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today my grandparents said they would try some cannabis gotta be edible! this moment been 10 years coming and i want to give them the perfect experien


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but these people are not used to thc in any amount. I would take it very easy to begin with.

Also, i do have a question about large doses...if the receptors are full, what happens to the excess thc? ie: Is it a waste to take more than what the receptors can handle, or does thc go into fat, for storage to be drawn out later, as the receptors use it up?
oh wow, cool question, no clue, but as a bit of an exessive user of weed, its different from when i smoked a littlebit, like i smoke it like sigarettes,..with sigarettes.., so yeah ok ay my doses i dont really ever get the rush high, i have to wait for a day or two..honestly 3, to good feel, but it think of its more medical and its nice to have regular top,ups on some tokes, just to have it in the system, most of my jobs i was high all the time. i function more regular and stable, confident, or patient at long booring tasks, but yeah, ok so when i hit my (i should be the first dead guy from cannabis) edible overdose, i slept for a day and a half, woke up dried out and hungry.. ate more edibles for hunger... and its like it dont work the same, its more tiresome but not like in comfy way, i suspect this migth be inbalance in dopamine or seratonin since the receptors are being hit from all fronts, thus, the high migth feel a bit more like a cocaine-comedown, (no closing eyes, squirming in bed ect ect), but i think its possible to feel more comfortable in the cannabis state, but its not worth it, laying in bed not sleeping, but too heavy to move to piss, fun to try for the exerimental once, cuz.. youll be okay.. but you migth look like an idiot doing it. and for thc, it is fat storing, as we all know, and the receptors im not sure but it it would be impossible fill all receptors, what i think is happening is when the dopamine center is hit as such constant rate by thc-to receptor hits you become desistised to the feeling of the dopamine, also the thc molecule block out others while doing its thing... so yeah it will just run in your stream, until going out first in fat, if higher doses over time it goes into sweat piss spit snot, idk about cum.. but probably.. my sweat used to smell like musty super silver one summer.. people comfirmed i smelled like skunk lol, after than i guess it just disposes thru where the rest of vitamines/minerals and exess go... i cant think og more else, and curious if anybody have tried a 100% or close to diet for any reason...lol sometimes its bout long time exposure not about doing one high dose... you will most likely always puke if you do


Well-known member
Sounds like OP thinks this is a game and enjoying this too much.Need to realize they are older and could have a heart attack if it's too strong.baby steps.make brownies and call it a day.sheesh


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Premium user
Dose 'em with a hero's dose of shrooms and video the whole thing. You'll probably kill your Grammys but your YouTube channel will go viral. :)

OK, OK, I am, of course, kidding.

5 mg first time. I have never seen anyone go ape on 5 mg.


Active member
My 80+ year old father is anti-everything: smoking, drinking, drugging.. He's a diabetic and pretty good about it. I made up some budda and baked up some brownies. I left a couple on the kitchen table thinking "he wont touch them because he knows how much sugar is in them".. I came home to find he was in the brownies and he was passed out in the recliner. A couple hours later he wakes up.. "I don't know what happened. I sat down in the recliner and it was like somebody hit me over the head with a bat and zonk I was out like a light.. but boy, did I have a good rest".

I still never told him what was in the brownies :)
hahaha, happy accidents! ive wanted grandad to try for a while, but me being a bit of a black sheep i never har 100% opinions and suggestions heard.. now things have changed a bit... i wish i could have what happen in your story happen in mine, i would never purposfully drug anybody since ive had it happen to me.


Active member
Make a lot of edibles and consume them everyday
As stated above 2-5 mg is a good start
An experienced user myself I top out at 25-50 mg and that floors me
I utilize two carriers, sugar and oil
Many folks use the step method of ingesting a piece and waiting a half hour to an hour before taking more
i usually do that myself, make some butter in mason jar, then just add chockolate when ive removed the plant matter, and just pour em into little cup cake molds..i never had a reeces pieces, but i think it looks like those, and i just go around giving em too people...i wanted to sell some...but.. i like making people high too


Active member
The first report that comes back after a patient gets some meds is the restful sleep
Some report being a little foggy in the am but the clarity they have from a good nights rest is noticeable after the fog lifts
Most report about 1-2 hours that drops off as tolerance is built
The thunder struck has little to no foggy effects
On a couple of occasions there was some sedation waking up but that is more my inability to hyper accurately dose
A few "hot" chocolates are made, minimal effects reported and diminish in less than an hour
This is all anecdotal and observation so I'm just relating experience

Researching CBDV right now
Changed the chocolates a bit for the better
never heard of the method, gonna read a bit, like how its for your wife aswell, its strange: i feel like one often go the extra mile for the people you care about.. like i would never take the time and learn all ive learned about edibles/tincturer even growing, if it was just for my benefit, i meet so many "blod-sjeler" (blood souls, meaning like passionate) people in the stoner world, im getting a little touched thinking about it, i wanna give my grandparents the best possible experience, they need it nowadays


Well-known member
hahaha, happy accidents! ive wanted grandad to try for a while, but me being a bit of a black sheep i never har 100% opinions and suggestions heard.. now things have changed a bit... i wish i could have what happen in your story happen in mine, i would never purposfully drug anybody since ive had it happen to me.
That’s about one of the shitiest things someone can do. I had a so called friend who I grew up with ask if I wanted to do a line back in the 80s. We were at a neighborhood bar so I go in the bathroom thinking it was a big line of coke. Fucker gives me a line of Angel Dust.Smh CL🍀


Well-known member
Is that why they make patchouli oil?
I gave up on anti perspirants many years ago, after finding out that i was full of metals, the aluminum tested very high. Funny that you should mention patchouli, that is what i've been using for deodorant, lately. The patchouli 'light' doesn't stain like the dark patchouli. (Dark patchouli is fermented in iron, so goes dark) Some folks hate patch, I'm not one of those!


Active member
I gave up on anti perspirants many years ago, after finding out that i was full of metals, the aluminum tested very high. Funny that you should mention patchouli, that is what i've been using for deodorant, lately. The patchouli 'light' doesn't stain like the dark patchouli. (Dark patchouli is fermented in iron, so goes dark) Some folks hate patch, I'm not one of those

That’s about one of the shitiest things someone can do. I had a so called friend who I grew up with ask if I wanted to do a line back in the 80s. We were at a neighborhood bar so I go in the bathroom thinking it was a big line of coke. Fucker gives me a line of Angel Dust.Smh CL🍀
powders are dangerous that way...many years agoo at a party some moron, put i belive put mdma/speed/2c/b or something on a cd cover, some guy entered the party, thinking that was the serve your self party bufeet... the idiot didnt even ask what was on the cd-cover mixed em SHM, (2cb is hyper potent you only need a 15.mg for a trip meassured out with a diamond scale, so one dont take unknown doses )


Active member
never heard of the method, gonna read a bit, like how its for your wife aswell, its strange: i feel like one often go the extra mile for the people you care about.. like i would never take the time and learn all ive learned about edibles/tincturer even growing, if it was just for my benefit, i meet so many "blod-sjeler" (blood souls, meaning like passionate) people in the stoner world, im getting a little touched thinking about it, i wanna give my grandparents the best possible experience, they need it nowadays


Another batch of thunder struck medicine being reduced for infusion into coconut oil
This is a very good cultivar to start people on their cannabis journey

Cannot stress the importance of low dosage and the step method for beginners
2-5 mg edible cut into sections and taken over a determined amount of time
Everyone has a different experience and there is no way to predict reactions
Underlying conditions can be present that the consumer may not be aware of at the time
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Active member
dude, last winter, my psycho ex kept me drugged up on edibles, i didnt realise until later that she put 25 grams of good pollen hash into our batches... at 25 mg i think i ate 150.000 user doses that winter... i liked it at the time, its not later i found out the reason!, she did this weekly all winter, yeah i dont wanna give them that experience, but i i do want my grandfather to feel it a little heavier, wisky drinker, big guy... cancer pains, and a very talkative wife, agree not too much, but anybody have experience with like lukemia, and thc?, i should do some reading about this..
I think you're looking at this wrong.

Drinking and using thc have nothing in common.
Also dont think size will make a difference if first time user..

Look at this like eating mushrooms for the first time.
No one will eat 5 grams right off the rip.
Yeah maybe throughout the night, but you ALWAYS start small, you can always eat more but you can not eat less.

Ever hear the saying "less is more"?
Yeah it applies here too. 😌