my 800 so I cant wait to see what u can do with your 2k... Impress me buddy.. Try your best hahahaha. Great job this run by the way:wave:



go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
wow sir they are some fat ladies
theres gonna be some great pics coming soon
shame about that snap,but shes still lives on with the clones


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
D- thanks yo

yo NK what up bro. i am guessing about 16-20 oz. i have plenty of light, but not enough space to maximize yeilds. i could run 1 light in there fine, but with the added light i am at around 66.6 watts per sq.ft.... sign of the beastly tops. lol. trees tied over do well. makes more dominant mains. me impress you.... nope that is the plants job. i just check on em and splash cocktails on em.

M@rg- hey mate. i wish time would go by but not really life is to short, but for buddings sake lol yeah man shit happens. i just keep running! she lives on yet....

like i said before, the remaining big ladies are in love with their light penetration. they have filled the spacing in and are stretching beautifully. last night i finished trimming all of the lowers i wanted gone. i trimmed alot, perhaps to much for some peeps, but i love the result. way better air flow under them now. the room breaths again. total circulation. i had 2 casualties. my wall mounted fan over the coco ones fell and busted 2 up nice.(were small anyway) i ripped off the broke parts and will let em grow out. secured the fan in place. i must say they are budding fast as hell. 1 week in and flowers all over every plant. today they got 1/2 cup per gal big bloom and about 1 tblspn per gal indo guano.that should make them stack close together. they all look beautiful, even the GDP |GREEN that i am not impressed with. this one is beautiful. decap is just massive and stunning looking. i cant wait to see the size ofthe nugs it makes. untopped it makes huge nugs. the branches it makes are so fat. i think i am gonna be ok with the heat and 2 lights. it stays 74-84 in there i cant get it colder in there yet. winter hurry up you fucker.


Registered Medical Patient
those are some bushy-ass girls bro...beautiful to look at, and healthy as fuck!!!They all look great man, and those clones...I hope I get roots like that!!!Peace Sir

- Z

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Awesomeness sure impressive too

Nice room man, you are a true master


Registered Pothead
Great recovery from the heat problems earlier this month homie. Looks great in there. How many days does it take to get roots in a bubble cloner for you?


How ya doin SirSmoke's :wave:?

First off I want to say amazing grow you got going here and I'm really loving all the pics and info your giving :yes:! I from here on out will have my seat pulled right up for a front row seat to this great show of hot sexy ladies you have going on here hehe :canabis:! Bookmarked my friend!

Stay safe,Take it easy, and keep on keepin' on doing what you do best :rasta:!



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
9 days flower!!!

9 days flower!!!

Zeus- you should bro... just leave em be. make sure you ph the water to like 5.8 and it can slowly rise from there without ever becoming way outta wack before rooted. if toppingoff ph the water. if you can use that solution i posted... it has excellerated my rooting time 2x faster. 1 week vs 2. + they wont stunt or yellow on you at all. when i say stunt i just mean slow growth out of the bubbler. if they are safely well fed, they do their thing while the roots adjust to new medium during that transitional phase. another benefit to coco there bro. if you plant in that, you can keep wet and maintain the hydro root you already have. that translates into nearly zero transitional time, shaving days if not a week off of veg time. all of this time added up over a year... thats days of your life back. take cuts a little later means less numbers for longer periods of time( sleep better lol), while inevitably the cuts are coming...the longer you can wait the more time you have to yourself and especiall the finishing ones! IMO or you could go the other route and grow big plants with cutts taken sooner if you are growin a few big ones, they could be HUGE in 2 months veg. listen to me blab and push coco all over you lol. :rant: lol

TML- :joint:

DR- thanks doc, although i dont feel like a master yet. i have the knowledge of a master, but not the wisdom yet lol. a few more years and a few more successful experiments, and some out door growing might help me get there. thanks a lot though, :muahaha: comments like that from great growers aid my growing confidence. i share all my mistakes wit ya guys and gals. thanks for hangin wit me. :joint:

Chubbynuggzzzzz- thanks bro. i am pleased with em.
the cloner takes 5-15 days. i get nubbs fast with my solution, and can plant soon after, but i like beefy roots. time depends on certain factors of course
1. strain
2. where cut was taken- eg. tops or lowers:
cuts from larger tops or main stems root faster than cuts from lower branches. the tops are loaded with a growth hormone always pushing skyward. when you cut them they want to continue to grow. to do that they need to root. being loaded with this hormone, they devote more energy to rooting.
thats a lil somethin i learned lol

sniffs- what up bro glad you enjoy . pull a seat lots of great people in here man. nothin but awesome peeps. i just hope i dont talk yalls ear off. lol i try to eventually share all i learn though . :joint:

damn i type fast look at all that BS quick as hell.

some photos from day 7
some plants i could not view entire thing in frame, but heres what i got so far.

decapitation(pre98 bubba pheno)


those are all along the back wall.
bam bam top all i photographed b4 cam died

GDP purp. def not all in frame

pics from tonight
straglers and some new purp cuts i took on sun-mon

cloners- the left 16x strwdzl and the right is multi. listed above for any wondering.

look at this strwdzl growing in the cloner

and the flower room lights off
DAY 9 tonight- the tallest branch in the pic is decap and is 5 ft high or higher i snapped these 2 and that cam died lol

well thats it for tonight. i will take day 10 photos close ups on the budding occuring. man i still got to clean the tubes glass. all dusty, and the first week is over i want those lumens yo
Sir :joint:
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Registered Medical Patient
Sir - gorgeous room of beautiful, healthy plants...You are a true pro my brother!!!Those GDP have very Sativa lookin leaves...isnt she a Indy dom??anyhow, they are beautiful either way...all of them...that last shot is killer...looks like quite a big room bro, what are the dimensions?...well...nice stuff man, Ill se ya later..Peace

- Z