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Canada to decriminalize hard drugs in pilot study


Well-known member
Getting back to the original topic.......



So the ghettos full of Jews in Germany in ww2 was the fault of the Jewish people?

Typical NARC who believes that metal illness and homelessness is caused by drug use, the only difference is most narcs label cannabis a hard drug.
Sure buddy hard drugs like MDMA or is it magic mushrooms or perhaps LSD that causes people to end up homeless? Or is it highly addictive drugs like tobacco, alcohol, meth and opioids that caused the tent city.

Same old same old drug war propaganda only difference is narcs can now smoke cannabis since its legal.


Well-known member
Many people are buying black market herb here.
Go for it dude!

"Forensic scientists in Madrid said they found poop particles in 88.3 percent of street hash samples they tested."
Buying black market shit is shit.
"The vast majority of cannabis sold on the streets of Madrid contains dangerous levels of faecal matter and is unfit for human consumption, according to a new study.

Its like buying opioids on the street rather then from a pharmacy. But stupid is as stupid does.


Well-known member
You would think that after 60 years of failure of the drug war people would realize prohibition does not work and is not working. Yet every illicit drug has increased in use where as the only drug that is used less is legal. Tobacco went from 45% use when the drug war started in the sixties to less then 10% now. Proof that prohibition is a total failure where as drug education works. The problem here is NARCS hate facts like LSD, MDMA, Cannabis, Hash, Magic Mushrooms just to name a few are far less harmful then alcohol and tobacco. But stupid is as stupid does.


Well-known member
This is truly progressive, Canadians should be proud. I can understand why many drugs aren't legal, but I can't understand why we consider users as victims and then criminalise them.

In an era where people are supposedly open minded and inclusive, there's a blind spot when it comes to the suffering caused by the war on drugs.


Well-known member
My crystal ball says use has increased as controls have become lax. So lax now, that they are almost not bothering. As in other studies/cases the dealers will rush out onto the street if the gov don't provide the goods. Dealers no longer risking anything than a stern look. I will cite Thailand as the most recent example of a poorly implemented deregulation. My country did the same thing.
This to me looks like a case of 'let them kill themselves' and be a lesson to others. Lightening the load on the health services. Then put the laws back in place.

I will take bets on this. The eventual outcome will be reason for even stiffer penalties.


Well-known member
Legalizing all drugs is the way to go if you want to get rid of criminal gangs. Canada's Legalization Of Cannabis Has Contributed $43.5 Billion To National GDP. Yup that's 43.5 billion gangs no longer have in thier pockets.

FYI NARCS were sure Canada would just fall apart and cannabis would be made illegal again with stiffer penalties. KA are you serious about that bet?


Well-known member
'cept that is 15 billion in taxes to the biggest criminal gang around in Canada...

for a product that is beyond triple taxed...

legalizing everything won't get rid of criminal gangs.. its asinine to think that.. its about supply and demand.. it isn't like the government is known for keeping up with supply of just about anything but tax forms.


Well-known member
Legalizing all drugs is the way to go if you want to get rid of criminal gangs. Canada's Legalization Of Cannabis Has Contributed $43.5 Billion To National GDP. Yup that's 43.5 billion gangs no longer have in thier pockets.

FYI NARCS were sure Canada would just fall apart and cannabis would be made illegal again with stiffer penalties. KA are you serious about that bet?
How much :)
Cannabis legalisation saw people provided with it through legal means. Money was earned, and nobody died.

Where are the parallels?

Over half the population probably didn't mind people smoking green. Perhaps didn't mind a cannabis cafe popping up.

It's regulation that allows things. Anarchy leads to the uprising of gangs


Active member
Prohibition don't solve problems .

In France, this is out of control o_O:

‘Wall of shame’ built to block crack users sparks fury in Paris suburb - https://www.france24.com/en/france/...block-crack-users-sparks-fury-in-paris-suburb
Paris authorities have bricked up a tunnel that connects the French capital and the northeastern suburb of Pantin after moving dozens of crack smokers into the area, a measure that has sparked fury and despair among residents.

But a wall built last Friday bricking up a tunnel between the two areas, connecting Paris and its poorest suburbs in the département of Seine-Saint-Denis, has sparked fury among locals.

“The wall of shame, thanks Darmanin,” reads the graffiti daubed on the freshly built wall in Pantin, referring to France’s hardline interior minister, whose decision it was to build the wall.

The wall is “not a solution”, said Madame Bendjendi, a local who lives just by the newly built wall, as she returned from the school run.

““I’m really, really anxious,” she said. “It’s not going to stop the crackers (crack addicts) from coming here,” she said, pointing to a nearby road that the drug users could access instead.

In France this is war on drugs to devide preople and the power ( banksters ) can stay !


"Treat them, protect us," reads this placard at a protest against the arrival of crack users, and a wall to block them, in the area.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I don't live in Madrid. Spanish smugglers frequently use their digestive tract to hide hash from Morocco.

Here in the Midwest our local black market herb is poop-free. It also is usually heads and shoulders above mass produced overstock that is imported from other states that flood our (black) markets with their unwanted buds.

The legal weed around here isn't bad, it's just nowhere near the best. I doubt that changes because the legitimate market has no motivation to increase quality and plenty to increase profit.

I'm not advocating for people to continue to get locked up for herb.

I'm not excited about the industry moving forward due to worry about the people that will continue to go to prison if we let the government handle everything unchecked.

I'm watching the wheels go round. They're currently having their cake and eating ours too.

Canada is likely a little wiser than we have been.

Time will tell.

Frosty Nuggets

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
How much :)
Cannabis legalisation saw people provided with it through legal means. Money was earned, and nobody died.

Where are the parallels?

Over half the population probably didn't mind people smoking green. Perhaps didn't mind a cannabis cafe popping up.

It's regulation that allows things. Anarchy leads to the uprising of gangs
You obviously don't know what Anarchy actually means, it doesn't mean chaos, it means living without rulers.


Active member
When Portugal decriminalized drugs the funds from previously used for policing went to drug treatment. If Canada doesn't do this then I fear the policy may fail.
They're already announced they're studying safe supply programs for addicts where with a doctors prescription they can use drug-ATM's to get their daily fix of pharmaceutical opiates, safe injection sites and the associated treatment programs have been spreading all over for more then a decade. The main drive behind this policy is recognizing that addiction is better treated as a health issue not a criminal one and shifting resources from policing to health care to resolve it. Well that's the idea but I've yet to see any police budgets be held in check or defunded yet.


Well-known member
Smoking a joint enjoying life while I watch the rats run in circles.

Mark Twain:
“Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits. Fanatics will never learn that, though it be written in letters of gold across the sky. It is the prohibition that makes anything precious”

The dude died 112 years ago but was more intelligent then most people alive today.


Active member
I've always like John Stuart Mills quote from his essay On Liberty as it's defined my views on most things in society around freedom vs social obligation.

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant. He cannon rightfully be compelled to do or forebear because it would be better for him to do so, because it would make him happier to do so, because, in the opinion of others, it would be wise or even right to do so. This are good reasons to remonstrate with him, or reason with him, or persuade him but not to compel him, or visit him with any evil in case he does otherwise. To justify that, the conduct from which it is desired to deter him must be calculated to produce evil to someone else. The only part of the conduct of anyone, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign."

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
"It ain't what you know that gets you into trouble, it's the things you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain

"A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he cannot learn in any other way." - Mark Twain

Two of my favorite quotes from Samuel Clemens.


Well-known member
You obviously don't know what Anarchy actually means, it doesn't mean chaos, it means living without rulers.
You are hearing things. I said nothing about chaos. Your rulers teach you to want them, telling you the other option is chaos. However, it's just brainwashing. Do you need a ruler to keep your life turning to chaos ?

Is a drug dealer under no threat of penalty, living under rule? Can anyone claim to be you ruler, when you are doing what you like, not what they want, and they are doing nothing about it. It would be a false claim.

I would like your post, but unfortunately, there is no middle finger icon lol


Well-known member
They're already announced they're studying safe supply programs for addicts where with a doctors prescription they can use drug-ATM's to get their daily fix of pharmaceutical opiates, safe injection sites and the associated treatment programs have been spreading all over for more then a decade. The main drive behind this policy is recognizing that addiction is better treated as a health issue not a criminal one and shifting resources from policing to health care to resolve it. Well that's the idea but I've yet to see any police budgets be held in check or defunded yet.
Great Britain did that very thing. a registered heroin addict gets up in the morning & goes for his safe govt supplied fix & goes to work, if fortunate enough to be employed. muggings and other street crimes by addicts trying to line up "breakfast" dropped off...


Active member
Great Britain did that very thing. a registered heroin addict gets up in the morning & goes for his safe govt supplied fix & goes to work, if fortunate enough to be employed. muggings and other street crimes by addicts trying to line up "breakfast" dropped off...
That's what they found in the original harm reduction studies in the nordic countries which were based on the idea of providing the addicts their daily fix as long as they agreed to participate in group therapy, volunteering, etc. It was successful as generally most people weened themselves off of opiates as they developed connections with people/communities around them as being high interfered with social interactions. Which is why I believe addiction needs to be treated as a health/poverty issue, not a criminal one. Mental health and poverty are the root of most addictions, it just makes sense to focus on the cause and not the symptoms to me.

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