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FORMER NASA astronaut and moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell - a veteran of the Apollo 14


New member
has noone hear heard of the "planet x" theory? it all sounds pretty feasable to me, plus i've seen footage of buzz aldrid chatting about being tracked by ufoz. ive also heard pretty convicing audio of a so called area 51 employee explaining its all true.

im not saying there isnt a possibility that this is well constructed hoax but im very intrigued.


Active member
This is all complete bullshit, a scam and a fraud.

It's all about making money and ripping off gullible fools willing to part with their hard earned pesos. First off, there's the astronaut with his ridiculous, unproven claims, and you can of course go to his website where he sells his autograph on a picture for 50 bucks. You can also join his "non-profit" organization for hundreds of bucks a year.

Then there's the whole Dreamhealer bullshit, ripping off naive, sick people with cancer and all sorts of illnesses. A bankrobber has more reason to feel proud of themselves than the millionaire scam artist who goes by one name only: "Adam", sort of like "Cher". James Randi has a million dollars waiting for the scam artist, if he can do what he claims. Not surprisingly, the scam artist and quack "doctor" hasn't taken him up on his challenge. If I had cancer, the last thing in the world that I would do is throw my money away on bullshit.

These people sell snake oil, and idiots buy it. Stupid people have existed since the beginning of time, and there's no shortage of idiots around today either.

Might there be alien life somewhere in the universe? Quite possibly, nobody knows for sure, though I kind of doubt that they look like E.T. and that they fly around in saucer shaped crafts abducting humans on planet Earth. I don't believe a single word that these fraudsters claim though. It's all about the money and their bank account. They haven't proven shit, because they can't.

:joint: :wave:


Active member
I havent spent a fucking dime greenhead and thats because the truth is free as it should be.

Oh and who the fuck are you to say that what someone does to help ill people is bullshit.You dont have cancer so what these people do with their money is up to them and what they believe is up to them,not fucking you.

Again another ignorant fool and yes stupid people have existed since the begining of time and the proof is you.I guess some people have smoked themselves stupid.

Also ..these are not just claims.When you got an object on radar that is double the size of the 747 with an airplane pilot reporting it to FAA and the official confirms and calls norad to see if its on their radar too which it was then this a FACT not a claim.There is tons of cases like this with information to back it up so how fucking dare you dismiss this phenomena without knowing a damn thing other than what you think ..not know.You are the only gullible one to believe there is nothing to it.These UFOs for all we know could be time travelers(which is possible) and would definitely make sense for them not to mess with the past but only observe.

:violin: Oh..again wont you guys watch me play this small violin for the sake of your ignorance.
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Active member
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." -Einstein

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." -Einstein
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Active member
greenhead said:
This is all complete bullshit, a scam and a fraud.

It's all about making money and ripping off gullible fools willing to part with their hard earned pesos. First off, there's the astronaut with his ridiculous, unproven claims, and you can of course go to his website where he sells his autograph on a picture for 50 bucks. You can also join his "non-profit" organization for hundreds of bucks a year.

Then there's the whole Dreamhealer bullshit, ripping off naive, sick people with cancer and all sorts of illnesses. A bankrobber has more reason to feel proud of themselves than the millionaire scam artist who goes by one name only: "Adam", sort of like "Cher". James Randi has a million dollars waiting for the scam artist, if he can do what he claims. Not surprisingly, the scam artist and quack "doctor" hasn't taken him up on his challenge. If I had cancer, the last thing in the world that I would do is throw my money away on bullshit.

These people sell snake oil, and idiots buy it. Stupid people have existed since the beginning of time, and there's no shortage of idiots around today either.

Might there be alien life somewhere in the universe? Quite possibly, nobody knows for sure, though I kind of doubt that they look like E.T. and that they fly around in saucer shaped crafts abducting humans on planet Earth. I don't believe a single word that these fraudsters claim though. It's all about the money and their bank account. They haven't proven shit, because they can't.

:joint: :wave:

Greenhead, I know your tactics like the back of my hand... You have just blabbed and blabbed and blabbed, didn't prove a thing, and left us chuckling to ourselves because you know nothing about this phenomenon, nor care to research it IN DEPTH. If you had researched this phenomenon thoroughly, not only would your attitude be less abrasive and sophomoric, but you would then understand the facts are there; we have radar, pictures, NASA video footage, it's all there, and then other peoples' testimonies are just a nail in the coffin, backing up those facts and providing further confirmation.

Mitchell himself said there is a lot more misinformation out there than real truth, but the truth is indeed "out there" and this truth is that aliens are coming to this planet and have made contact. The FAA has tracked objects on radar that out maneuver the most advanced fighter jets. Very recently , Larry King from CNN did a live show on space aliens downing our national defense systems in the United States, and subsequently other nations as well. Flying discs, which glow brightly, have been spotted numerous times hovering over weapons storage facilities and missile silos. These sightings have been made by trained, military officers and/or pilots and documented.

So what I am getting at here is that you claim ALL these people are lying, perpetrating a massive hoax, all trying to make money and become rich. Well I've got news for ya-- Telling the truth never makes you rich, it ironically gets you the opposite-- Your final paycheck and it gets you out looking for a new job, not to mention the "lunatic" label and slap in the face. These thousands of witnesses, working for all levels of the government are coming forward, taking a stand, and speaking their truth. This truth they are speaking is that extraterrestrial life does exist, aliens are coming here, and the government is covering something and making a joke out the whole damn thing...

This thread touches on a reality far beyond what Mr. Mitchell has revealed during his interview with the U.K. radio station...

You are so fervent about depicting Mitchell as a liar and the perpetrator of a massive hoax... Let's just say, for the sake of proving my point, that Mitchell made the whole cancer thing up... Does that automatically mean he made this UFO and aliens thing up? And furthermore, does that mean that anyone and everyone talking about UFO's has just made it up? Just to get rich... Why don't you make me a list of some people who have gotten filthy rich from saying UFO's are real... Please spare the science fiction writers and the whole scientologist balogne, thanks... And now compare any of these so called list makers of yours to the filthy rich politicians and CEO's of the greedy corporations that run this world... Now you tell me the truth of the matter....

In closing, when you stop blabbering all about your opinion and actually do an in depth, unbiased, unprejudiced investigation of this phenomenon, then the truth will set you free...




Active member
ICMag Donor
Some of you need to stick to weed, and leave the mushrooms and peyote alone!
Hard to describe just how stupid some of this sounds. Sad really.

Being one of the dumbest humans on the planet, Larry King is a riot to watch. Even more so when he has a couple of boob guests claiming UFO sightings. LOL..what a bunch of maroons.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
man beez you need to chill out and smoke a joint...you act as if yourm other and sister were raped by a "non believer"....i think you are really flipping out over this and you seem to think everyones attacking you....you need to relax dude you seem really highstrung


Active member
nycdfan042 said:
man beez you need to chill out and smoke a joint...you act as if yourm other and sister were raped by a "non believer"....i think you are really flipping out over this and you seem to think everyones attacking you....you need to relax dude you seem really highstrung

Flipping out? that is cool, everyone has an opinion just like they have an asshole... sorry... And this is not flipping out, I one of the only posters in this thread that is capable of making intellectual conversation without attacking someone's character... Show me once where I have attacked someone's character, been a jerk, and there IS a DIFFERENCE between speaking the TRUTH and being a jerk.

Again, you guys seem to only be able to attack one's character and hurl ad hominem attacks... "larry King is the stupidest person on the planet..." blah blah blah, lip service, we are talking about extraterrestrials visiting our planet and people speaking out about it... Haven't you been following this thread, nay sayers?

The truth is that extraterrestrial life does exist, and all you guys can do is come in here, troll a little bit, flame flame flame, and try to start a ruckus...

I keep on shutting you guys down, so why don't you just stay outta here and let the big boys talk... At least come into this thread with an open mind, but instead most of you guys come in here with your hands over your ears and yelling at the top of your lungs so you don't hear a freaking word we are saying, or the thousands of other eye witnesses and governments/military personnel who KNOW this phenomenon is REAL...


Beez :jump:


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
Actually i think we come here with an open mind....so open in fact we can identify the idiots, from the assholes from the plain old psychopathic wierdos who love to fight online. I guess ill step out of the "big boy"conversation ...if you mean big boy as in crazy nut cases who love to fight over retarded shit then yea no problem.
Also dont take everything to heart, alotta people say things in a jokeful manner on this site, we are all stoned and having a good time you seem to not be....you seem to be very very serious about all of this.
Let me get back to the original argument here and clarify things so youre not all butt hurt and not having fun cuz it is kinda funny. Many of us agree there ARE advanced life forms out there, and some of us might even consider they are visiting this planet, right? Some dont(is that ok with you?) and finally the real important part : Does lying about having cancer and claiming it was cured by a 16 yr old with special powers sound alittle crazy? could it possibly ruin your credibility?? thats all, and if you think its crazy at all, and it doesnt ruin credibility and dont think its so far fetched?? what kinda fuckin fantasy planet are you on???? seriously???? oh yea and beez puff some bud and chill the only person yellin at the top of your lungs is you...can you also please give me proof about these ET's where did you find the truth?


Active member
nycdfan042 said:
Actually i think we come here with an open mind....so open in fact we can identify the idiots, from the assholes from the plain old psychopathic wierdos who love to fight online. I guess ill step out of the "big boy"conversation ...if you mean big boy as in crazy nut cases who love to fight over retarded shit then yea no problem.
Also dont take everything to heart, alotta people say things in a jokeful manner on this site, we are all stoned and having a good time you seem to not be....you seem to be very very serious about all of this.
Let me get back to the original argument here and clarify things so youre not all butt hurt and not having fun cuz it is kinda funny. Many of us agree there ARE advanced life forms out there, and some of us might even consider they are visiting this planet, right? Some dont(is that ok with you?) and finally the real important part : Does lying about having cancer and claiming it was cured by a 16 yr old with special powers sound alittle crazy? could it possibly ruin your credibility?? thats all, and if you think its crazy at all, and it doesnt ruin credibility and dont think its so far fetched?? what kinda fuckin fantasy planet are you on???? seriously???? oh yea and beez puff some bud and chill the only person yellin at the top of your lungs is you...can you also please give me proof about these ET's where did you find the truth?

I am not bent out of shape or mad, just passionate about this subject and it is frustrating when people come in here and talk a load of shit, can't back up their claims, and just want to voice their opinions on something they really know NOTHING about and have done little to NO in depth, unprejudiced research on this phenomenon... Some of the jokes are cute, I wil admit, but most of it is shit talking and condescending... I have had enough of that type of stuff, this should be an intellectual discussion, not a "smash someone's crediblity into the ground," when it really has nothing to do with the topic at hand, which I will refresh your memory-- Extraterrestrial life DOES exist and they have been coming here for decades (that we know of)... I won't even get into the religious aspect of extraterrestrial visitation which stretches back thousands of years. Read the book of Ezekiel and you will get what I am saying... Anyways, even if you could PROVE Mitchell is making all this stuff up for attention, that still does NOT disprove the fact that aliens are real and they are coming to our planet to monitor us/contact us... Do you see what I mean? Let's forget about Mitchell, let's say he is a big, fat liar... What about the thousand of other actual firsthand witnesses, government, military, civilian, everyone? Are ALL these people liars too, every single one of them? Answer my question... As I have said, this thread touches on a far greater truth than Mitchell has spoken out about, it transcends his credibility, whether he has any in your eyes... Despite this, if he was the ONLY person speaking out about extraterrestrial visitors I might agree with you. However, this is NOT the case...

And just so you know... I smoke the kindest herb around, so don't be mad at me dude and tell me to smoke some bud...

:joint: I'm not being a jerk, just telling you how it is... sorry if you don't like that...



OH PS, I am editing this to refresh your memory about why I believe this to be the truth... I saw a craft with my own two eyes a few years back, (which you would know if you had read this thread) while sitting on my back porch after dark... I had another witness there to verify what I saw, as he saw it too and we were both astonished. That is when I really began to believe... To further bolster my belief, expert witness testimony and the Disclosure Project really hammered the nail in the coffin and confirmed all I had been open to...

I guess the truth is in my heart, and I guess until you experience it first hand you will deny it until you are blue in the face...

Smoke up, bad boy!
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Active member
Babombeez said:
I guess the truth is in my heart, and I guess until you experience it first hand you will deny it until you are blue in the face...

Yes, and until you or anybody else can bring forth a green alien (or whatever they might look like) and have it stand right in front of me, so that I may see it with my own two eyes, then you shouldn't get upset that people will not believe in those sorts of stories.

:joint: :wave:


Active member
Man oh man...sorry but you skeptics have absolutely nothing,only nonsense.

The government lies all the time about our precious weed making disinformation commercials and its the same with life elsewhere but ofcourse those who dont research wont know the truth which is the problem.

Hoosierdaddy,the only sad thing is your mind.Ofcourse your having trouble describing anything because you know nothing.You can laugh all you want but reality doesnt change with comedy.

Greenhead these are not just ficticious stories,only facts.


"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed." -Einstein
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Active member
greenhead said:
Yes, and until you or anybody else can bring forth a green alien (or whatever they might look like) and have it stand right in front of me, so that I may see it with my own two eyes, then you shouldn't get upset that people will not believe in those sorts of stories.

:joint: :wave:

That's fine. There is a difference between stating your opinion that way, and your previous comment about how "this is all bullshit and a fraud." It's as if in your mind you have E.T. and Santa Clause confused-- santa is myth, extraterrestrials are not, plain and simple. You come into this thread like a bat out of hell... Read back a few pages and look at your comment... I am not upset that people don't believe, it's just that to dismiss something without doing IN DEPTH, unprejudiced research-- this is totally unfair!

So tell me greenhead-- are all these people who are saying E.T. life DOES indeed exist and we have been visited by them, are they all liars? Just making it up...? Can you explain to me what I saw? Since in your opinion it wasn't a flying disc...

Just curious...



Active member
Babombeez said:
That's fine. There is a difference between stating your opinion that way, and your previous comment about how "this is all bullshit and a fraud." It's as if in your mind you have E.T. and Santa Clause confused-- santa is myth, extraterrestrials are not, plain and simple. You come into this thread like a bat out of hell... Read back a few pages and look at your comment... I am not upset that people don't believe, it's just that to dismiss something without doing IN DEPTH, unprejudiced research-- this is totally unfair!

So tell me greenhead-- are all these people who are saying E.T. life DOES indeed exist and we have been visited by them, are they all liars? Just making it up...? Can you explain to me what I saw? Since in your opinion it wasn't a flying disc...

Just curious...


If you read my first post, you'll see that I take the logical and factual approach. I state that it is indeed possible that there is life someplace else in the universe. The "bullshit" part that I take exception to is people and nutjobs who I deem to be not credible, such as the astronaut or his healer, who are out to make a buck and to promote themselves.

:joint: :wave:


Active member
Life is unfortunately revolved around money greenhead.It sickens me that these oil thugs are making so much money but changing the subject of ufos and ETs to people who heal cancer and are supposedly lying is the only ridiculous claim.Dont call someone a nut job because they know more then you.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Basically it's like this, B4O2N0G. Fuck you and your negative rep.
You and your foil hat boyfriends need to find a nice dumbass forum so you can rub each others nuts.
Most people that are sharp enough to grow top shelf herb have enough sense to see that you and your boyfriends are seriously fuckin whacked.

Man what a bunch of fuckin idiots. All bent over something that means less than a damn to any of us. And then go around throwin your negative rep...well, that doesn't bother me, your little blip of red in my sea of green...it's the idea of the thing.

I tried to add some levity to this thread, and if I do say so myself my foil hat collage was FAR more interesting than anything that has come out of you.
Get a grip goofy. You are making us look bad.

LOL sheesh....


Active member
B4O2N0G said:
Dont call someone a nut job because they know more then you.

I call it like I see it, and I have looked into the scam artist/healer and the astronaut, and I have concluded that they are nutjobs, liars, frauds and dishonest people. Anybody else is free to do their own research and reach their own conclusion.

:joint: :wave:


Domesticator of Cannabis
Mitchell is a great choice for an ET spokesman & probably the best they could find. The rest of NASA doesn't agree with the Dr.s views, like us here disagreeing. The people in the know. If you deliver proof I'll believe but not on those testimonies they should of rented a Yuk Yuk's for that evening, big laughs to be had.