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Well the Pipeline didn't blow itself up.

Three Berries

Active member

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Seymour Hersh's Nord Stream Bombing Expose

A important detail of Seymour Hersh's scoop is that the U.S. Deep State plotters DID NOT use (or, more precisely, were prohibited from using) U.S. Special Forces for the Pipeline operation. Instead, the Deep State team used "trainees" of the "U.S. Navy's obscure deep-diving group in Panama City" Florida for the operation.

As Hersh reports:

…."There was a vital bureaucratic reason for relying on the graduates of the center’s hardcore diving school in Panama City. The divers were Navy only,

and not members of America’s Special Operations Command

whose covert operations must be reported to Congress and briefed in advance to the Senate and House leadership—the so-called Gang of Eight. The Biden Administration was doing everything possible to avoid leaks as the planning took place late in 2021 and into the first months of 2022."….

Newfags and visitors here must keep in mind the ongoing covert civil-war in the U.S. between the Deep State and those patriotic forces in the U.S., both civilian and military, who are still honoring their oaths to support and defend the U.S. Constitution and to follow the orders of their authentic CinC.

It is important to understand that during the last few months before January 20, 2021, Trump, et al, pulled off their own spectacular administrative coup against the DS by formalizing the move to place the entirety of U.S. Special Forces directly under the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) which, in turn, reports DIRECTLY to the civilian U.S. Secrerary of Defense, a Member of the Presidential Cabinet.

Practically speaking, Trump's emasculated the DS by prohibiting the CIA or any other governmental agency or department, from exercising its former carte blanche use of U.S. Special Forces for its clandestine operations. In essence, Trump defanged and declawed the Deep State by removing its primary operational asset, both in terms of force, lethality and speed, in carrying out its clandestine operations. Though Brandon allegedly had the power to reverse this game-changing move, he failed to do so. Instead, Brandon merely ordered that SOCOM report to a deputy Secretary of Defense rather than Austin himself. This slight change likely had more to do with Austin than anything else.

This is a critical fact to consider when attempting to analyze the byzantine operations of Western spooks and operators with boots on the ground in Ukraine, or anywhere else in the World. It is also an embarrassing "tell" for the rest of the World's Intelligence Community, that the World's most feared bully, the CIA, has finally received its long overdue comeuppance. More important, it clarifies who has come up on top in the internal civil war which has been quietly raging over the last 6 years.

Anecdotally, due to Trump's evisceration of its operational assets and resources, the Deep State has been forced to hire its own private operators primarily comprised of former SFs operators who were either dropped from U.S. Special Operations Command, or who retired/jumped ship to earn a more lucrative, but highly risky career, as a Deep State operator. Risky because these former "hunters" have now become the "hunted" as the covert civil war, mentioned above, is quickly becoming a one-sided affair.


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Say what you want about 3berries, but Seymour Hersh is a Pulitzer Prize award winning journalist who exposed the My Lai Massacre and coverup by the US Military in Vietnam.

I wouldn't immediately dismiss off hand anything he publishes.

The best reason the US has for blowing up the pipeline is to cut off a flow of cash for Putin and help starve the War Machine of Russia.

I dismiss most journalism that doesn't reference the work.

After reading repeated conjecture I will choose to be objective and wait for evidence.

Three Berries

Active member
Is that the US ? hard to keep up sometimes.
Yes both Biden and Blinken said that there would be no Nordstream 2 outright.


St. Phatty

Active member
Yes both Biden and Blinken said that there would be no Nordstream 2 outright.

And the US also deposed the Democratically elected leader of Ukraine in 2014.

"to support Democracy".

How many Declarations of War does the US have to make on Russia before they acknowledge the Declarations of War ?

Imagine if Russia bombed a US oil refinery in Houston.

A separate but related subject - I acknowledge that the US government declared War on the general public in the US. Many different dates could be counted as the starting date of that war. 11-22-63, 9-11.

Three Berries

Active member
And the US also deposed the Democratically elected leader of Ukraine in 2014.

"to support Democracy".

How many Declarations of War does the US have to make on Russia before they acknowledge the Declarations of War ?

Imagine if Russia bombed a US oil refinery in Houston.

A separate but related subject - I acknowledge that the US government declared War on the general public in the US. Many different dates could be counted as the starting date of that war. 11-22-63, 9-11.
Go back to the sinking of the Titanic and the soon to be created Federal Reserve. The big opponents to a FED system went down with the ship.....


Well-known member
Yes both Biden and Blinken said that there would be no Nordstream 2 outright.

So the US blew up a NATO members pipeline with help from Norway,another Nato member.

Three Berries

Active member
Yeah going through germany
Yeah something like that.....


Three Berries

Active member
I dunno about that,they probably didn't expect the hit to come from another member let alone two working together. I bet soon it will all change and go back to buying it.
Germany put itself in the position it is in by getting rid of their nukes and coal without thought of dependency on Russia. Now they are dependent on US. Is that any better? (has the nat gas bill gone up in US) Certainly isn't for the climate, the reason they did closed the nukes and coal.

But it is a small part of a bigger story, as the world churns.


Well-known member
Germany put itself in the position it is in by getting rid of their nukes and coal without thought of dependency on Russia. Now they are dependent on US. Is that any better? (has the nat gas bill gone up in US) Certainly isn't for the climate, the reason they did closed the nukes and coal.

But it is a small part of a bigger story, as the world churns.
It's just odd Norway and the US are alleged to be behind the attack.

St. Phatty

Active member
Germany only has itself to blame.

Germany is one of the most manipulated countries on Earth.

They managed to recover from the Weimar Hyperinflation, and build one of the most powerful industrial economies on Earth - under ministers Ebert and Hindenburg.

Then Mr. Hitler was forced on them - with only 49.6% of the vote - and proceeded to destroy Germany.

They haven't been a genuine democracy for a LOOOONG time. Since the early 1930's - 90 years.

If you want to blame ACCURATELY, blame the people who financed Mr. Hitler. AKA Wall Street.


Three Berries

Active member
Germany is one of the most manipulated countries on Earth.

They managed to recover from the Weimar Hyperinflation, and build one of the most powerful industrial economies on Earth - under ministers Ebert and Hindenburg.

Then Mr. Hitler was forced on them - with only 49.6% of the vote - and proceeded to destroy Germany.

They haven't been a genuine democracy for a LOOOONG time. Since the early 1930's - 90 years.

If you want to blame ACCURATELY, blame the people who financed Mr. Hitler. AKA Wall Street.

And look who has steered their economy post WWII. How much has the US poured into Germany over the last 70 years?