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julian, im so glad you replied man, your exactly the man i wanted to talk to, i really do respect you alot and can tell by talking to you that if were some good old boys, nothing but good would come out of it.
that being said im most likely going to do exactly what you tell me to, julian.

im saying i want to start atleast 250 and i have all cfl lights totalling 220 watts. im going to bould a little thing with 2x4s and wire nuts and sockets just rigged up on chains. i was thinking 36x36, which would give me....27 WPSF?

im going to have them inside atleast 3 weeks before they go outside, i want them to have enough strenth to definately be strait.

another question...ever plant in straight flower flats if you know what i mean? im going to try a few of them this year for striking my seeds. and WHERE THE FUCK CAN I FIND 200 JIFFY POTS i cant find them everywhere, i called eceryplace within an hour.

ive had deformities with 24/0 and i just like to give them alittle rest. at the most i will do 23/0......maybe for the last 5 days or so before they go out hit them on 10/14 to just bang the flowers out.....i pretty much want flowers as fast as possible on your MINIs


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
frostynugs420 said:
julian, im so glad you replied man, your exactly the man i wanted to talk to, i really do respect you alot and can tell by talking to you that if were some good old boys, nothing but good would come out of it.
that being said im most likely going to do exactly what you tell me to, julian.
Well thanks man......kind of you to say....let me hit the different angles....
im saying i want to start atleast 250 and i have all cfl lights totalling 220 watts. im going to bould a little thing with 2x4s and wire nuts and sockets just rigged up on chains. i was thinking 36x36, which would give me....27 WPSF?

im going to have them inside atleast 3 weeks before they go outside, i want them to have enough strenth to definately be strait.
Well, what I am saying though is that do you think you can match 3 weeks outside?.....

You have to also look at your situation/location? ie: Do you have to leave them?, or can they be watched to any degree?

Lot of people focus on size, when my focus is always how established (root development)......which , depending on how you run them, can come at smaller sizes....

(But then as above.......smaller sizes bring with them vulnerability issues.....animals, moisture, etc.......which is my case this season I have to address more given the fact pest (animal and insect) a little heavier than I am used to in at least 1 spot, so....cage?....not sure if will cage or fence, but, will spray down at the very least......not sure how I am going to get them in (singles, single file lines, patches, etc.....)

Remember.....outdoor at this time, your growth is huge....(July's the month......July is the serious month :smoke:.....)

Just don't wait too long........ya know?.......just don't wait too long.....
another question...ever plant in straight flower flats if you know what i mean? im going to try a few of them this year for striking my seeds. and WHERE THE FUCK CAN I FIND 200 JIFFY POTS i cant find them everywhere, i called eceryplace within an hour.
I think I know what you mean........and, yeah, have tried.......you can check online to find volume jiffy's........no problem at all....

(On that note: I have been doing as above and last in gallery, which is jiffy pellets about 10 days or so (until roots busting out, and then those straight into ground....which accompanies also the fact they dry quicker, so, have to be "sunk" when planted and also kept moist till they grab........(same with pots, don't forget.......some in tray for pot to leach, and submerged if one can......(pot in water/nutes, until bubbles stop, and can be drained then into tray for some at bottom....

Another note and what I did this year was I didn't wait until roots busted through the jiffy pots (would have been another week, and they were good), so, what I did was peeled away the pots and put right in holes (roots were fuckin gorgeous, wish I could have got a pic when we were planting those......was amazing.....)

So......in the end?...you don't wait too long....watch the roots.......watch moisture......animal and pest issues at your location, pay attention......and , the earlier the better (indoors under cfl's not going to match outdoor July growth......)

If smaller and in trays can also move them when you think about it into the sun here and there....
ive had deformities with 24/0 and i just like to give them alittle rest. at the most i will do 23/0......maybe for the last 5 days or so before they go out hit them on 10/14 to just bang the flowers out.....i pretty much want flowers as fast as possible on your MINIs
Well, this late, strain dictating, your looking at them triggering shortly......ie: Plant, will get some veg but, don't forget that the first week or so will be them settling in, then maybe a little veg, week, and then probably right in, because most things starting to start triggering late July more or less......depending on strain also little veg never hurts (sometimes can stay a little too small if your pushing too late depending on what your running....so....)

I've never had a problem with 24/0, have always run it, but, of course, can do what you like......some insist more growth 20/4....18/6......I just consider that personal preference.........and, this point in season, not as much of an issue as early in season about some things triggering, etc.....

Yeah....your looking at I would assume mid/late July anyway......(as above, 3 weeks), so....I wouldn't waste the time flipping them down and holding them in....you want them out asap to take advantage of out growth.......just remember vulnerability...........I'd go 24/0-20/4 and get them as big as possible as quick as possible (and, again,. when smaller, easier to move trays out into sun.....smaller trays could even leave them out longer for some better growth if you have the space...security, etc.......in one spot I have, I wish I could (just keep trays out in sun from germing......would make big difference with growth rates, and, easier to do when smaller/trays full, etc......)

Your good man.......just remember not keep them indoors too long........right now out?....can't match it in, especially CFL's......(Have put things out 1st of July 1ft and by 31st have them 4-6ft........so......)

Remember.....have to take advantage of every aspect possible........make it work to your benefit, etc.....

This year, feel as though working against the clock....(typically, time out of town would have run a batch.....so, time out of town cost me a full round.......would have rather done the round.....)

Hindu Killer

Active member
Interesting read was just looking at some freshly planted clones that were Tplanted then placed outside. And thinking to myself....i wonder how the others are doing that I left under the light. Because these outside ones are rocking. And I agree July is the month...keep them waterd in july and they will transform on you.



I'm looking for some variety in next years grow and I'm putting out some morac and some other strains maybe... could you recommend some female seeds that have proven their stability and thrive outdoors? I'm using femmed seeds so that's what im looking for. I know this comes down to personal preference... (as most aspects of growing) But i'm in the same general area as you.. so i'm just wondering what has done well in the weather and what not... thanks:)


natural medicator
frostynugs: i had to go to a real garden supply store/greenhouse to get my peat pots a lil less than a week ago. all the big chain stores stopped stocking them after may or so and they told me that straight out.if you can order online you can get some better deals.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Hindu Killer said:
Interesting read was just looking at some freshly planted clones that were Tplanted then placed outside. And thinking to myself....i wonder how the others are doing that I left under the light. Because these outside ones are rocking. And I agree July is the month...keep them waterd in july and they will transform on you.
Oh yeah man........out?.....you know man :biglaugh:...

My one guy (first outdoor) is amazed.....we oput them out, as above, 6" about 30 days ago, and, lot pushing 3-4ft (solid)....patch of BOG SB today, 4ft, leaves like basketballs...(as the SB will.....)....from 6" 30 days ago :smoke:..(Granted, as above, full prep, full holes....)

Lucky I had a driver today....20hrs later walking back in...(finally hit the 2 others.....haven't been sleeping, very, very concerned......and, frankly, not only fine, but......some very, very nice work...(my best?.,..I don't know about that, but fuckin astounding sight....so.....relieved beyond belief.......have had nothing else on my mind for a week...more?......even before I got back was concerned..............lot of weight off my shoulders knowing they are all fine...

Talk about a fuckin sight....:biglaugh:....going to wrap it up and pass out for a while before getting up and getting everything back on schedule with one that got hit......

July the big one.......always huge for most.......(fairly pleased after seeing the good ones knowing July yet to come.........sand worked fine...astounding results (guess I did it just right :smoke:.....), next round breaking through, coming up strong, and, turns out my throwing a dart placement on one turned out 100% perfect.....(ie: I walked the sites throwing down stakes at every spot with them drilling behind me....about 99% exact.......really amazed myself this time...was throwing them down about 10 per minute walking through locations...(wooded, every single potential clearing....)......almost every one 100% spot.......(that one is pretty cool in the sense only singles, spread throughout a huge area...really huge...just singles........pretty cool that one..:smoke:......knowing they are okay now........feeling very pleased with work....

(And partners I was disappointed in completely different people now............very surprised, very pleased......they finally "get it" :smoke:.....)

Was a good fuckin day......can sleep well tonight..(before I start another week of work again :biglaugh:....) Still a lot up in air...might be running AF fem stock runs outdoor with someone tending them....

I love that sig line btw....I still to this day break out in hysterical laughter whenever I hear that phrase in real life :biglaugh:...

If they only knew :biglaugh:


The fools!



oohcow said:
I'm looking for some variety in next years grow and I'm putting out some morac and some other strains maybe... could you recommend some female seeds that have proven their stability and thrive outdoors? I'm using femmed seeds so that's what im looking for. I know this comes down to personal preference... (as most aspects of growing) But i'm in the same general area as you.. so i'm just wondering what has done well in the weather and what not... thanks:)

Really is personal preference...I really haven't tried anything in recent memory that was unstable, etc.....

If running Maroc's, I would remind come in early.....and maybe to stagger things (I select starting with finish dates, and try to work personal preference in after that......) I've been swaying towards the earlier the better for many reasons, but, try to mix them up to spread out harvest..(never want to be hit heavy at one time, want to spread it out, and, likewise, wouldn't want everything to finish with another month or more left and have nothing else coming in....

Going to try some other stock in the next rounds.....so.....still contemplating, trying to narrow down (have about a day cause need the stock asap :biglaugh:, but, by tomorrow hope to go in 2-3 more times and try and narrow down selection.....

Always go by finish dates first
and work your way back from there....

FirstTracks said:
frostynugs: i had to go to a real garden supply store/greenhouse to get my peat pots a lil less than a week ago. all the big chain stores stopped stocking them after may or so and they told me that straight out.if you can order online you can get some better deals.

I'm pretty happy with bulk prices found online at many different sources....

Never go too small...(I've gone through them all)....3" ers seem to be ideal...(large number , small space, can sustain well till fair size and height, established, etc....) 5" ers are awesome for early season, but, can't get too many in smaller space, but, great for larger, early planted.....I like 3's best overall (round btw, not square, but, depends on trays and containers...larger containers I can always get more round than square..(see, I even run both round and square of same size :biglaugh:...I likee those....literally been through obscene amounts.....truly..laughable amounts :biglaugh:.....Did a lot thios year though in peat pellets (larger, couple different sizes also of those...plus, something not mentioned....after they are expanded...I "roll" them between fingers and further expand them to double the size almost, and, works very well.....

LemonCake said:
great read!

almostoverit said:
now this thread is one i need to keep reading...good stuff so far
Glad of interest, and, very kind of you both to say......

Always glad to be of service as much as all have been of service to me in the process.....
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natural medicator
still effin around with oinks errr highman over there J? :biglaugh:

whats the point of holding class if you can't say anything without the student jumping in and pretending he's teaching class.......


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
FirstTracks said:
still effin around with oinks errr hymen over there J? :biglaugh:

whats the point of holding class if you can't say anything without the student jumping in and pretending he's teaching class.......
Well, you know......don't read to much into that sig line.....Merely there for humor....truly.....You know, we all know and have talked about when we're out and about, and, we hear someone talking :biglaugh:, and, sig line struck me as textbook.......so....I merely put that sig line cause I thought it was funny.......I mean, really, really, really funny :biglaugh: (And, yes, they proclaimed themselves a "pro" more than several times....)....so....for me.....was merely for humor....(Not to mention.....I don't think I have ever seen a real one refer to themselves as such......)

Anyway......I thought it was funny....so......:biglaugh:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
On a different note though, I'm wondering and toying lately with different mixes.....

For example: I'm curious is Neem, Pyretheum, Citrus Oil, can also be combined with things such as the pepper sprays, and the egg solutions........even then throwing on top a light foliar, or if one or another will react to any given one in the mix, or, if mixing in itself will render one or another useless , especially regarding, say, egg and pepper (smell?, taste?) made a little more pleasant by the citrus oil, etc, things like that...

So, that's something I've been wondering about lately (I wondered that originally about the initial 3 being mixes together......now wondering about throwing in repellents, and, then wondering about adding foliar on top because found some bottles of "Chi"...(I've always done foliars in past when thought about it, etc.....)

Wondering though first about reaction, and then second about smell/taste issues.......ie: As above, what use is using pepper or egg based for animals if you throw citrus oil on top :smoke:......which might render it palatable again :smoke:.....

(Obviously feeling a little better lately and back on track for most part, although that Skunk stock is not doing well.......which leaves me a little disappointed.....(actually.....couple cracked initially fairly quick and I was feeling rather positive....but...so far, been a week and not much going on with them (I took a bunch from a couple different kinds.......)

Sand op as above is coming along unbelievably well, but, think I could have gone much heavier on it....and, in the future, think I will do so.....(manure, compost, worm castings, etc......some nutritional content.......not on the coco, etc......)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Regarding seasons, luck, etc....I am also wondering if we have/who is our patron saint :smoke:......(Fuck man, the guys down south have a patron saint.....(smugglers :smoke:), so why don't we? :smoke:

That's fucked up :biglaugh:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
FirstTracks said:
still effin around with oinks errr highman over there J? :biglaugh:

whats the point of holding class if you can't say anything without the student jumping in and pretending he's teaching class.......
Yeah man, on a different note, a shame because actually some good topics were addressed, which lead to a much bigger picture....

You know.....I assume we all have read numerous books, and, seems many take everything in them as gospel, except for the fact that most are at least 10+ years old......and, as in many industries, you have then to address the "Moore's Law" issues...(advancement of knowledge and changes at rapid rates)...

Most know everything we know today may very well be different next month, next year, etc, let alone a decade or more from now...

Frankly, also not an abundance of research to start with, (due to illegal), so, as I have stated, I would place many very highly regarding "research"......ie: Show me a guy who has been running, say, 300 a round,(let alone more.....) different strains, for several years or more, and I'll show you someone who has more experience than most "researchers" on the plant and it's reactions and behaviors and production...

But that's just me.......:smoke:...


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
We do! - Patron Saint of Farmers

We do! - Patron Saint of Farmers

Patron Saint of Farmers-St. Isidore the Farmer (1070-1130)

St. Isidore loved the poor and loved the animals. The miracle of the multiplication of food occurred when Isidore fed a flock of starving birds and on another time when Isidore shared his food with a large group of beggars.

St. Isidore is known as the patron of Madrid, Spain as well as Leon, Saragosa, and Seville. He is also considered the patron of farmers, peasants, day laborers, and rural communities.
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Was a good fuckin day......can sleep well tonight..(before I start another week of work again ....) Still a lot up in air...might be running AF fem stock runs outdoor with someone tending them....

Do you have anything picked out for the base stock yet? Will you be using CS to make the fem beans? I seen that you posted in the other thread asking ??'s about the CS, and they just blew right by the question. Im really interested in this project. I have the spot where I can do maybe 10k of the autos but would have to be done by mid july. I would have to do the seed stock run indoors, but still looking on the auto to use as the base. I guess just get the beans and run some and see what fits the bill.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Jungle Jim said:
Do you have anything picked out for the base stock yet?
Well, I see a lot of things now which interest me, but, a lot out of stock (surprise, surprise :smoke:), so, probably going to settle on the Auto AK's I have seen....

I've seen now also some elsewhere from other sources, but, not as much commentary and testing done that I have seen, so....will stick with auto AK, and, should something else pop up before I start (shortly...or not......still haven't decided in or out, etc), will grab that....would like an AK/BB....BB.......but, that group (also saw mention of an AF WW, which interests me, but, haven't seen available, so....guess stuck with AK, which is not so bad, sure quality there and yields also.....General consensus is of course outdoors, yields not bad (as compared to in....)
Will you be using CS to make the fem beans?

I seen that you posted in the other thread asking ??'s about the CS, and they just blew right by the question.
Yeah, actually, it has been hard to get a firm answer from most, but, reason is, they don't have one :smoke:.....

Subjects must be treated prior to flowering...

Well, AF's?......by the time that is established, it's already too late to treat...

So.....process of elimination and from talking to couple people, only logical process seems to be treat from a week or so old, and continue into flowering..(then weed out males....)

(Some have not had success when varying treatment from recommended, so.....which I think includes treating too late, so......seems to come out to that: Treat starting very early into flower, ace males, and, good to go......

(Yeah man...........couple/several/many thousand fem af's?.......just the thought of it gets me a little excited....excited?......eh, maybe not, maybe more thinking :smoke:....)

That has been a huge focus of discussions around me lately now.....it's going to be done.......

All CS supplies on hand, ready to start brewing batches on about an hours notice...so....just focus has shifted a little since had things fucked up recently at one op..........so...attention shifted a little, but, will get done (and, if out?, has to be done pretty quick for enough time to get everything done.....have to make sure everything right though if doing out..(can';t miss a treatment, etc, etc, and, I don't do anything daily, so....someone else would have to take care of it for me....)

Could run it in, no problem, but, out preferred for several reasons (security, no plants in anywhere, larger, better yield (stock), so......would like to do it all out but have to make sure they have the attention needed......

Silver Thiosulfate (sp) recommended (instead of CS) from several sources......but, have all on hand, ready, and heard recovery from CS not a problem..(as compared to recovery from STS)
Im really interested in this project. I have the spot where I can do maybe 10k of the autos but would have to be done by mid july.
I was hoping by July 4th....think a little optimistic (assuming 5 day dry and 10 day cure....would mean finished by 3rd week June, which would mean done 3rd week April, which for me isn't really possible...

(Although have been having serious discussions lately about taking over for the winter down south :smoke:)


10k, 1 per square foot, is essentially a 100' x 100' spot....(Which in the whole scheme of things on planet earth is very little.....then throw on May-June?........then throw on sizes?....

This is how I break it down for people lately:
100' x 100'. Okay...........4" plants?......6" plants?....8" plants?.....spotting them? :biglaugh: Yeah...good luck :biglaugh: (funny story to follow :smoke)

Okay......so.....Your 10 weeks of "risk" just turned into 5.....(well into flower, profile changing, stretching , etc....)

Lot of people talk about a book?.....I do have one in mind.....it's "How to do $3MM in 10 weeks" :smoke:)

Yeah....I see process of larger numbers reduced to last 4 weeks...(earlier, veg?...no risk./..not going to happen, especially early May.....)

Risk reduced to last couple weeks...

I can handle 3-4 weeks exposed that much :smoke:...

I don't see large, early season AF's as the security threat most do....I just don't see it.......for every downside there is a more reasonable, and rational upside....

(Note: I drive a lot...through wooded areas....through farm areas......through all kinds of locations....a lot..(more this year then ever before.....logged maybe 10,000 miles in past month...little more...by end of season and travels?...who even knows......)

That time is spent absorbing what I see.........

Okay, now for the funny story :biglaugh:

Me and one of my guys are walking a location this week........

First time we have been there in 6 weeks almost...but, I knew what was planted and where, and, we were trimming, and I was hitting them with a top feed.......

So, we're walking a line of them (had just started...), and, we're standing in a spot which I remember vividly (was here we started planting, I know all landmarks, I know what pattern we planted them in, etc.......well, not pattern per se, but, I know how I planted and where, etc.....

Okay.....(classic story)......


We're standing there, both of us....right next to each other, talking, and looking for 10 minutes........was a fallen tree in winds, storm, etc, so, trying to figure out if tree fell on them, killed some, etc.....looking around, seeing pattern, tree, weeds, etc....

10 fuckin minutes....

Of course, we did see them eventually....

One was right at out feet, between us, and the left and right on each side of use...

(Those were about 2 footers.....)

10 fuckin minutes, right at your feet!

Now.......you know.......what else is there to say :smoke:
I would have to do the seed stock run indoors, but still looking on the auto to use as the base. I guess just get the beans and run some and see what fits the bill.
Well, in would be nice, quick, etc...I'd rather do them out because one less in location to run and maintain (and risk/exposure), so.....

Also going to fem the last of my BOG's and the Pink/Lemon stuff.....(still have M/F seed patch somewhere, which should be actually pretty large as far as numbers coming in if all is well (was a lot..........not sexed, fairly tightly spaced.....)

Yeah, lot of nice things....I'm going with the AK since really that is all that is available...Some other things, but, AK proven.....plus yield, size should be acceptable, etc (would rather have a little too large then a little too small....)

Lot of people speak of splash issues.......which I can of course see, but, at the same time, see a lot of ways to eliminate that, and, have me thinking pretty positive about places with less/little/no rain also :smoke:.....

At this point thinking about increasing numbers so I can hit 1MM fem AF's :smoke:....can make use of them in several places/locations.......

(Really starting to feel comfortable with 3-5 acres worth....quick hit and run, etc :smoke:...but, one can't overlook the logistics.....(starting, planting, trimming...)....

I've done numbers, so, very, very aware of logistics of starts......(Broadcast makes me a little uncomfortable on several levels.....would have to thin them out (wasted stock.......which isn't a problem with some, but, with stock holding such value?, well....), planting wouldn't be as uniform (1 per sq. ft.....wouldn't, would be irregular spacing)....etc, etc.....


100' x 100' is smaller than most suburban lots in many areas.....

100' x 100', 1 per sq. ft, if you hit a z per, is about 2MM or so :smoke:....

2MM in 10 weeks. Reduced, due to size, to about 4 weeks of exposure :smoke:....

100 x 100?........not a large area...........at all (half acre.......)

On a larger parcel?.....1/2 acre out of 20-40-80-100+, etc.....
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
The above being said, the basics of risk always worth repeating....

Planting?......I don't see that as a risk.......

Early veg?.......1ft....2ft?,..........even 3-4 depending on surroundings? Well, as above......stood for 10 minutes with couple at 2 peoples feet (the people who knew they were there and planted them :smoke:...)

Nah.......risk even in later veg is minor......(again, if they blend well...)

I always viewed risk as 2nd half of flower...(changes profile, changes in surrounding vegetation, if any, etc, etc.....)

Frankly, I would challenge anyone here...(Which includes people I consider "pro's) to stand 50 feet away from a couple acres of 6" tall plants and tell me what they are :smoke:...)

I don't think it can be done....

I do think they might be able to possibly tell 2nd half of flower.........if they moved up maybe 20 -30 feet :smoke:



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
On a completely different note :smoke:
Lately, experiencing quite a few rapid and dramatic changes.........personality, outlook, knowledge, life, etc, so.....lot of stuff, lot of travel, lot of many things....and, not a young guy, so.....something you young uns should keep in mind :smoke:

(Think you know something (anything).......day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year, you see that will n e v e r be true :smoke:...and, best just to settle in on that as early as possible.......makes all the lessons later that much easier to absorb :smoke:)

New things, different take on old things,etc....Earlier someone said something bout people......which my response was something like "Maybe it's not them who are changing, but your own views on them" :smoke:.....(Reminds me of the spoon, The Matrix :smoke:)

Not preachin, just sayin :smoke:...

Was thinking and talking about it to someone........(which actually reminds me of a country tune :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:) something about "I'm so much smarter now, then back when I knew it all" :biglaugh:



hahaha I know exactly what you're talkin about Julian.. "knowing it all" and all that jazz.

quick question. where are your getting the AF fem aks? is it your own stock or does someone stock these?
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