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COVID-19 Boots on the ground reports, what is happening in your town?


Well-known member
I read here that folks still think a rope/ bullet/ torture is a solution for folks who disagree with a particular OPINION,
is just hunky dory. smfh.


Well-known member
Mask mandates have been lifted around these parts... for "fully vaccinated" individuals.
Let some unqualified minimum wage worker ask me a question about my health status.
May not go as they hope.
Lots and lots of mask-less peeps out and about. So wonderful to see smiling faces again.
YAY. :woohoo:
What the heck are those oh so adamant face diaper wearers going to do without their beloved binkies??? :gaga:



Well-known member
I think I have a different idea (than you) of what public health is... (perhaps I’m misinformed on the true meaning)
as far as I can tell from dr Faucis description public health is dr Fauci making edicts and the rest of us following them blindly.
But Doctors Without Borders seems like a great program....
Mandatory Lockdowns, mask mandates , the one sized fits all risk assessments stuff, the quarantine of the healthy... it doesn’t work to mitigate viral spread and causes far more harm than good. (Or at the very least it bears discussion of the harms of executive branch mandated policy/law)
to me all of that is a far far cry from the consent based work they do at Doctors Without Borders..
basically Im saying consent matters... and public health mandates should never supersede consent and bodily autonomy

I would agree with your statement that your understanding is different than mine.
You appear to be entirely misinformed as to what public health is about.
Given the effect of big pharma finances on our media, that is hardly surprising.
The discussions you mention, took place a long time ago. You can read
about them if you look at the origins of public health. Some fascinating
material that is quite relevant to these times.
The same is true of the Neurenberg Code.
For consent to be valid, a given amount of information
and education ought to be a prerequisite.


Comfortably numb!
Rockefeller medicine describes a relationship which in effect is a standard of medicine, that has been imposed by the Rockefeller's upon
the United States with the stated intent of seeing it become an international standard.
I feel like it is important to point out that this was not something that was ever voted on, or discussed, it was imposed upon us by a single
wealthy family which used deckstacking at it's finest to set up the controlling foundation.
They have set the standards for our medical schools, which resulted in MDs going from being healers to script hustlers.
One must recall that Big Pharma is the child of the oil industry, which was run and controlled by the Rockefeller family.
Currently in DC, big pharma is spending more money on lobby efforts than any other industry hands down.
They have been able to shape things legislatively, so that they benefit from Uncle Sam financing the R&D that
goes into "discovering" meds.
Then they hand off the patent to big pharma who goes on to produce and distribute the meds for profit.
Big Pharma spends more on advertising than they do R&D.
Not long ago, as in living memory for many, we had affordable healthcare here in the US.
Monthly insurance payments of like 30 bucks a month for blue cross.
They used their lobby power to evolve into what we have today,
a monstrosity that serves only it's shareholders.
Big Pharma targeted anything other than the handing out of prescriptions as if it had no value.
They have set their sites on things like: chiropractic medicine, herbalism, nutritional therapy, homeopathy.
Rockefeller medicine has stated those things are going to be eliminated.
They view medicine as just another means of extracting profit.
If one has an interest in extracting the maximum profit out of life, Rockefeller medicine would be
difficult to best. If one had an interest in seeing a population receive the most healthcare for the buck,
pubic health is where I would look.
I think well of Doctors Without Borders, and once enjoyed being able to support them.


Short strokes... sick people aren't patients, they are customers!


Active member

Short strokes... sick people aren't patients, they are customers!

A few years ago, i was written up for “poor customer service”.
As a nurse who strives to provide the best care I can, i was deeply troubled that one of my patients would complain about the care I provided.
When I asked the department manager which patient I had provided poor care to, I was informed it wasn’t a patient. I was informed that Physicians are our customers, and I was written up because a surgeon had to wait too long between surgeries. (We were short staffed and I had to help clean up one of the operating rooms before we could perform the next surgery.)
I couldn’t hold back my laughter at that. Suffice it to say I didn’t stay there long.
US healthcare in a snapshot: Physicians are whats important, not patients.


Well-known member
A few years ago, i was written up for “poor customer service”.
As a nurse who strives to provide the best care I can, i was deeply troubled that one of my patients would complain about the care I provided.
When I asked the department manager which patient I had provided poor care to, I was informed it wasn’t a patient. I was informed that Physicians are our customers, and I was written up because a surgeon had to wait too long between surgeries. (We were short staffed and I had to help clean up one of the operating rooms before we could perform the next surgery.)
I couldn’t hold back my laughter at that. Suffice it to say I didn’t stay there long.
US healthcare in a snapshot: Physicians are whats important, not patients.

Sorry Amy but I have to ask, just out of dumb, blind curiosity, but was that a male surgeon or a female?

...... and by the way, I know you were retired but went back to work in your field and just wanted to say THANK YOU for being a First Responder who cares! :flowers2:
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Active member
Sorry Amy but I have to ask, just out of dumb, blind curiosity, but was that a male physician or a female?

...... and by the way, I know you were retired but went back to work in your field and just wanted to say THANK YOU for being a First Responder who cares! :flowers2:

It was a male surgeon, but i occasionally provided equally poor “customer service” to female surgeons as well. :D
In my book, patients come first, not docs.
And to be fair, most docs would agree...patients come first. But there’s always a few self-entitled jerks wherever you go.
And thank you for your kind words. I appreciate it.:woohoo:


Well-known member
I read here that folks still think a rope/ bullet/ torture is a solution for folks who disagree with a particular OPINION,
is just hunky dory. smfh.

criticizing some one who was deliberately spreading AIDS isn't really an opinion
it was cold blooded assault of the most heinous kind
and that piece of crap being allowed to do that was a major justice fail
but I see your point, a bullet was too good for him


Well-known member
Here's an interesting tidbit I just came across. Seems it's not just Government propaganda we have to worry about but social media and advertisers also:
French YouTuber receives mysterious emails offering him thousands to smear Pfizer vaccine | Daily Mail Online

French and German social media influencers with millions of followers reveal they were offered thousands of dollars to post fake negative stories about Pfizer's vaccine by Russian linked advertising agency

French YouTube star Leo Grasset was contacted by an unknown agency to smear the Pfizer vaccine on social media to his thousands of followers
  • The agency allegedly asked him to post video claiming Pfizer's vaccine is 'three times deadlier than AstraZeneca's shot'
  • Grasset declined the offer, and the identity of those offering him the money has not been revealed
  • A trainee doctor in southern France with tens of thousands of followers said he was also approached for the smear effort
I'm beginning to believe that all news is now fake news, bought and sold! :tiphat:


Active member
Here's an interesting tidbit I just came across. Seems it's not just Government propaganda we have to worry about but social media and advertisers also:
French YouTuber receives mysterious emails offering him thousands to smear Pfizer vaccine | Daily Mail Online

French and German social media influencers with millions of followers reveal they were offered thousands of dollars to post fake negative stories about Pfizer's vaccine by Russian linked advertising agency

French YouTube star Leo Grasset was contacted by an unknown agency to smear the Pfizer vaccine on social media to his thousands of followers
  • The agency allegedly asked him to post video claiming Pfizer's vaccine is 'three times deadlier than AstraZeneca's shot'
  • Grasset declined the offer, and the identity of those offering him the money has not been revealed
  • A trainee doctor in southern France with tens of thousands of followers said he was also approached for the smear effort
I'm beginning to believe that all news is now fake news, bought and sold! :tiphat:

I could see The National Enquirer becoming the final bastion of honest, old school journalism. :wtf:


Active member
I don't think I've ever read anything that I would disagree with more
reminds me of patient zero of the AIDS epidemic, when asked to refrain from further sexual contacts he refused
"I know my rights ... ", I'd have had the piece of shit shot

What exactly do u disagree with? That consent should matter?

Seems strange you would compare a call to respect consent and bodily autonomy to someone purposely assaulting/murdering folks by spreading aids without informing his partners. (Ie not respecting their right to informed consent and bodily autonomy)


Active member
I would agree with your statement that your understanding is different than mine.
You appear to be entirely misinformed as to what public health is about.
Given the effect of big pharma finances on our media, that is hardly surprising.
The discussions you mention, took place a long time ago. You can read
about them if you look at the origins of public health. Some fascinating
material that is quite relevant to these times.
The same is true of the Neurenberg Code.
For consent to be valid, a given amount of information
and education ought to be a prerequisite.

so ur saying those deemed uneducated by the authority (whomever that is) should have no right to consent ? No right to bodily autonomy? That’s an Interesting premise, not that surprised that a public health advocate would take such a stance.

(I would argue that’s a very slippery slope to grant any authority the right to decide whose consent matters and who’s does not.)

honestly have little interest in learning more about public health origins..., whatever good intentions and good works they may have done in the past are overshadowed (imho) by the vast mistakes and tyranny perpetrated in the name of public health this last year....


Well-known member
What exactly do u disagree with? That consent should matter?

Seems strange you would compare a call to respect consent and bodily autonomy to someone purposely assaulting/murdering folks by spreading aids without informing his partners and getting their consent.

you can play this word game ad infinitum
restrictions on personal liberties during an epidemic is a reasonable action
how much is debatable
it is not strange to compare to an irresponsible prick's action because some people do just that
that's why we have laws, not all people act responsibly


Well-known member
so ur saying those deemed uneducated by the authority (whomever that is) should have no right to consent ? No right to bodily autonomy? That’s an Interesting premise, not that surprised that a public health advocate would take such a stance.

(I would argue that’s a very slippery slope to grant any authority the right to decide whose consent matters and who’s does not.)

honestly have little interest in learning more about public health origins..., whatever good intentions and good works they may have done in the past are overshadowed (imho) by the vast mistakes and tyranny perpetrated in the name of public health this last year....

Thank you for sharing that you have no understanding as to what pubic health is or involves and little interest in learning, as you demonstrate you enjoy spreading deliberate misinformation about it. Perspective and intent matters a great deal in life.



Well-known member
you can play this word game ad infinitum
restrictions on personal liberties during an epidemic is a reasonable action

Nope, and definitely not with a virus that has a death rate of less than 1%. Im all about freedom before safety, you can always stay home if you're scared of the real world.

in other news it's very rare to see anyone wearing a mask now, even with the elderly. Things are finally going back to normal.


Well-known member
Nope, and definitely not with a virus that has a death rate of less than 1%. Im all about freedom before safety, you can always stay home if you're scared of the real world.

in other news it's very rare to see anyone wearing a mask now, even with the elderly. Things are finally going back to normal.

I was out and about like most, just wore a mask and avoided the maskless
worked for me
it is perhaps becoming academic at the moment, the virus may be waning
and it may return
freedom before safety? such loose words mean little
how much freedom? how much safety?
and this will always be a argued point


Well-known member
I was out and about like most, just wore a mask and avoided the maskless
worked for me
it is perhaps becoming academic at the moment, the virus may be waning
and it may return
freedom before safety? such loose words mean little
how much freedom? how much safety?
and this will always be a argued point

I'm pretty sure the virus is here for life, the flu vaccine never stopped the flu. I suppose some people will just have to wear a mask forever. For me what doesn't kill me makes me stronger.


Well-known member
freedom over safety?
so I should be able to cruise around in an un-inspected vehicle?
I gotta be free
too bad about the family that burned alive when I crashed into them because the old brakes gave out


Well-known member
freedom over safety?
so I should be able to cruise around in an un-inspected vehicle?
I gotta be free
too bad about the family that burned alive when I crashed into them because the old brakes gave out

What do you mean by un-inspected vehicle? I buy used trucks and work on them myself, never once took it into a shop to be fixed or "inspected". Don't you know how to change break rotors and pads?