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Well the Pipeline didn't blow itself up.


Well-known member
How does it hurt russia or putin to blow up a pipeline that wasn't being used?

It'll just be repaired if the time ever came to use it.

Does anyone really think putin gives a fuck about that pipe or the cost to repair?

It was not being used and the 3 day operation was moving forward.

that's just a sunk cost fallacy
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Three Berries

Active member

Hersh on Nord Stream Attack: “The Fear was Europe Would Walk Away From the War​

Writing on his Substack page, Nord Stream reporter Seymour Hersh slammed the New York Times and Washington Post for refusing to “run a word” about the pipeline story: “Calls for a full investigation have been ignored by the US media”, Hersh lamented.

Hersh wrote:
The New York Times published everything I wrote—most if not all on the front page—when I was an investigative reporter on the paper from 1972 to 1979. The Washington Post has followed my career as the loyal opposition and ran a long magazine profile of me more than two decades ago. Neither paper has run a word at this point about the pipeline story, not even to quote the White House’s denial of my reporting. Similarly, public calls by officials in Russia and China for a full investigation of the pipeline story have been ignored by the US media. (I cannot resist noting that a reporter from the Times called me on the day the pipeline story appeared. I told him that I was not doing interviews. He asked if I would entertain one question. I acquiesced. He asked how many publications had I offered the pipeline story before coming to Substack. Such silliness is a sign that the mainstream American press is now more interested in media gossip than in national security or matters of war and peace.)
There may be more to learn about Joe Biden’s decision to prevent the German government from having second thoughts about the lack of cheap gas this winter.

Speaking to Berliner Zeitung, Hersh said “The President of the United States would rather see Germany freeze than [see] Germany possibly stop supporting Ukraine.” (English version on Jacobin Magazine.)
Speaking to Democracy Now!, Hersh said the U.S. decision to bomb the pipelines was meant to lock allies into support for Ukraine at a time when some were wavering: “The fear was Europe would walk away from the war.”

“I’m embarrassed to say it after all those wonderful years I had at The New York Times, I wasn’t even thinking of taking a story like this to The New York Times. They’ve decided that the Ukraine war is going to be won by Ukraine, and that’s what its readers get, and so be it. That’s their call. So, I just did my reporting,” Hersh told Amy Goodmann on Democracy Now!
“I’m interested in the lack of press attention since the sabotage occurred, and also the lack of congressional attention,” Goodman said. “The media seems not to be at all interested in finding out what happened here, as you have, or, in Congress, there’s no one in Congress that’s been raising questions.”

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It reads like he decided that he could make up whatever because nobody was trying to figure it out.

He also seems shocked that Congress has done nothing about it.

Someone should tell him that most of them are busy playing talking head and highlighting their personal beliefs and feelings.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
German leader was meeting with biden yesterday, but no press conference and questions from the lapdog press. No complaints about biden following up on what he said the last time they met, during the press conference that time...



Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
We'll see if the UN is anything but the globalists tool. Biden confessed to the crime.

The Swedes being silent about the 4th bomb which failed to explode makes them complicit.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
The US has gotten to the bottom of who blew up the pipes. People fall for this crap?


Three Berries

Active member
The US has gotten to the bottom of who blew up the pipes. People fall for this crap?

Pro Ukrainian???? Must mean the CI A! 🤡

Looks like NATO is getting ready to throw Z under the bus. Need to save face as the Chinese think.

Three Berries

Active member
BREAKING: US Intelligence services have released this surveillance photo of the rented Ukrainian yacht suspected of destroying the Nordsteam pipeline. US Officials added: "We have detected traces of a coconut based explosive." This is a developing story....


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen


Well-known member
speaking of sabotage etc...anyone else here read about the three scuba divers rescued the other day? in a boat with no registration numbers, all of them with Spanish ID papers, and were apparently pretty damn close to a fuel depot on the Polish coast at Gdansk. all phone numbers they provided were disconnected. they claimed they were hunting for amber while diving at night. all three have since vanished. why were they not in jail until authorities got the truth out of them ? huh...
huh...my post from Jan. 21st looks strangely like the incident in news today described as "pro-Ukrainian group thought to be behind Nordstream pipeline bombing". rent a sailboat, have 3 or 4 divers, fake passports, take along a doctor "just in case"...:whistling: