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Cambodian * Laos * Thai * Vietnam * Burma & SE Asians....


Chasing The Present
Didnt grow any peppers last year as I still had a lot from the previous. But man my jalapenos were so damn hot that when I pickled them it made EVERY orifice on my body burn. And I mean every! Showers did not help. Literally had to dunk my junk in milk.
Haha - been there, aside from the milk bit !

But What kind of Jalapeños you growing brother !? I’ve had some hot ones but they don’t even come close to many others I’ve grown…


@Donald Mallard - the ones I sent to you were derived from crosses I made with the Carolina Reapers & then some very large regular ghost chilies; results are huge insanely hot peppers - as you know ;)


Chasing The Present
yea agreed those buggers are hot ,
ive had me lips burning just from the air ,
almost like you have to wear a mask and protective clothing ,
and pants ... hehe ...
Just the tip, just for a second, just to see how it feels....
I wear organic vapor mask & gloves when I deseed the reapers & ghosts -

Just the tip….. - lol

When I get sniffles I bust out the half gallon dried ghost chili jars and just breath in deep, clears out the nose & sinuses proper
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Well-known member
Many thanks for sharing as always..... some comments

one uses Ethephon to reverse males, hippies been doing it forever with a diluted version called Florel.... I had males turn once in a garage that had many hundreds of lbs of ripening fruit, what a fun time it was figuring that one out.....

This curl you see below is quintessential revegetation swirl my friend, interestingly a seed seller in here was recently mentioning it was unique to his Haze ( I called it out, crickets), hahaha - This is just what a plant does when it reveges.....

Nothing ever beats hands on experience but a little bit of reading helps too, few people I know have read as much as I have, these days I spend most my time with the subjects though... ha

View attachment 18831054

PS: Racing stripes can be due many things, Genetics, Pheno expressions due mineral deficiency etc.. I wouldn't go hunting the Red or racing stripes as in "all in" method of selection at any stage of a plants developments personally, probably wouldn't even be in a top 10 selection criterion of mine, just my .02....

PPS: This below is what happens almost always when you bend / brake any stem but especially on NLD, I've got pics of ones larger than golfballs somewhere...... its more stress lines than anyrthing else, showing up most pronounced as deficiencies immmediately around the brakes / bends

View attachment 18831055
ya i def agree that chasing stem color isnt the best route of selection too many alternate explanations. its more about a suite of traits some visible from germination that are the result of irregularities in the cad enzyme which causes down stream effects. the traits im looking for are-
twisted leaves at germ
fused/irregular cotyledons
red/speckled hypocotyl
thick tumor like tap root/XL endosperm
red petioles on first true leaves
aerial roots
flat stem
greasy/early trichome/strong smell at veg(these are obvious)

with the ultimate result of changed lignin composition incorporating hydroxycinnamaldehydes without a proper cad enzyme cinnamaldehydes cant be transfomred into the alcohol form and instead are used as pre cursor in the phenolpropanoid pathway.
this shift in allocated resources from primary metabolism to secondary metabolism imparts mentholated aromas, increased phytohormone levels and a heat sensitive red xylem effect..

the degree and total content of red xylem depends on copy number since the mutation is recessive initial outcross between red x green pheno will result in almost all green stem. but if selfed/inbred the red comes out and if a doulbe f1 using red on both sides will result in great proportions of null cad enzyme plants and the morphological oddities that come from hydroxycinnamaldehyde incorporation.
the most extreme CAD mutants have a weeping willow structure since lignin content is reduced. since reveg concerns changes/triggering phytohormone levels id expect theres some morphological crossover between reveg normal plants and germinated/juvenile CAD hormone mutants so my stem picture was not the best visual.
the best example ive seen of red xylem mutants comes in blackcatgenetics333 preservation run of purple viet (dalat x viet black purp stem)

this seedling is from zomia its the mua xai highland laos from khmu tribe about 20 percent come out like this in germination

purple viet types




Well-known member
agree on all points there led the leaf curl very common on reveg ,,bend a stem big bulbbous elbow very common to ,i figured it must be something scientific an over my head lol thanks for bringing me back lol would never breed for red/stripey stems but my grail sk/haze had the stripes along with beautiful horn shaped buds that formed as intricate as a snowlake then eventually filled the arms fruity,, sticky ,, i gotta stop now or il upset meself lol
yes the leaf curl on a full grown plant was a poor example. its really only relevant linkage wise immeditatly after germination when all the seedlings have the same start. putting a star next to those observed with the red xylem/phytohormone increase. nature farm took this a step futher in his colombian black repro he chose 3 males all colored various amounts including an all red guy named redman. he culled all the green males and only kept a couple green females. he made a great point that the c black is a farmed drug line with some crop weed complex always exptected from feral surroundings. since the red type enzyme is recessive the green feral pollen acting as undesired outcross, can bury the red recessive population. he also discovered all the red type females had a matching male of the 3 with 2 distinctive bud types. very primal looking.








insane males right!??


Well-known member
thanks for those graphs by the way. makes sense to me that the closer to the origin of cannabis there is broader Genetic base. even down to india and south east Asia.
up for specualtion if it indicates lots of Seedexchange happening, since strong bottlenecking might tighten the Genetic Base ? atleast i heard that when some Strain was brought to new Grounds the gentic base gets tight.
What im still bit unshure how accurate this map is, i mean the hilltribes with their strong weed might still carry some more bottlenecked lines, and i cant see if they analysed those really strong stuff, i mean if you ust took a random sample in SE Asia, chances are that its a hempy Strrain and not from Hilltribes.

i have no problem acepting stong outcrossing/or otherhand bottlenecking..


Chasing The Present
another very informative post piff nice one ,,,you meaning something like this? View attachment 18833113
not a great shot but centre sprout showing more purple straight out the seed
Great pic but that’s environment to me, see it all the time - just nice & moist there, little soil perhaps rinsed / blown away - when you do container in container you’ll get these all over the outside inner container edge - just happy roots / tap brother man IMO


Well-known member
Haha - been there, aside from the milk bit !

But What kind of Jalapeños you growing brother !? I’ve had some hot ones but they don’t even come close to many others I’ve grown…

View attachment 18831456

@Donald Mallard - the ones I sent to you were derived from crosses I made with the Carolina Reapers & then some very large regular ghost chilies; results are huge insanely hot peppers - as you know ;)
I personally like Habenaro's. Any habenaro will do, but the red have a nice flavor. Much hotter and I'm out. Obliged


Well-known member
thanks for those graphs by the way. makes sense to me that the closer to the origin of cannabis there is broader Genetic base. even down to india and south east Asia.
up for specualtion if it indicates lots of Seedexchange happening, since strong bottlenecking might tighten the Genetic Base ? atleast i heard that when some Strain was brought to new Grounds the gentic base gets tight.
What im still bit unshure how accurate this map is, i mean the hilltribes with their strong weed might still carry some more bottlenecked lines, and i cant see if they analysed those really strong stuff, i mean if you ust took a random sample in SE Asia, chances are that its a hempy Strrain and not from Hilltribes.

i have no problem acepting stong outcrossing/or otherhand bottlenecking..
yes theres some work to be done to seperate out the non drug haplotypes which come from above 45 degrees in china will be of no use. however i was very surprised when i analyzed the wild/feral chinese strains thc/cbd ratio. this is the most important factor when it comes to genetic and cannabinoid profile- what enzymes does plant have to make specific cannabinoids, and at what rate are they made? the total amounts can be increased but the ratio holds strong. modern assumptions place 30 degrees as limit of durg cannabis. however xinjiang, liaoning, inner mongolia, shandong and shanxi all have wild/feral types with THC and 0 cbd.

heres a pic of wild shandong and a tibet line which is a natural hybrid between wild shandong and feral tibet.

shandong wild plants basal member line goes on south to found yunnan/vietnam/thai

Screenshot 2023-03-12 at 20-51-10 BNU 0039657.png

Screenshot 2022-10-16 at 03-14-27 Whole-genome resequencing of wild and cultivated cannabis re...png

feral tibet line natural hybrid between wild/feral same thc/cbd ratio has shandong
Screenshot 2022-10-16 at 03-15-05 Whole-genome resequencing of wild and cultivated cannabis re...png

shandong and japanese lines are also related. since japanese lines have been used for royal funeral clothes in shintoism the spread most likely went from hokkaido south to shandong

. hokkaido may have been where red stem mutation began because the closely related red mulberry mutants which share the CAD enzyme mutation with cannabis also come from japan




Chasing The Present
looking nice interstesting the male i been using latley also collected from vientian appears to be all the rage lol
The male above I'm using is

F1 (3rd gen) from wild:
P2 Cambodian #2 x P2 Vientiane seed lot # 3 - so both the parents were selected on by me from many from the initial bulkings I did of each - In the case of the Vientiane the initial P1's were narrowed as well (some just pure wild herm messes to extreme, had to go), in the case of the Cambodians I only ever had two plants to work with so there is Cambodian #1 & #2....


Chasing The Present
yes theres some work to be done to seperate out the non drug haplotypes which come from above 45 degrees in china will be of no use. however i was very surprised when i analyzed the wild/feral chinese strains thc/cbd ratio. this is the most important factor when it comes to genetic and cannabinoid profile- what enzymes does plant have to make specific cannabinoids, and at what rate are they made? the total amounts can be increased but the ratio holds strong. modern assumptions place 30 degrees as limit of durg cannabis. however xinjiang, liaoning, inner mongolia, shandong and shanxi all have wild/feral types with THC and 0 cbd.

heres a pic of wild shandong and a tibet line which is a natural hybrid between wild shandong and feral tibet.

shandong wild plants basal member line goes on south to found yunnan/vietnam/thai

View attachment 18834503

View attachment 18834504

feral tibet line natural hybrid between wild/feral same thc/cbd ratio has shandong
View attachment 18834505

shandong and japanese lines are also related. since japanese lines have been used for royal funeral clothes in shintoism the spread most likely went from hokkaido south to shandong

. hokkaido may have been where red stem mutation began because the closely related red mulberry mutants which share the CAD enzyme mutation with cannabis also come from japan

View attachment 18834507
View attachment 18834510
that's some awesome information, love that shit on ratios - many thanks... Last two pics above look like nutrient deficiency a bit to me, the tell would be mostly or only the tops petiole are colored not bottoms....also extreme exaggeration at the nodes

Here’s a good example I’ve got going now, also note consistent nature of the stripping & petiole coloration




This most recent Gambian male I'm testing out, its offspring doesn't like to play well with all females, does great with tropicals not so much non (perhaps pollen grain size mismatch etc), lot of males coming out too in many crosses, not others... always interesting to observe the good and bad...
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