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Stitches Previous Grow Pictures


Dr. Doolittle
The name of the book is called Marijuana Garden SAver: Guide to Healthy plants

It's pretty much the complete guide to sick plants, but with name change and added a ton more stuff, it's around 150 pages and over 100 photos.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I had no idea your book was out already, consider another copy sold!


Dr. Doolittle
Na, it's not out yet, it will be very soon though, most of the edits are done and the layouts are nearly done if not already done.
Won't be much longer :)
Stitch: I had no idea you got raided dude...! Im sorry to hear that, however i do appreciate all the help you have given me and my current grow. All of us here thank you graciously!


Dr. Doolittle
Ya dude, it sucked big time; but I look at it like a bump in the road and I will grow again someday :)

Np dude, anytime :yes:


Thats horrible stitch! Finally I see the plants behind the advice. Love it! The last pic looks like a photo-worthy shot!


quick question.. how tall were they in veg before you flipped em to 12/12 on those very first pics... the ones that were very tall??


When the book comes out will you sign my copy? I'll buy it. My way of paying you back. If you want to include any "special" pictures when you send my book back, I promise not to post them on any websites. Trust me. I swear. I wouldn't fib to you.


Dr. Doolittle
quick question.. how tall were they in veg before you flipped em to 12/12 on those very first pics... the ones that were very tall??

Those were clones and were vegged for 5 weeks.

Thanks excel! Those are all the pics I have left of my growing days, I had tons and tons of pictures, but the cops took the discs and when overgrow went down I had many more on there...... so for now at least I have something and a few good shots.

I had some of my pictures in high times magazine too, so I got some pics in those books I have.

Hey Old Fool, sure will sign your copy my friend; we will see about those pics, no nude ones though lololololol :)

Rab: they came in and knew right where to look and I knew i was snitched on when they came in like that, they went right to my room and my grow room and in my room opened up my hidden cubby I had where I had my clones and bubblers.

We were in jail for 3 days and they let us go PR'd us. Fought it for little over 2 years and the judge denied us first offender probation even though we had no priors nor ever been arrested, the prosecutor wanted to slam us in the DOC for 3 years and we would not take his bargin and the attorney did not want it to go to trial, so we got stuck with a damn plea bargin and it was up to the judge to decide.

30 days in jail, which I got mine to home confinement because of my health. 3,000 in probation fines no fines from having the plants though. and class 4 felony which I can have expunged after my term of probation is completed

The state was pissed the judge allowed it to be expunged so soon and they tried to fight it to make it stick forever.


New member
Damn. Well Im glad you got off for the most part. The snitch will get his in the end. Karma.
Gotta remember the #1 rule of growing... TELL NO ONE



Dr. Doolittle
That is true, but with mine , mine is a little different, because he was the one who gave me my first beans and was the one who talked me into growing........ it's a messed up story. I did not tell anyone that I grew...... he already knew......


Ok, got a buyer for my kidney. When this book coming out? I need to know so I can schedule surgery.


Dr. Doolittle
lol. Old fool, book is very cheap, I set it that way so everyone could afford it. I would much rather have people helped out rather than making a lot of money on it. I put around 4 years of work just to where it is today.... and the community without them the book would not even be possible. Right now we are doing final edits to the last chapter, after that the book gets put together and a glossary is made and it will be printed.

Did I tell you who the publisher was?


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
hey stitch man, whats up?!?!? i never knew you went through all that, crap with getting busted/ratted out and all, truly sorry to hear, and especially whos involved.

this whole ""ratting people out to save your skin thing" really makes something snap within me when i hear about it. here we are doing our best to get this thing legalized and wham, crap like this is still going on. we as growers truly ave a hard road ahead of us.

man i have been out of the loop for the longest and i had to let my friggin NYCD grow go cause this cold weather is NO JOKE (FRIENDinDEED by the by)!!! went to water them and the damned soil was frozen rock solid the next day!!! when i went to gently try to loosen it, i heard the roots snapping/popping so i left it alone. . .day later, next thing i know they are reaching for the ground. (sorry, needed to vent to someone who would understand)

anyway, i got rave reviews from my SSH grow, and that has inspired me to keep going and get a lil bigger. people were REALLY PISSED when i told them i ran out!!lol anyway you helped me through both grows and i appreciate that man!!!


Hey Stitch, sorry to hear about your bust. Thats even more BS that someone snitched but you're right, you shouldnt even tell people you think you know.. Anyways, hope things turn around soon and good luck with the book!


Get two birds stoned at once
Sounds like a very useful book, I'll defiantly contemplate getting a copy.

I hope you filed misconduct charges against individual officers. Take solace in the fact that there is a good chance their misconduct will get them blown away some day, eventually they might just piss off someone with nothing to loose, and pigs aren't real people anyways, real people cant do the things the bad cops do... There are some good cops though weird as it sounds, but its hard to tell who is who with them.. They're like an organized crime gang in some places.