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My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
well fellas this might be the most disappointing post i have ever typed. today i think i may have killed my big girls. the AC shut off and the room got to 125F and all the girls drooped like crazy. it looks like maybe 1 or 2 may bounce back, but the others look very very bad. so i think that i may have to flower out the lil ones in coco if thiungs dont perk up in the next few hours. this would never have happened if the grow was in the house. fuckin bullshit everyday with that garage room. i am sick right now andnot in the mood to deal with this shit. i almost ripped them all out of their bags. pray for me guys. luckily they are not in flower yet. so maybe i will get lucky on at least 4 surviving.
Sir (in the worst mood in years*)

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Damn sir, I'll be praying for ya. Hope all goes well, I'll be optimistic and say they'll bounce back, they'll be stressed to the max, but I've seen some very droopy ladies come back with a good watering and misting. Take care bro.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Thinking about ya dude

Here is something I have been wanting to get for myself, a kill switch...................... basically you set the maximum temp on it, and if it exceeds a set value it shuts down the room. Will prevent situations like that, I scaled back so much during this hot summer, that it really should not have a problem like that for me, but it may help you with your super hot summer temps

Good luck bro


Registered Pothead
Wishing the best for you and the girlies man. I just had to rip out four big ones too because they got roasted.


On the road to clone only...
wow...... that is horrible news bro...positive vibes are on there way to you.. my man....damn


damn sir that sux yo,
im also gonna be positive and say it'll be better then ya think our mj is a resiliant lady she can survive quite a beatin and snap back.best of luck yo.


Registered Medical Patient
Damn Sir, that really is a shame, but Im gonna have to go with BR & Dog and say theyll prolly bounce back OK...I had somethin like that happen on my first grow...HUGE ICE colas...and they were fine!!! Just love em like u do, and theyll come back for daddy!!!!Peace bro, and try to stay optimistic...Ill pray for ya...

- Z


Grower of fine herbs...
Shitty to hear about that bro, make sure you misted em and they have a good chance of coming back.. If they got really fried just chop off the tops to stimulate new growth and you should be back in business real soon Im wishing you the best of luck bro!



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
thanks friends .
i really do love all you guys
the vibes are workin i tell ya. they are mostly bounced back. about 3/4 healthy looking. all the tips need to be removed to stimulate some growth as you suggested NK. but i may lose 1 or 2 but we'll see in the passing days. an unexpected delay, but that is life< what happens between plans> i got some ugly plants now but they arent flowering yet so i will keep my head high and march through the shit like everyone else does at these times. thanks all for the killer support. you all are the best. i wish i could smoke some big fatties with all of you right now.
since the plants took a shit i have been busy makin BHO i have 2 blobs of different kinds. mine is staying like salt water taffy. chronic flavored lol. it is fun to play with. i have been making BHO oragami animals to ease the stress lol. i made a dolphin last night and when i woke up it was a round blob again. it gets me a different kind of high. 2 hits and he sits. i actually hit a bowl 8-9 times and was baked, emptied the bowl and all the weed was still green. what a preserver lol. thanks again Chub


On the road to clone only...
Isn't it killer Sir..1 bowl lasts and lasts with alittle BHO on it...and BOY does it stone ya..hehe...Glad to hear the most of the gals will pull through...just put a bags over their heads..DOH!!..lol(I'm way stoned)..if those1 or 2 even remotely look like they might give ya some nugs you should go ahead and flower them..then make BHO outta 'um...damn, guess I'm just hoping you can salvage all them ladies one way or another....K+....happy growing bro


good news bro,good news indeed.
i told ya this was a tough ass plant,ive had some close calls and bro its a great feeling to see the damage isnt as bad as ya thought i know.
still shootin + vibes ur way bro,peace -Y-


Active member
just checking out that nice glass pipe should brighten up your day Sir.
here ya go, some happy smilies
:dance: :biglaugh: :bis: :smoke: :friends: :tongue: :wink: :D
Last edited:


shitty news, but glad they coming around. Karma is a beautiful thing.

and Karma from a bunch of stoners - mate, it doesnt getr better than that!

love the personalised BHO glass. very nice indeed.


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
heya Sir sorrry to hear...but glad some are coming back......will be chiming in more often.....mmmm bho yumm......Mm


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey sir, i knew u'd pull them back :yes:
never tried the bho , love to try a good j of it :joint:

i hope all is good for ya mate :respect:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
BlackRain- thanks dude! you are very right!

Dr DOG- thank you bro, a kill switch would be sweet. i moved the ac out of the room to prevent it from fillin up with water and shutting off. it is still not in its final position, but it needed out.

Chubby- damn bro sorry to hear about those 4. if that happened to me i would be totally screwed on my harvest. hope you are managing without.

scrappy- thanks also for the vibes- BHO is a major preserver, but after so many hit, i can barely stand the taste, i wish i had a vaporizor. the girls are all salvaged, but i am losing some time to the stress and waitn 4 new growth.

YWI- yo homie you are absolutely right about our sacred plant. if i was half as hard as these girls i would survive a 50 ft fall. thanks for the vibe bro. yall know they worked for me.

MUWpixie- i concur- thanks for your kindness though. kahrma for you.

Zeus- you the man bro. you know i stayed optimistic. the girls love daddys affection. i pruned the shit out of em. lol thanks for the prayer and vibes.

NK- perfect advise man. i will be patient while it grows back

Hazy- i love the new pipe, so far its all been BHO laced bowls through her. actually its gonna get a lot of use now cause i broke my bong last night. oh well it was free. i went to a glass show and bought a few and sold them. kept one for the headies! i will miss it! i am doing a 21 hit solute to it tonight.

NZjay- yes stoner Kahrma is the best. extra potent, like we like our weed. the tube is awesome, thanks to good friends i get to smoke that stuff now too!

MoneyMike- yes sir. glad to see you around here. hope you enjoy my mistakes and triumphs!

M@RG- thanks mate>...... a j covered with this in an oily form would be sweet. mm mm mm

thanks all of you again for the vibes! you all rock :joint:

ok check this out

2days later


purple gdp

strwdzl and gdpGREEN up top

purple gdp


Bam Bam

blue GDP

new ac makeover

new open space

and here is the trim i took. it is majorly shrunken down after i day. pile was huge.

well no time to :violin: so i will :spank: myself once or twice and move on. i feel a bit better after hacking them back. i hope they reveg fast.
thanks for readin
peace and grow safe
Sir :joint:


Registered Pothead
Damn man those plants really did come back from the brink of disaster. Thats what happened to mines i forgot to water(i was a day behind on my calendar) and that light just rolled mines up. Here ill go take a pic.


Registered Pothead

This ones down for the count. Mine were flopped over when i first saw them. They perked back up but i lost major fan leaves. They were supposed to be 4 foot monsters. Oh well. Gotta take the ups and downs in stride. Luckily there is an excess of weed around here.


wow bro they really were in dire straits,they seem to have snapped back real nice.
saweet yo yes indeed i love this plant,you think a tulip can do that?i doubt it. LOL peace.

damn chubby that girl got frizied man sorry about the misfortune yo,like you said atleast ur stocked up on smoke.peace bro.

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