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thanx alot trich :) new pic i see! everyone is throwing out new pics trying to confuse me!


oh... did i mention lights are going off at 9am?..... and they happened to get turned on at 9pm?...
... any idea what that could mean? :)


nice job on the redo big pimpin,it still trips me out that thats a bunkbed!
plants are lookin real happy,flipped them huh! woot woot shits gonna get poppin right quick.first 1200 flower.you gonna throw that co2 boost in there?or did i miss somethin?
the pics with the smiley are crazy bro.LOL thats ur new vato loco nik name "big smiley"
nice job esse ;) peace-Y-


im sadly gonna have to give the co2boost another pass this run. i just dont have the funds to be splurging.
the AC unit and extra 600watts was much more important.

round 3, when i have 18 Urkles and a full bunkbed, will be co2 time though :)

Peace Y :)


hahahaha that's fucking killer. :muahaha: best post ever, possibly.

plants are looking great man, good to see you enjoying the cab lol


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Great job :yes: Looks like a great place to grow some dank! :canabis:
I can tell you're happy with your set up now by that big smile on your face :D

Awesome show Jay! :lurk:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Nice update dude

I like all the shots, your bunkbed is looking very cool, I sometimes take pictures of me in my room too, here is one from about a month or so ago



well i was looking around, and i found one of me in the garden too :D

edit* hahahaha
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im worried that you even HAD a picture like that Leel!

and dont lie and tell me you got it fom the internet... i refused to believe :D


Bpb: hey man! looks like you are on board mate.
glad you are here! things are underway, and day 1 of flower is here. :)
take care!

Khaleel: i usually roll a joint and sit next to the bed staring at the girls...
they were calling me into bed... and honestly, how the hell could i say no?...

Sammet: thanx man.. :) the cricket is going terrible.. lol.
you basterd brits! we better win the ODIs... coz evidently in the past 7 years where i havnt been able to watch NZ cricket, it seems we STILL suck at tests! dammit sammet!

TML16: heya bud. i think the bed is a near perfect place to grow some dank! heheh... it seems like it was yesterday that the very idea of growing in a bunkbed was being thrown around. and now, round 2 is here already.
time flys when ya having fun huh!
and you know im having fun by that big smile on my face! lol.
peace dude.

Y: funny?? hehe funny looking maybe! :D crazy ass 'leel indeed!!

Dr Dog: mate! you should head in to the REAL Doc... it seems you have some serious black rash on your face man!!! how can you even see to take your shots of your buds!!! man this shit must itch like a m0f0!

Khaleel: ................................................................ no comment.
:fsu: :fsu: :muahaha:


Med grower
ICMag Donor

What do you think of Englands new kit? Instead of the traditional cream colour it's pure white and instead of the normal wool sweaters they've got these thin fleece body warmer things. The commentators keep talking about it all the time :rolleyes:

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i took off the beefcake picture so as not to divert attention from the lovely ladies. but you should have heard me laughing out loud to myself like a crazy person when the idea hit me. i thought it turned out pretty hilarious. ;)

nothin like puffin with the ladies, my friend. :joint:


Sammet: oooo! yeah i like mate!... screw the wool vests ... so old school, its time cricket got a bit of a revamp!

ODI uniforms are the best though :D

Khaleel: aww! lol.. you shoulda left it.. it was funny.. even if slighty GAY! lol

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Sammet said:

What do you think of Englands new kit? Instead of the traditional cream colour it's pure white and instead of the normal wool sweaters they've got these thin fleece body warmer things. The commentators keep talking about it all the time :rolleyes:


are those cops beating some poor dude?


hahaha Dog! yeah mate.. the New Zealand police are gonna beat the Brit criminals down!
they threw my red ball away... see it rolling away?? basterds!

Smokin' Gun: heya mate.. dont worry you havnt missed too much.
infact, shitsa bout to blow up :)

day 1 of flowering! yay!
i just took 10 Purple Urkle clones, for a total of ......... 18 Purple Urkles!

"Sheesh Jay, you getting ready for round 3 already??"

why yes, yes i am!
i wanna give these Urkles all the time in the world to get as bushy as i can get them in the 10 weeks left before the bed is ready again.
i DO need to get some NFU clones though... but i got plenty of time for those...
