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Mr GreenJeans - Something old something new, something sour and something blue...

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Farmer John :wave:
Missed you on IM - tomorrow morning? Thanks very much my friend - means a lot coming from you. :respect: After curing I'm gonna roll a log of cindy and toast our friendship! WYWH...

Hiya High Lowlander :wave:
Thanks for visiting and the fine props - much appreciated - I will take your advice and enjoy! :joint:


Traktor driver
Well, I threatened you with pics, so here we go, hope you don't mind :D

Super Kush

Love Potion#1

G13 x Licorice Orange x Hash Plant

Looking good so far. I still have that "rusty spots" problem though. No idea what it is. :chin: I've changed nutes and hoped it would go, but no luck. Might have to buy me an ec/pm meter after all. lol

Let me know what you think buddy :wave:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother...?? Hope all is well. As for me im chillin watchin the show.. Man i always love yer Amnesia ladies.. but the c99 now is a looker especially the pic Alex posted.. of yer c99 mmmm delish.. @ least i think that wat i saw... lol.. the GSkush looks perty nice as well.. Man great work as usual...! Thanx for sharing with us all.. Ill bbl to peep some more of yer girlies... peace..



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
nice update Mr...seems you did well dispite you had bug probs ..good going my friend !!...hope all is well overthere ...:wave:


Active member
Heya MGJ! :wave:
had to stop in and say "hey"
MAN :eek: your girls are looking mighty sweet!
looks like you whooped some borg butt!! way to go my friend! good show! :)

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Alex :wave:
:yoinks: :yes: :respect: W O W - thx for posting your pics my friend - you really did it this time - they all look tayayaystee! :yummy: Real fine colors on the Super Kush, Love Potion #1 is Ms Swollen Calyce, but my my the G13 X LO X HP - that top cola looks like a pineapple!!! :yes: Does she taste like licorice orange???

I think they look great. An EC meter is always a good investment IMO - my judgment can be off but the meter never lies. You've always done real well without one. :bow:

Hiya sacko :wave:
Good to cya my friend! Yup, that was the cindy you saw, she turned into a bearded lady - lots of frost! Thanks for stopping by with fine words!

Hiya Core :wave:
Thx much my friend! Yes, it's looking ok now - I was sweating it for a bit - but all is well now. I'm hanging in there, time is short over here though... but did get to harvest some plants finally last weekend... Avid and Floramite - now have a permanent place in my closet!

Hiya Anima :wave:
Thx very much for stopping by to visit! Yeah, I got a buncha borg shakes on the menu - or is it steaks :biglaugh: - as bad press as chemicals get, sometimes they do come in very handy... Thanks for the kind words buddy!

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Weekend update:

Weekend update:

A wee bit late - the hands on my watch seem to be moving twice as fast this week :yoinks: - couldn't get to harvest any plants until Fri / Sat, here are the results:

These young ladies have been getting 15 dark hours / day since beginning flower, I calculate they are about 1 week further along than if they were getting 12 hours. All plants were flushed twice one week apart with Clearex and lots of water.

Airbourne G13 harvested day 58

Finally found her fert ceiling :bigeye: and overfed a bit - could be worse - looks ok trimmed up.

Amnesia99 harvested day 57

This plant and C99 recovered the best after treating the mites. Good frost and the pineapple smell is very strong.

C99 harvested day 57

And here's the Cindy - frostier, a bit less smelly, can't wait to try some!

FFA harvested day 55

Got the feed on this one pretty close - leaves fading bottom to top - very nice looking buds. Thanks go to JoeShmoe and CC, she's a beaut!

Memory Loss-2 harvested day 58

Urkle urkle urkle - the friend who helped me harvest the plants took one look at this one and started singing - urkle urkle urkle - he was very happy to take home a fresh branch. She looks very nice - really packed it on the last couple weeks - going to try to reveg her.

That's all for now - I have the Golden Skush and Memory Loss-3 STD pheno left to chop this weekend. Very happy, this will last a while - hopefully through the remod. 'Til l8r :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor



this is just sick my brother..this looks to be some great medicine !!
mucho :respect:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yup Yup

that Urkle looks absoluetly amazing

I wish I had some flowers now, man, this is liek torture seeing all these great buds and I am stuck in veg mode

Great job bro

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Core :wave:
Thanks very much buddy! Means a lot coming from you! She sure is a frosty purple gurl... Can't wait to puff on her :yummy::joint:

Hiya Dr Dog :wave:
Thanks much my friend! Yes, you may be vegetating now - but you will be flowering while *I'm* vegging - then it will be my turn to drool at *your* girlies! Thanks for visiting! Give TML a big wave...


Registered Medical Patient
MGJ - first off, congrats on a stellar harvest..looks great man. Second..that Urkle looks sooo BOMB!!!! I bet shes gonna smoke like a dream...! question tho...WTF is FFA?? My stoner mind cant remember??!!I know u got it from Joe, but....anyhow man, looks great, and Ill be waitin for more harvest shots...do u even weigh ur plants anymore??


- Z

buzzed day

hello all is verry well i see! MAN I'M GLAD I NEVER GOT THOSE BUGS.YOU'LL SEEM TO FIGHT FOREVER.your buds pics are graet as always. i started a new 1 but can't get the link in my sig. right to much smokeing i think lol.enjoy your smoke.peace


Active member
I hafta agree with everyone...those are some drool-inducing shots! Great job!
I an anxious to see how your gSkush turns out! :yes:


The Tri Guy
Hey MGJ, another nice harvest mate. Im interested in your 15 hours dark, was that 9 hours on and 15 off a day or 15 on 15 off? Also, you getting another extention put onto that castle of yours? Seems to be new wing being added each summer, can I move in?


Active member


Anima said:
I hafta agree with everyone...those are some drool-inducing shots! Great job!
I an anxious to see how your gSkush turns out! :yes:

uh...yeah! :rasta: :smoke: :canabis: :bow: :kewlpics: :bongsmi: :yeahthats :friends:


"All plants were flushed twice one week apart with Clearex and lots of water"
BEAUTIFUL fruits bro>>>i know you'll enjoy.
have some more comming down today as well...chopchop=)

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Zeus :wave:
Much thanks for the kind comments! Yeah, that urkle pheno turned out pretty sweet - can't wait to sample her! The STD pheno didn't turn out too shabby either - photos coming up.

FFA - Freedom for All - I believe it's Mass Super Skunk x OGK-a. That one really looks good too, smell is a nice fruity skunk - kinda like Michael Jeter x Pepe Le Peu :biglaugh:

Yes, I weigh the plants - gonna let them sweat it out a week in jars before I weigh them - everything in the last update has been jarred, and the memory loss3 and golden skush have been chopped and hung. Definitely got the most from the Amnesia99 and C99, hard numbers in another week.

Peace buddy :rasta:

Hiya buzzed day :wave:
Thanks for stopping by with fine compliments. Promise I'll stop by your digs and see your new thread - my net-iquette has been poor the past few weeks, hope to get some time back soon... I was very lucky on the bugs - have to say that the Floramite definitely did the trick. Once I hit them with that the problem was GONE. Gonna keep a small vial of both Avid and Floramite around expecting future outbreaks... 2 :yes: from me on the Floramite!

Hiya Anima :wave:
Ditto to you my friend - much thanks! Golden Skush bud shots coming up shortly...

Hiya GMT :wave:
Howzit my friend? Thanks for stopping by, great question. 9 hours light 15 hours dark - I was pretty surprised at the yield with that few light hours - as well as the mites early on. It definitely sped up ripening. Math wise it adds up to about an extra week of dark hours - they look to be 1-2 weeks faster by eye. A successful experiment, everything will be jarred in time.

Heh heh - you're always welcome to come on over buddy - they made a movie about our place - "The People Under the Stairs" :pointlaug . No additional living space - dayum, I wish! - just touchin up a coupla rooms with a sledge :headbange Would love to hit the Lottery and add a greenhouse upstairs...

Hiya Sleepy :wave:
Thx for stopping by my friend - here grab a lung full of some poiple!!! Nyuk nyuk nyuk BOINK

Hiya Joe :wave:
Thanks very much buddy! Especially for your ongoing comments and suggestions - they are much appreciated! Enjoy your choppin chores - I know you will! Great seeing you this weekend - gotta hook up again soon...

Memory Loss3 day 59 harvest

Golden Skush day 66 harvest

Here is the last of the harvest. Ran low on camera batteries when I got to the GoldenSkush so only grabbed a bud shot of her. She wasn't that big - I think I'l get a bit under a z - but she sure is frosty. Memory Loss3 is nice and frosty too - chunky single cola plant - nice reds and purples on her too.

Lesson learned this grow - pushed the organics a bit too hard and overfed some of the plants. Still, can't complain with the amount of frost on them...

Thanks for keeping me company folks. This is the last flower run until summer. Thread will continue, just won't be growing much for a bit...

Until later :wave:


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey there MGJ:bigeye:

Great harvest buddy!!! cool experiment with adding extra dark hours. I may have to try that in the near future, being as I have plants that will need to be finished before I move to my new house in may.

Heres to hoping you win that lottery and convert that room into a greenhouse:friends: Wish I was out on the west coast so I could meet up with you cats and burn some kind. One day, One day...

Again great job, Ill be around till summer, watching the magic unfold. THanks for keeping it interesting around these parts. Peace.
