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my rant about covid19 "vaccine" ...


Well-known member
my experience with covid, in sept 2019, was one day getting sicker, one day pretty delirious at times and just stayed in bed, and the 3rd day over it. no meds of any kind - didn't even do much bud. this was after only 12 months on, finally, a healthy nutrition plan: omnivore whole food diet, lo carb, bring on the fats, adequate protein (.5g/lb), and no sugar and no processed foods. and after 37 years of sweating my ass off doing 30 minutes of aerobics 5 times per week. strength training for 10 years, 3 times per week.

and long covid - having a day feeling "off" every 3 weeks for about 6 months after the initial event. and now just occasionally.

that's my experience.
my experience:
I am careful. I mask. I am have the full course of vaccines (so far). I never contracted COVID. I will continue to be careful so that I hopefully never will.

Reading accounts of long COVID and contemplating the millions of lives lost already, I am more determined than ever to continue to exercise reasonable precaution. I encourage anyone reading this to do the same.

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