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my rant about covid19 "vaccine" ...


Well-known member
As someone who worked on the “treatment side” of things, most of my patients required “treatment” because they chose NOT to take care of themselves.
As long as we have a population that eats what it wants, as much as it wants, drinks what it wants, smokes what it wants, shoots up what it wants, snorts what it wants and of course, refuses to engage in physical activity to the point where they weigh more than farm animals, then the “medical industry” will be overwhelmed in providing treatment.

putting bandages over skin cancers... "now, doesn't that look better?" 🤨


Comfortably numb!
As someone who worked on the “treatment side” of things, most of my patients required “treatment” because they chose NOT to take care of themselves.
As long as we have a population that eats what it wants, as much as it wants, drinks what it wants, smokes what it wants, shoots up what it wants, snorts what it wants and of course, refuses to engage in physical activity to the point where they weigh more than farm animals, then the “medical industry” will be overwhelmed in providing treatment.

That's one way of putting it! It has to be, it just has to be some one else fault. It just has to be!


Active member
Taking care of oneself does not involve inhaling smoke. Most of us smoke pot and are just as guilty as the pizza eaters.


Active member
Heard yesterday that one of my nieces got ill, although she is jabbed twice and thought as we're told when you get infected it will be mild, but not for her.She is quite ill, although she is in her 20s, not hospitalized yet.

We’re told it will be less severe which it may be.


over here the death rate among the vaccinated has crossed the death rate in the unvaccinated, but when it comes to the hospitalization rate in general, the unvaxxed still represent the largest chunk of the numbers. that make me wonder even more whats exactly going on.


Well-known member
Taking care of oneself does not involve inhaling smoke. Most of us smoke pot and are just as guilty as the pizza eaters.

i agree that smoke is troublesome, which is why i made my own vaporizer 20 years ago - all glass air path, temperature controlled:

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fetch?photoid=17575530.jpg - Click image for larger version  Name:	fetch?photoid=17575530.jpg Views:	0 Size:	70.2 KB ID:	18006644


Active member
i agree that smoke is troublesome, which is why i made my own vaporizer 20 years ago - all glass air path, temperature controlled:


That is considered safer, but so were cigarettes once. It’s an unnatural process no matter how we excuse it. Many claim that it’s unhealthy. Perhaps less healthy then a few extra pizza pounds. Who makes the decision about if we deserve respect over our health concerns? Some will claim we brought it upon ourselves.


new rules announced today here in Switzerland for travellers, your vax pass is no longer the dogs bollocks and is now null and void, you need to pcr test before the flight and again within 3 days of arrival, you have to wear masks again and social distance and you are also limited to how many can meet up inside again. for some reason they no longer seem to believe so strongly in this vaccine protection. i wonder why?


Well-known member
for some reason they no longer seem to believe so strongly in this vaccine protection. i wonder why?

perhaps out of an abundance of caution until they have a better grip on how the vaccine works with the latest variants? just an educated guess there...


Well-known member
death cult

NPR looked at deaths per 100,000 people in roughly 3,000 counties across the U.S. from May 2021, the point at which vaccinations widely became available. People living in counties that went 60% or higher for Trump in November 2020 had 2.7 times the death rates of those that went for Biden. Counties with an even higher share of the vote for Trump saw higher COVID-19 mortality rates.

In October, the reddest tenth of the country saw death rates that were six times higher than the bluest tenth, according to Charles Gaba, an independent health care analyst who's been tracking partisanship trends during the pandemic and helped to review NPR's methodology. Those numbers have dropped slightly in recent weeks, Gaba says: "It's back down to around 5.5 times higher."

The trend was robust, even when controlling for age, which is the primary demographic risk of COVID-19 mortality. The data also reveal a major contributing factor to the death rate difference: The higher the vote share for Trump, the lower the vaccination rate.

Recent polling data that show Republicans are now the largest group of unvaccinated individuals in the United States, more than any other single demographic group. Polling also shows that mistrust in official sources of information and exposure to misinformation, about both COVID-19 and the vaccines, run high among Republicans.

"An unvaccinated person is three times as likely to lean Republican as they are to lean Democrat," says Liz Hamel, vice president of public opinion and survey research at the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan health policy think tank that tracks attitudes toward vaccination. Political affiliation is now the strongest indicator of whether someone is vaccinated, she says: "If I wanted to guess if somebody was vaccinated or not and I could only know one thing about them, I would probably ask what their party affiliation is."


Well-known member
it isn't political for me. just bad technology. and a lot of hubris.

just 73 and i don't mind dying.


Well-known member
bump ...

i like to re-read the first post of this thread several times per year and, based on the continuing stream of research papers - both preprint and peer reviewed - it has aged very well.

i did overstate the gain of function in the garage threat. after more biology study i have learned that a point source release, such as a lab leak can NOT cause a pandemic - not from a coronavirus - it mutates far too quickly to be identical across such a wide area - i.e. globally - simultaneously. just can't happen.

and gain of function is also not possible. that is a relief, but only to a minor extent.

what IS biologically possible is to create an infectious virus, using a DNA printer, and then generate many copies of an infectious RNA clone. this CAN be distributed in selected areas, sampled to create the illusion of a simultaneous outbreak, and be declared a pandemic. i can't say this is what happened, but i can't say it didn't and the results on the ground sure give credence to this idea. and there is a background level of corona virus in the population to be able to claim pandemic when it doesn't actually exist. the PCR test originally was non-specific for cov19 - so it was measuring background, too.

and antibodies, generated in response to an intramuscular injection of toxic sludge, is not a correlate of protection against a specific virus - it is just serum antibodies dealing with the jab assault. the antibodies need to be at the site of infection, i.e. nasal mucus cavity. by the time the virus reproduces enough to hit the blood stream, well, lights out. that is, if cov19 is as lethal as purported - which it has proven not to be - the IFR is about 0.005%

covid deaths, yes, same as any flu and affecting the same population - the old (flu is the old man's friend) and the unhealthy. that dry tinder has been exhausted by now.

and by now, researchers (such as Kevin McKernan) have used the correct PCR primers and done a deep analysis of the jab juice and found cDNA contamination. this has been verified by several other researchers in other labs.

in short, mRNA technology is NOT ready for prime time: transfection is NOT immunization.

my body, my choice, no jab. it is a personal choice to have a sick immune system, or, to fortify the immune system with proper nutrition and adequate exercise.

study biology - it is awesome.


Well-known member
BIOLOGY as i see it ...

so, what is the problem with getting a viral "infection"? i think of it as a race - a competition - to see which RNAs dominate the ribosomes to synthesize either immune system proteins or viral proteins.

mankind, in fact all life forms, are awash in a sea of RNAs and DNAs, some of it packaged into virions - a potential viral transfection - which simply means the virus RNAs replicate in the cell it has entered. the body deals with this event all the time, and over time has evolved responses (some look to me like programming hacks) to deal with this.

how well the body deals with the constant influx of RNAs and DNAs depends on the homeostasis of the bioframe, and the two factors that kick the body out of optimum are toxins and deficiencies.

my experience with covid, in sept 2019, was one day getting sicker, one day pretty delirious at times and just stayed in bed, and the 3rd day over it. no meds of any kind - didn't even do much bud. this was after only 12 months on, finally, a healthy nutrition plan: omnivore whole food diet, lo carb, bring on the fats, adequate protein (.5g/lb), and no sugar and no processed foods. and after 37 years of sweating my ass off doing 30 minutes of aerobics 5 times per week. strength training for 10 years, 3 times per week.

and long covid - having a day feeling "off" every 3 weeks for about 6 months after the initial event. and now just occasionally.

that's my experience.

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