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Cambodian * Laos * Thai * Vietnam * Burma & SE Asians....


Chasing The Present
@led05 if you don't mind dude, where did you collect your Cambodian #1 seeds from?
a spanish buddy well known in here has/had a friend in the military who traveled around SE Asia many years ago, decades in fact and sent him back all types of seeds from the region, the Cambodians were his favorites IIRC. 5 years or so ago now my spanish buddy asked me to reproduce them which I did here in the states, unfortunately the seeds were so old only two ever came up out of 45 or so both females, they took forever to get going and I nursed them for months BF any growth past an inch or two. Cambodian #1 was a mutant and had up to 10 arms coming out at the same node (whorled phyllotaxy I believe it's called) & cambodian #2 was slower to get going and had a more reddish hue to it, though both had red within. The rest is history :)


Well-known member
That's irrelevant... Myanmar's not a part of the

a spanish buddy well known in here has/had a friend in the military who traveled around SE Asia many years ago, decades in fact and sent him back all types of seeds from the region, the Cambodians were his favorites IIRC. 5 years or so ago now my spanish buddy asked me to reproduce them which I did here in the states, unfortunately the seeds were so old only two ever came up out of 45 or so both females, they took forever to get going and I nursed them for months BF any growth past an inch or two. Cambodian #1 was a mutant and had up to 10 arms coming out at the same node (whorled phyllotaxy I believe it's called) & cambodian #2 was slower to get going and had a more reddish hue to it, though both had red within. The rest is history :)
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Well-known member
Wow what a cool thread. 😎 lots of nice pics and info.

I've been smoking and growing for 20 years and have never truly experienced a real sativa. What a shame. Now that I don't grow for money I can have a lot more fun though!!

I've taken a real interest in these SE Asians, without even trying them yet haha. Really it's their growth structure and leaf profile that really get me going. I can only hope the effects represent how wild the plants look.

Here's 2 Highland Lao #4s from TRSC. I sewed the seeds at the end of June. They are about 10 and 12 feet tall now. One is clearly a few weeks ahead of the other. Interstingly the smells I get off the earlier one are straight chocolate/coffee which I usually associate with an indica. Super intersting. I have high hopes these will make it till the end, as long as it doesn't rain 2+ days in a row they should be ok from mold. Photos from yesterday. 400gal pot for reference.


Chasing The Present
^^ If your referencing the great all day smoke I grew outside last year well into Nov that I gave you flowers of, it’s

My selections (lots of them) on

MNS Hazes x Cambodian 2 / Laos

I have them going again this year too of course, it’s my favorite all day smoke & what I call “Ledo Haze” largely for an inability to come up with creative names on my own, but also cuz I love it so much

PS: if you’re talking about the Bamboo like flowers on a stick from indoors (you really need to be more specific I share way too much with you, ha) that smell like Haze Apples that’s Cambodian x Gambian
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Active member
My trippiest high was stuff that made my heart feel like it was going to explode. I did not care for that but did like the effect. Comes with the territory I guess. Good for an occasional trip but not for common use.
I have had the chance to smoke a few of these Asian strains Ledo is growing.
Are they Tripp weed?
I say in general after smoking one for a few days I am in a happy Canna Trippy Haze. The tolerance factor is very low.
Not like dropping psychedelics' but not Haze Crazy either. Very heady and clear. No paranoia or stress.

One test for me is that first morning hit before I hit the Beach or trail. I can get very "Out There" without
tripping per se. Extreme Dream state that can open my mind to long forgotten memories.

Last year I did a Ketamine Treatment in a doctor's office.
I have never found a strain that's anything like that.


Chasing The Present
I have had the chance to smoke a few of these Asian strains Ledo is growing.
Are they Tripp weed?
I say in general after smoking one for a few days I am in a happy Canna Trippy Haze. The tolerance factor is very low.
Not like dropping psychedelics' but not Haze Crazy either. Very heady and clear. No paranoia or stress.

One test for me is that first morning hit before I hit the Beach or trail. I can get very "Out There" without
tripping per se. Extreme Dream state that can open my mind to long forgotten memories.

Last year I did a Ketamine Treatment in a doctor's office.
I have never found a strain that's anything like that.
Instead of tiny teaspoons of my coco oil eat a tablespoon or two, then call me in the morning :)

IIRC Wasn’t your ketamine experience horrible overall though? Have you tried again?



Active member
Instead of tiny teaspoons of my coco oil eat a tablespoon or two, then call me in the morning :)

IIRC Wasn’t your ketamine experience horrible overall though? Have you tried again?

Indeed a good dab of that coconut oil is not to be taken out of the trip conversation. It’s very psychedelic over days of use. In that I get very deep and will be much more driven to getting as high as possible.

The ketamine trip was great. I had a weird reaction afterwards and was dizzy for a good 18 hours. I hate dizziness.

With out that it was quite interesting.

Quick rundown

This was done in a “doctors office “
I was on a big lounge chair with eyes covered
and headphones playing

I am a veteran tripping madman from the late 70’s / early 80’s but had not done much in
Many years.

I have listened to this album on huge doses of
LSD, Mushrooms, peyote and by far the best
MDA. Adding Ketamine to the list.

I would recommend it. I have not heard of anyone else having this reaction. The cost is stupid though. I would think they knew how to dose.

Doing a full treatment series is not Recommended by me.

Better to have some friends and an intimate group trip imo.


Well-known member
a Thread for ALL to share pics, stories and related adventures of wonderful SE Asia, arguably the most "trippy" region for cannabis on earth.

I'm and always have been of the opinion disagreements, varying points of view and such are fundamental for growth as individuals but also as a whole; I also believe this can be achieved with respect & decency towards one other, let's try for a bit at least ... ha

Cambodian #1 - aka Mutant - 1 of 2 seeds out of 40-45 or so to ever pop, this is P1 form
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hammered with STS here (well about half the tops), seems late but for these extremely long flowering sativas sometimes IME it works best

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later on
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if not a morph that is a prime looking stud!
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Well-known member
Indeed a good dab of that coconut oil is not to be taken out of the trip conversation. It’s very psychedelic over days of use. In that I get very deep and will be much more driven to getting as high as possible.

The ketamine trip was great. I had a weird reaction afterwards and was dizzy for a good 18 hours. I hate dizziness.

With out that it was quite interesting.

Quick rundown

This was done in a “doctors office “
I was on a big lounge chair with eyes covered
and headphones playing

I am a veteran tripping madman from the late 70’s / early 80’s but had not done much in
Many years.

I have listened to this album on huge doses of
LSD, Mushrooms, peyote and by far the best
MDA. Adding Ketamine to the list.

I would recommend it. I have not heard of anyone else having this reaction. The cost is stupid though. I would think they knew how to dose.

Doing a full treatment series is not Recommended by me.

Better to have some friends and an intimate group trip imo.

things like that matter when tripping ,to have friends about,makes a huge difference!


Well-known member
It’s been a while but IIRC mint, floral incense, citrus fruits - all gentler & lighter / clean terps - the person whom collected these seeds travelled @ SE Asia and IIRC the Cambodian was their favorite; & TY

S1 /S2 of Cambodian #1 & #2 is largely what’s pictured in this thread - IME growing out 1 + year old moms of pure NLD is when the magic really shines, these plants have a long internal clock

So with the generation iterations it’s quite complicated with the SE Asians, sometimes I’ll jump b/w P & S as all these fuckers herm, that’s the deal, this is being improved upon … so when you’re trying to use the most firm M you can and breed Regs you never really know who’s / what pollinated what so I leave myself open as I truly don’t know for absolute certainty and I hate spinning tales, integrity to me is foundational to everything I take it very seriously…

I have buckets of each parent at varying stages of life, when we’re getting into S3/P3 + it’s combination of both Cambodian moms and Laotian thus SE Asian lines… Also have the Cambodian ladies X’d to one another each being the “male” same for Laotian…

But when you’ve got a stud in a room and ladies that herm too, well some % of those seeds are gonna be selfed, period..

The thing that matters most to me is the quality, vigor, stability & health of these plants and all are improving…

But I also have iterations in time, by plant too for reverting back, my spreadsheets are ridiculous - but only as accurate as I can be, limitations always present

Apologies for ambiguity above but it’s the truth
i have no problem with the truth!


Well-known member
things like that matter when tripping ,to have friends about,makes a huge difference!
things not to do:

1.don’t be within hearing range just getting off on acid..when the cops come to tell the land ladv that her husbands taxi had gone off a warf into the ocean..


2.don’t smash your head in the corner of a wall because you felt like you were a jet plane
[different house]..because you were trying to forget about hearing the land lady's screams..
......psychedelic headaches are no fun for 12 hrs straight

[no of course that never happened in the 60’s in one night]
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