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Veterinarians' Hospital

Hi Dr D!
I went back to those outdoor posts and well...

:respect:,:bow:, :woohoo:
:D , now i'm goin back to find out how she smoked!

PS: how many plants were ya planning on puttin out? you might've mentioned it already but can't remember right now @ this minute :whip:


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey High

Thanks for digging up that pic, forgot how nice she was, turning all purple like that!

I was planning on putting out 4 to 6 this year, depending on how big some of the strains I put out this year grow to. Should be interesting with teh huge box I am going to build to set them in, will be like a 4 ft high box, with 4 to 6 clones or young vegged clones in there.

So I repotted my plants, got them in a bit bigger homes, they will get sexed (hopefully) and have some clones taken before they go into their final pots and another flowering show starts.

Here us a few pics

Group shot

Pollen Chuck


Ecsd X straw D

That is it for now bros


High Doc :rasta:

I am not tryin to bust your balls but I am surprised you Transplanted already bro.

I have done it that way in the past too, but have found that keeping them in smaller pots until they really need the root space helps, to make a dense rootball and utilize the soil better. In fact they could still be in a pot half the size of the ones they just came out of or a lil bigger. Trust me, I know you are thinking about giving them all the space they need from early on but it doesn’t really benefit the roots by doing it this way.

If you trust me and want to see first hand, take one of your plants out of the pot and cut the soil with a bread knife to the size of a pot that is about 1.5 or 2 liters and fill the edges with some soil medium and wait until the size of the plant is about twice the size of the pot it’s in. Then transplant into a slightly bigger pot 2.5cm on all edges and 4 or 5 cm new soil on the bottom, no packing just tap the edges and saturate with water throwing away excess water after 10 min. I guarantee the one you do this with will grow stronger and yield more. If you had done this from the start they would grow faster as well.

I know that sounds brutal but it won’t hurt her one bit, I would never suggest this if I wasn’t sure of the results.

This plant is in either a 4 or 4.5 liter pot forget but am pretty sure it’s 4 so this shows that a smaller but efficient rootball can support a big healthy plant with phatt yields.

You won't regret if you start to get into the habbit of never giving too much soil too fast and transplant 4, 5 or 6 times instead of twice :rasta:

FarOut :rasta:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey farout

I am always up for advice bro, I have tried that way in the past, I normally do it that way as well, but there is a method to my madness. I am going to start training these in a week or so along with doing some topping, and hopefully some clones soon.

They were actually starting to get rootbound, I know it does not look like it the size they were, but I am using a heated base, the roots grew very quick, they were actually stuck to the 4 inch pots, it was quite a chore getting them out of the pots.
Feel free to offer any advice you think may help, this is all about learning bro, you never stop.

I will try and follow your advice on the next group I plan on cracking, which should be very soon.

Thanks for stoppin in man


Ok bro it's better tryin something different from the start anyway.

I did it your way before and have changed my ways because of a post that made me think about optimizing the soil. I do have stronger branches and denser buds doin it this way, the conversion took time, but i really feel like my transplant and watering theory is spot on. I water nearly every day but the plants are never overwatered, they get fresh food and oxygen every day :rasta:

FarOut :rasta:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

So Sunday was a pretty lazy day for me, I had a three hour nap, but I did go to Wal mart today. After my repotting I was out of mix, so I went out to get some

This is pretty much what I use, 30 L of cheap soil, 9 L of Perlite, and 9 L of Peat . I have an extra bag of soil and perlite, but the mix is good and fluffy, so there will be no need of using those extra bags right now.

An since I was posting pics here is a group shot


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bro, been a hectic day. Plants looks very healthy and are loving there new home. Nice to see the stores are starting to put all the gardening stuff back out. Have a good one.



Med grower
ICMag Donor
They're coming along nicely DD. Are you doing some outdoors growing this year too?


Snow Grower ~OGA~
I agree with BR. I was at CT the other day and they were wheeling out all the spring stuff.
It might not look like it outside...but people have spring on thier minds :jump:

A happy bunch you have there. Best of luck for the ladies you need :ying:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
T and B, thanks bros for stopping in

Sammet, I am planning 4 to 6 depending on how much room I actually have come grow time

A small update, i keep them to a minimum during veg

Pollen chuck

I have tied these three down, to train them, these pictures are two days old, I have since adjusted them tighter. The white on the leaves from the first one is residue from a foliar spray


This plant is doin well, leaves are big, starting to get secondary shoot growth off everyone.


I have a wack of these seeds so I have been playing with them
I have topped two and have one just growing normally, very stout plant so far

a topped one

This one is growing au natural

Anyways bros, take care be back soon with another



Lookin Good Dog :rasta:

I miss that Buzz EveryOne gets off Spring, part about livin in the north; not enough to move back though, gotta have it warm dry for my back :D :rasta:

Peace :rasta:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
ohw heya Dog...woz doing some rounds yesterday but it seems i mist ya thread :eek:
Nhow here i am...had to check things out a bit :D
gosh these veglings look very healthy....nice color on them mate ..I like what you've done so far...i might of mist it but you got some more info about that freeze for me plz?
Nway good going bro....i wanted to wish ya luck ..but it seems you don't need it anymore ...:smile::wink:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Heya G
Not sure man, must have just been the way the pic was taken, I went in to check, and no green on the soil, reflection from the leaves possibly?

Hey Far
Yeah it is kind of cool, how everyone gets happy when the weather starts to turn, indoor growers are probably the only ones that dont really care for teh hot temps and high humidity though come summer

Don't worry about it bro
The freeze is a strain I got from TML, apparently a bud of his grew them outdoors, and got a lot of seeds, I heard the outdoor version was not all that hot, but the inside was considerably better, I will ask him next time i talk to him


Med grower
ICMag Donor
When's your OGA thread gonna be up and running mate? I'm excited to see what you guys are planning.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Sammet

A soon as the mandala seeds order is done, we should have a better idea when that thread should start

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Well it only took about a week of near continuous operation, but I finally got my RH in that room above 60 %. I can feel the humidity, before opening the inner door to my room. I can see the plants are liking it, example below.

I have lots of floor space now, so I am trying different techniques of training, as they grow, I am tying a few over in an lst method, and took one that has been tied down, and turned it 90 degrees again, so basically the main growth part is running along parallel with rim of pot, this morning she is facing light again, with another set up leaves on the way out, it has only been 7 hours, since this took place.

Most plants, I think 9 of 10, have lots of roots coming out bottom drain holes, some thickens too! I like that, now that they are settled in, I should start to see some growth upwards now. They are very bushy at the moment, with growth staying very compact, I have lots of vertical clearance now, but I would prefer that the 3 diff strains stayed somewhat close in height, for canopy purposes.

I have vegged with my MH before, with almost basically, identical conditions, but yet the growth is way more compact, then I have ever had before. I think there is only really one, viable explanation, Pure Blend Pro, that is the only difference.

No pics this update, I will get some over the weekend this time.

Later dudes


Grower of fine herbs...
Sounds like the ladies are really loving the new room:headbange Keep up the great work bro. Cant wait to see the pics..
