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Afghan Mix (TRSC)


Did you find anything else in those 30 seeds or just that male? I have about 30 of my own so curious. Looks like a cool plant!

Thanks, he definitely has me intrigued. I only popped 3. One never made it up and both the others were males. The other male wasn't very appealing. I really didn't even have the room for the three but I couldn't resist as I think there's most likely some special plants to be found in this mix offering. It won't be for some time but eventually the plan is to pop 20 of them and throw a lot of pollen around, as acespicoli suggests doing.

Hope to see you share your findings when you get around to 'em!


Well-known member
Thanks, he definitely has me intrigued. I only popped 3. One never made it up and both the others were males. The other male wasn't very appealing. I really didn't even have the room for the three but I couldn't resist as I think there's most likely some special plants to be found in this mix offering. It won't be for some time but eventually the plan is to pop 20 of them and throw a lot of pollen around, as acespicoli suggests doing.

Hope to see you share your findings when you get around to 'em!

Ok cool. 1 in 3 is good, a whole lot better than 1 in 30 lol, I was hoping it wasn’t that bad and glad to hear it wasn’t. I was thinking something along the lines of your idea to, run a bunch to see what I find but it will be some time before I get to them but who knows, maybe I have to pop one or three like you and have a look hehe. Did you post earlier that it was the smell that turned your attention to the little seedling/plant? Very interesting branching like you pointed out too, would be interesting to see what it would do given some more root space and time, beautiful plant for sure!


Ok cool. 1 in 3 is good, a whole lot better than 1 in 30 lol, I was hoping it wasn’t that bad and glad to hear it wasn’t. I was thinking something along the lines of your idea to, run a bunch to see what I find but it will be some time before I get to them but who knows, maybe I have to pop one or three like you and have a look hehe. Did you post earlier that it was the smell that turned your attention to the little seedling/plant? Very interesting branching like you pointed out too, would be interesting to see what it would do given some more root space and time, beautiful plant for sure!
Do it - pop some! 😁

I honestly didn't think too much about getting these as freebies until I read the description. That's when I realized I needed to buy a couple packs since they're such a great price. Then I started wondering if there was any documented grows and google returned with this thread, lol. Not sure why I didn't search here first. So thanks to @aliceklar for the thread because it's what inspired me to want to pop a few right away.

Yeah not too bad to find a plant that seems to have potential from just three seeds. I seriously had no intention of keeping a male, didn’t even want to see a male pop up. But yes, early on he was stinking and I crossed my fingers for a girl. I had already taken cuts before the plant was sexed - in hopes it would be a girl. But by the time I knew it was a male I was rather impressed with the plant and decided to keep a cut. I am going to take a few cuts from that “father” plant tomorrow… not sure yet if I will then flower him out to collect pollen or wait to do so with one of the clones. I topped him to see if that would change the degree of lateral branching but it didn’t seem to. Eventually I will flower him out. Here's the cut I kept:

AM Father plant.jpg

Thinking I am going to have to pop a few more... :biggrin:


Well-known member
Do it - pop some! 😁

I honestly didn't think too much about getting these as freebies until I read the description. That's when I realized I needed to buy a couple packs since they're such a great price. Then I started wondering if there was any documented grows and google returned with this thread, lol. Not sure why I didn't search here first. So thanks to @aliceklar for the thread because it's what inspired me to want to pop a few right away.

Yeah not too bad to find a plant that seems to have potential from just three seeds. I seriously had no intention of keeping a male, didn’t even want to see a male pop up. But yes, early on he was stinking and I crossed my fingers for a girl. I had already taken cuts before the plant was sexed - in hopes it would be a girl. But by the time I knew it was a male I was rather impressed with the plant and decided to keep a cut. I am going to take a few cuts from that “father” plant tomorrow… not sure yet if I will then flower him out to collect pollen or wait to do so with one of the clones. I topped him to see if that would change the degree of lateral branching but it didn’t seem to. Eventually I will flower him out. Here's the cut I kept:

View attachment 18778266

Thinking I am going to have to pop a few more... :biggrin:

My experience is much the same as I kept getting them as free seeds and then when I looked into getting some Afghan seeds this mix seemed very interesting so I got packs as well as multiple free-bees and I am glad to have a bunch of them now from seeing a few plants popped like yours. they definitely seem worth popping and looking through. I don’t know where the Badakshan region is exactly but Balkh is the province in which Mazzar - i - Sherif is a city and Kunduz is the province to the east of Balkh and they are both the most northern provinces of Afghanistan. It’s classic hash country and these are supposedly collected there in winter 2019. Not going to get easier to get access to Afghan landraces these days or I should say it’s not going to be an easy task for a westerner to go and collect in that region for some time. Also the Mazzar offering from TRSC is a reproduction outside of Afghanistan as is the Kandahar offering.

It will be interesting to see what kind of selection is necessary to find good indoor plants from these, that male sure have the looks and the smells now you need to dust some pollen to something you know to see what it can do hehe!


Well-known member
Do it - pop some! 😁

I honestly didn't think too much about getting these as freebies until I read the description. That's when I realized I needed to buy a couple packs since they're such a great price. Then I started wondering if there was any documented grows and google returned with this thread, lol. Not sure why I didn't search here first. So thanks to @aliceklar for the thread because it's what inspired me to want to pop a few right away.

Yeah not too bad to find a plant that seems to have potential from just three seeds. I seriously had no intention of keeping a male, didn’t even want to see a male pop up. But yes, early on he was stinking and I crossed my fingers for a girl. I had already taken cuts before the plant was sexed - in hopes it would be a girl. But by the time I knew it was a male I was rather impressed with the plant and decided to keep a cut. I am going to take a few cuts from that “father” plant tomorrow… not sure yet if I will then flower him out to collect pollen or wait to do so with one of the clones. I topped him to see if that would change the degree of lateral branching but it didn’t seem to. Eventually I will flower him out. Here's the cut I kept:

View attachment 18778266

Thinking I am going to have to pop a few more... :biggrin:
That's one handsome dad ;)


Well-known member
Yeah. They all look a bit strange. Something odd happening there for sure. The Afghan Mix seeds I've grown have been more symmetrical and didnt have puckered leaves or pale patches. Wondering if there is something in the compost?
let them run it should correct itself, close imbreeding can cause it is this a second generation ? F2


saw this from angus the latest pheno on display at RSC - Afghan Mix


Well-known member
I have a couple of Afghan Mix bonus packs on hand, so I decided to pop one for my winter windowsill grow. Started 6 seeds two days ago; 4 cracked and threw tails, 1 more has cracked and 1 is being a hard case.

What you are looking at is my highly elaborate set up using only a 400 white CFL lamp set on a timer to add light early in the morning and in the evening. And nothing else lol. Obviously I’m not doing this to produce weight, it’s just for shits and giggles to see what these plants can do in a far less than favorable environment.

The plants will eventually move out of the keg cups into their final 2 gallon fabric bag homes. Previously I’ve run Balkhi, Waziri and Tirah repro seeds on the windowsill. The Balkhi and Waziri handled the restrictions of being in a 2 gallon bag on a windowsill that gets cool at night just fine and simply downsized themselves, but the Tirah hated it and was leggy with wispy flowers. The larger plant is a Rustam Kush x Sholgar cross that I made this year from Baaba Qo Selections parents; this seed popped while still on the plant so I figured what the hell, let’s see what you can do…


So far we have one Afghan Mix that looks like a red-stemmed sprout and one that is green.



My experience is much the same as I kept getting them as free seeds and then when I looked into getting some Afghan seeds this mix seemed very interesting so I got packs as well as multiple free-bees and I am glad to have a bunch of them now from seeing a few plants popped like yours. they definitely seem worth popping and looking through. I don’t know where the Badakshan region is exactly but Balkh is the province in which Mazzar - i - Sherif is a city and Kunduz is the province to the east of Balkh and they are both the most northern provinces of Afghanistan. It’s classic hash country and these are supposedly collected there in winter 2019. Not going to get easier to get access to Afghan landraces these days or I should say it’s not going to be an easy task for a westerner to go and collect in that region for some time. Also the Mazzar offering from TRSC is a reproduction outside of Afghanistan as is the Kandahar offering.

It will be interesting to see what kind of selection is necessary to find good indoor plants from these, that male sure have the looks and the smells now you need to dust some pollen to something you know to see what it can do hehe!

Yeah, I bet there’s some real gems in this mix offering. Glad I grabbed a couple packs in addition to the freebies. Unfortunately I do not have a plant that I know well enough to see exactly what this male might contribute. I cannot move past my addiction of popping seeds. :biggrin: (That’s where the real thrill is at!) I might run cuts of a plant for a few grows, never potting up past a SOLO cup, but do not keep mother plants. Just the same I can see that PTK would benefit considerably from a pairing with this male, if he’s able to pass along vigor and structure… will have to find out!

Turns out it made sense to let him flower given the timeline for other plants. I didn’t think I was going to, so he was pushed in a one gallon container for too long. Was tall and pretty much root bound and showing deficiencies. (Still not being sure if I’d flower him out I took a couple cuts.) Once I decided to flower him I potted him up into a three gallon container and continued vegging him for about ten days. He bounced back nicely. As seen in the last pic shared, he was already topped. Given his height and vigor in veg I was concerned that in flower he would stretch into the light so I didn’t so much top him again as much as I cut him back - whacking him lower at three points. He stretched considerably and may yet touch the light. Will be collecting pollen this weekend!

AMM at flip.jpg

AMM closer.jpg

AMM cutback.jpg

AMM flowering.jpg

AMM nut cluster.jpg

Happy Friday!


Well-known member
@Shmavis really looking great, now the only real test left, make seeds and grow them out. It is always nice to have a few females that you know to cross it to but if not something like PTK would maybe bring out some cool stuff like the other end of the spectrum where crossing something like a haze hybrid to thai to bring out more of the taller expressions I think a lot of the commercial afghani types could do well with some new blood from that side of the family. If you have a good skunk cut (or why not like a diesel) maybe that would be a real cool one too.

Looking great and hope you will find some good stuff with that male. Thanks for sharing it too, always nice to see some of those grown out.

Any specific aromas from it or too early yet?


Well-known member
nice little Afghans, i have some too from kwik seeds, Afghan mix. i tried growing a couple but they ended up crap, deformed genetic issues, whirled leaves and strangely some had no smell at all. in my experience most Afghans have strong smelling leaves even in young veg. oh well, il grow the rest out at some point and see what comes out. I did get some freebie seeds along with the original Durban seeds from Khalifa genetics, they are Baghlan I think they are called, should be stout afghani types, anyways, excited to see what comes of those when the timing presents itself.


Active member
For sure. I prefer to have a baby food jar of each seedline saved. I have a natural cooled root cellar so it's no problem keeping lots of jars cool and dark indefinitely. Theres 43 jars of seed in there now, and I plan to add 4 more this winter. Itll probably take me the rest of my life just to run all the packs I've got for seed. :D we need more guys properly storing and labeling and preserving. When it is finally legalized, corporate cronies will crush us and "Monsanto-ize" the industry.

I also have 11 types of corn, 74 tomatoes, 24 watermelon, 17 Roses, hundreds of dahlia, flowers, garden seeds, an orchard and small vineyard. All old stock.

I've since switched this unit to 4x16 flood and drain. The promix was too fussy


we need more guys properly storing and labeling and preserving

I concur


@Shmavis really looking great, now the only real test left, make seeds and grow them out. It is always nice to have a few females that you know to cross it to but if not something like PTK would maybe bring out some cool stuff like the other end of the spectrum where crossing something like a haze hybrid to thai to bring out more of the taller expressions I think a lot of the commercial afghani types could do well with some new blood from that side of the family. If you have a good skunk cut (or why not like a diesel) maybe that would be a real cool one too.

Looking great and hope you will find some good stuff with that male. Thanks for sharing it too, always nice to see some of those grown out.

Any specific aromas from it or too early yet?

Thanks man.

"I think a lot of the commercial afghani types could do well with some new blood from that side of the family."

Not sure if this is the kind of thing you have in mind, but... for a couple years now I have been wanting to do an all fem grow. At first I was going to use only offerings from Ace, then Chimera, then CannaVenture, and so on (couldn't make up my mind). Then thoughts of a hodgepodge, but as of yet nothing has come together. The thought of not having to worry about male/female ratios messing up the amount of space I have to work with is very appealing. So this Afghan Mix male - sometimes you just have to go with your gut - has helped determine the makeup of an all fem grow. I kicked it off last night by starting to soak the following seeds:

(3) Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1 [VG]
(3) POG x HK [Cultivator's Choice]
(3) L.A. Affie S1 [CannaVenture]
(3) HashPlant S1 [Ace]

They were transferred this morning into paper towels. I will not try to replace any that do not germinate so at most there will be 12 girls in a 4 x 4 tent, but I am thinking it will be fewer as I am bound to have some not germinate. We'll see. I am guessing there will be a girl or two in there that might seemingly make sense to impregnate with AMM as the pollen donor.

Don't have a Diesel cut but do have a Chem '91 S1 cut... it grew nicely for a seed plant, had good resin coverage and has a muted chemmy taste but the flowers themselves are not loud. (have Rusty's ECSD S1 offering in the vault though)

Hard to pin down a specific aroma... but as the time to collect approached I was opening the tent often to smell and try to think of what I might be smelling... by the end the best I could come up with was Play-Doh, if that makes any sense. :)