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Cambodian * Laos * Thai * Vietnam * Burma & SE Asians....


Well-known member
old thai.


can you see how full the colors? The absense of brownish, and dirty shades..

can you see how healthy, harmonic and sweet it looks? how soft the resin? modern collected thais resin looks like sandpaper..

Not every thai had those colors of corse in the 70s.. but some.. and none of the modern ones looks that good


Well-known member
@Piff_cat Look, im one of the few guys that hallucinated still in year 2000. im one of the fewer that smoked top quali bamboo thin landrace in 2000 grown indoors in Europe. Thats why i am one of the few that smoked 5 days cured top quali landrace, and thats wh i am one of the few who had the possibility to check if you can hallucinate on non-cured landrace.. thats why you could learn from it.. im one of the few to tell you this..

Also, inbreeding depro will now fuck up all the few 70s first generation seeds still alive.. probably those are few.. So, its your last chance to take this statement to heart .. hallucinogenic weed atleast in my experience doesent need curing to be hallucinogenic..
Im saying that even i also had a strong 2 years cured/slightly fermented experience... of corse its strong(well it was vietblack).. but not as strong as a hallucinogic weed.. its not everything, its not part of the equation, if your goal is the highest ever experience. i think. because i had the highest experience on that landrace in year 2000.. i think.
who else did other than me, AND is so kind telling you it on a internet..

Curing MAY lift some compromised bud on a higher level, maybe onto the highest level.. that i cant anwser you, so , dont not rule it out.. but was it needed in the 70s to be able to hallucinate.. i dont think so.. because my experience .. Atleast it wasnt needed for the two 70s strains i hallucinated on in 2000.. Maybe for other Strains in the 70s, who knows..

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Well-known member
Lets look at some random 2023 Thai Picture:

Are there brown-ish colors ?
And i would say , yes, i marked the spots so you can concentrate better just on those spots..
Really brown on the buds, and also a slight brown on the leaves making them look a bit like cut Wood of a cut Tree.

Does the Resin look like Sandpaper ? OR apply your own words, just choose from Random words to describe the Look of the Resin ..
Imho the words that come to my mind are (excuse my limited English) : ruff, sandpaperm ,edgy.


Do the same with the 70s Thai , wich is 1st Generation 70s Thai by Gooebreeder.
70s thai will be, No, not brown, not harsh.. Rather a beautiful cyan, and red stems, the resin looks soft , smooth.

.Im not saying with old inbreed Thais from the 70s, you might have problems of Inbreeding Depression, wich dulls the high, its less fresh... and will most probably prevent tripping aswell. (i let it open because relatively few people grow them and report..)
Neither do i wanna say all todays collected Thai is the same degraded Stuff, but watch out for these problematic Looks..

The Laos Thais Cambodians in this Threas stand this test atlest relatively well, alltho not perfect, theyre from 20 years ago. not bad.


Well-known member
If i would have to guess, i dont think that modern Thai is necessarly Outcrossed. I rather think that its not selected.. I mean do you know the look of Wild VS Human Selected Cultivars?

Wild Petunia:

Human selected Petunia:

See how the selected Petunia (its also a hybredised, but) hasnt these pale colors, it also hasnt these fuzzy leaves, it also has less say, well.. brownish nuances in the leaves..
Imho it looks like the same difference like with moder VS old Thai.
Imho Thais and any other Country has stopped to select Strains..
The forgot it because it was prohibited and noone wanted to cull a plant that he risked his freedom for, they needed every bud..
also the Agricultural shift since the 50s... Before the 50s people were their own seed-preservation bank, their annual seedsuplyer, they grew for their village to sell a bit and eat half of it themselve of corse..
These days wherever you go, also in thailand they grow more and more monocrops, the seed is provided annually from vendors,, they basically learne that way that they dont have to produce seeds nomore, hence they forget the century old need for selection of healthy, beautiful and powerfull individuals.

And scientists say if not selected the human made cultivars will revert back to a wild state..
So, thats what happens if my specualtion is right.
look at the alleged similarities.. This is not cherrypicked. just a random plant as example..


Chasing The Present
Trippy weed does absolutely exist

Trippiness is Subjective

Trippy weed is predominate in SE Asians but also common in Africans and even sometimes in some Colombians & others

Trippy weed is all about hitting that sweet spot and it’s most likely due to the “less is often more” principle

Keep on growing & searching - Peace

Donald Mallard

el duck
i looked up climatecharts for Vientiane Thailand - Thaistick ORigin roundabout..
View attachment 18857553
IMHO looking at those climatecharts, and from my Experience looking at my own climatecharts , i would say below 10 Raindays per Month feels relatively normal, you dont get bored to infinity from the constant shitweather ...
(the climatechart is differeing Raindays / Nonraindays, meaning Days where a certain amount of Rain has fallen is called a Rainday) .

So you see in the chart indicated by the blue Line the Raindays per month Jan, Feb, March, April....

You see the point where Raindays per Month go below 10 is in Oktober..
I heard from the Thaistick-book guy himselve, that Thaistick was harvested around about mid December (if my memory serves me right)
So, how can one speak only about the harvestdate mid December when it is infact relatively dry.
I mean, we talk about a Floweringperiod of 3, 4 months. Extending well into the wetter period..

Probably the Phenos that still had monthold Resin on them were preffered and therefore selected.. probably it made the weed better.

But please dont talk to me again like a 15 year old guy that is generally a bit dlusional, thats just me scraching a bit his head, as Thailand IS one of the wetter counties on Paper, has one of the higher -millimeter Rain per Year compared to all other Countries in the world.. Im NOT CLAIMING ANYTHING, im just scratching my head a bit ..
thanks for listening, bye
i cant speak about the chart romo ,
only about experience visiting a thai province nearby many times,(udonthani)
and following the weather for years now ,
the high rainfall is due to the monsoon ,
but it falls all at once (around a 3-4 month period) around the area/s where they grew that weed ,
some storms occasionally , leading up to daily storms ,
then it can rain constantly , or daily quite a lot , for up to 8 or 10 weeks ,
tending to fnish around the end of september ,

after that , you likely wont see rain for over 6 months ,
its so far from the coast that coastal drizzle cant get there ,
and its hot and dry for more than half the year with little , to no chance of rain at all ....

the lifespan of those plants was/is 5 to 6 months ,
if they are harvesting in mid december ,
one can assume they had to plant them around july/ish ,
while it is raining , which seems to make sense ,
those plants being sensitive to increasing day lengths wouldn't want to go past the shortest day by much ,
the shortest day being late december ...
the finish is with hot and dry days and cool fresh nights ,
which is ideal for cannabis imho ...


Well-known member
if multiple people take DMt, and multiple people, not everyone who takes it, but a bunch, sees entities such as elves or dwarfs, and sees them with bare eyes.

everyone swears he has seen thatm, not just blurry imaginations..
would you then say this is totally subjective?

Would you say that it cant be said that with a certain Chance if 10 other people take this DMT, that they will see Elves and Dwarfs with bare eyes?
Have you seen how people in this state starre into the nothing, almost as if they would see something and mumble something (i think they do, ive seldon looked those dokumentaries), almost like someone seeing something, i mean their eyes focussed as if something is really there..

So you dont think that words to make a statement of prediction, that with certain chance people will see something are unprecise enough to be called : more wrong than right?


Well-known member
i personally think, if there are people that all will swear they have seen things with bare eyes, like some of the dmt guys probably will, that they might have seen sthings with their bare eyes,



Chasing The Present
Cool deal, unlike most threads I'd been seeing... "HYBRIDS" pretending to be Southeast Asians (but I think mostly unintentional lies, lack of knowledge and most likely have been lied to from stupid "seed banks").
Keep up the good stuff dude.
Thank you Kagncha, best way to not be duped by the seed banks is to avoid them all together -

Your recent thread & going back through this one has lit the SE Asian vibe in me again, as it is it’s time to start some seeds. I promised an old head I’d reproduce some of his old Malana seeds & figured the Cambodians would make a good pairing to create a very unique F1, I’m gonna go back & pop a bunch of the original S1’s I made of both moms I found… I’ve still got quite a few Laotian seeds I’ve never looked into from Laredos 2018/19 travels (I forget exact year) - Laredo if you’re still chugging & @ it would be nice to see you stop in here, I know you were looking to see how some these seeds you mailed back turned out…

Peace & happy farming wherever you may be


Well-known member
Thank you Kagncha, best way to not be duped by the seed banks is to avoid them all together -

Your recent thread & going back through this one has lit the SE Asian vibe in me again, as it is it’s time to start some seeds. I promised an old head I’d reproduce some of his old Malana seeds & figured the Cambodians would make a good pairing, I’m gonna go back & pop a bunch of the original S1’s I made of both moms I found… I’ve still got quite a few Laotian seeds I’ve never looked into from Laredos 2018/19 travels (I forget exact year) - Laredo if you’re still chugging & @ it would be nice to see you stop in here, I know you were looking to see how some these seeds you mailed back turned out…

Peace & happy farming wherever you may be
@led05 , Cambodian, Thai, Laotian and Vietnamese are technically the same strain as long as they're pure for in the eighth century all them countries was the "KHMER EMPIRE". Old timers (bamboo bong smokers) all believed that the "KHMER KAGNCHA" from the eighth century on came from India (Mount Meru) which "Angkor Wat" construction was replicating.
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Chasing The Present
Hiya my buddy

If you recall I popped all them old Burma/Myanmar from Heirloom a few years back, not a one ever did anything and most were so old they were crushed in the mail on the way to me...... IMO, we are very, very lucky that either of the two cambodians ever turned into something, 2 out of 45 or so and both took months to get going, the one maybe 4-5 months.... But once they got their legs oh man were they worth it.... that's often what happens to decades old seed, glad they were stored at least well enough for some time to get the two and of course thanks always to Musta/Heir for his generosity & connections and to those that shared the seeds along to him to begin with....,

I sent both cuts to Spain btw and they made it as you may also recall, he may even have one or both alive still, for me the seed whore I am it's very hard to keep parents around for too long, and when I do most often it's males.

^ But That's how it's gotta work IMO, sitting on seeds until they die or the one sitting on them never does anything for anyone, the cycle repeats... ^ share and spread seeds, you put in work and wanna sell them I'm fine with that too, just don't let them die off to the dustbins of history is my attitude mostly

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