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ICMag Donor


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I'm drinking coffee. Trying to figure out a plan for the day. Need some bleach then need to clean a ton of gear. Buckets, trays the works. Thinking about getting rid of some old 5 gallon drilled buckets as I got new black ones for hydro.

Need to set up one of the tents for bloom, move light, move fan/filter, move other fan, set up drain table and run line to floor drain. Fill and set rez, run drip line and set up timer. Guess I need to get on it, but if I smoke either of the sours it will take 3 times as long. Maybe I ought to run down there sober and finish fast then celebrate the beautiful afternoon outside in the sunshine and warm weather. Its in been in the 70's.


ICMag Donor
some hash shots … first pic is hash in the freeze dryer….
think I have these in the right order… he pulled 1 pound of Roz from 15 pounds of outdoor? Looks like 440 grams on his scale… I didn’t get any pictures of the actual washing I think he’s catching up from last season


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some hash shots … first pic is hash in the freeze dryer…. View attachment 18972853 View attachment 18972854 View attachment 18972855 View attachment 18972856 View attachment 18972857 View attachment 18972858 think I have these in the right order… he pulled 1 pound of Roz from 15 pounds of outdoor? Looks like 440 grams on his scale… I didn’t get any pictures of the actual washing I think he’s catching up from last season
Dude that is Friggin Amazing! My math says thats around 6.7% yeild! Any particular strain or multiple? I have a couple hybrids I made that I think will work alot better fro washing in the future, but I know some looser flowers have been said to drop resin better. The c99 sheds resin more easily than anything I've ever had my hands on, in fact most of the c99 not just the most recent. Always juice in the jar.

I got most of my stuff done, well I put a big dent in it.


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Was telling Unc that I ventured into the rediit rosin forum and found some good info. They say to freeze the bubble while its fresh and still wet then "microplane" it ie quickly run it over a grater then put in the fridge until dry. I still don't know how to tell when its "dry" though.

Another diy method involves a büchner funnel and takes about 10 minutes to dry. That sounds like the way to go as I already have a vac pump. I really need to stop buying more of this crap though.

I made like 2 batches of bho back in the day and got one of those stainless pots with a huge thick top and guage/valve combo I never even figured out how to properly use. I never liked the solvents to begin with. Feel like chucking a ton of junk.


some hash shots … first pic is hash in the freeze dryer…. View attachment 18972853 View attachment 18972854 View attachment 18972855 View attachment 18972856 View attachment 18972857 View attachment 18972858 think I have these in the right order… he pulled 1 pound of Roz from 15 pounds of outdoor? Looks like 440 grams on his scale… I didn’t get any pictures of the actual washing I think he’s catching up from last season

So much for old fashioned hash