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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
When 1 rich asshat thinks he is above the law it's about to get very interesting how the DOJ handles it.. Letting turd off should toss the DOJ into shambles. How could anyone have faith in a system that only works for the rich. I could guarantee they get off most of the time. Our criminal system is for the poor/middle class.


Well-known member
Tax crimes are the worst... they never go away and are proved by documents. I’m told they also carry hefty sentences?


Well-known member
Tax crimes are the worst... they never go away and are proved by documents. I’m told they also carry hefty sentences?

of course, when you steal from the government you're stealing from all
that's how I think Trump looks at it too
except when he's doing the stealing, because then it's just a tax problem and it was an accountant screw up
obviously it's the accountant who needs to go to jail


Well-known member
Our criminal system is for the poor/middle class.

gotta have grist for the mill, keep those wheels turning. the private prisons are not built until after they get a contract promising them a 90% occupancy rate... consisting of us. part of the profit margin that allow those swine to live as they do.


Active member
just getting Donnie into the court room, I can die content after that
and every bit of pain inflicted is gravy

if I were a 78 year old billionaire (perhaps millionaire) who had colluded with Russian spies to commit treason.., and I was facing time in prison...
I would board my private jet and fly to Moscow and give the doj the finger from there.

imho you should try to focus elsewhere.... seeing trump punished in some way isn’t likely


Active member
if I were a 78 year old billionaire (perhaps millionaire) who had colluded with Russian spies to commit treason.., and I was facing time in prison...
I would board my private jet and fly to Moscow and give the doj the finger from there.

imho you should try to focus elsewhere.... seeing trump punished in some way isn’t likely

One punishment I believe trump will have to endure will be the collapse of his business “empire”.
He has personally destroyed his “brand” and as the legal problems pile up, the trump organization will be unable to obtain new financing/investors and the legal bills will crush them. Ivanka will probably be fine thanks to Jared, but the rest of the family will be bankrupt within 5-10 years.


Well-known member
if I were a 78 year old billionaire (perhaps millionaire) who had colluded with Russian spies to commit treason.., and I was facing time in prison...
I would board my private jet and fly to Moscow and give the doj the finger from there.

imho you should try to focus elsewhere.... seeing trump punished in some way isn’t likely

it does get interesting in these uncharted waters
DT does have 24 hr secret service protection
now they are federal law enforcement of a sort
might not be able to run away quite so easily
that would be a priceless picture, Trump being hauled in by his own secret service detail

St. Phatty

Active member
just getting Donnie into the court room, I can die content after that
and every bit of pain inflicted is gravy

does Trump still win ?

It would be one of the most popular televised trials ever.

He would probably use his speaking time to announce his new website.

Trolling till the end.

I don't think he is preparing to be the Presidential candidate in 2024.

Can't be that old & have a sh-t diet.


Well-known member
He can’t go to Russia anymore... Putin dumped him spring 2020. Possibly due to soleimani assassination.
maybe Saudi Arabia would welcome him?


Well-known member
Donald putting on a show in the court room
this is what his remaining minions seem to be hoping for
would be interesting if the presiding judge blocked any video
then it would be a Donald no show
toss in a side of gag order and we have a DT unhappy meal


ICMag Donor
Another hit song coming your way, folks.🎼🎶🎶🎶

Allen Weisselberg is in the hot seat—and that’s bad news for Donald Trump and his family. Assorted news reports have identified Weisselberg, the chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, as a key figure in the criminal and civil investigations of the Trump business being conducted by the New York attorney general and the Manhattan district attorney, who recently empaneled (LOVE THAT TERM!!) a grand jury to review evidence against the Trump company, its executives, and possibly Trump. Moreover, the New York Times recently reported that Weisselberg himself is being criminally investigated for possible tax fraud, raising the prospect that investigators are looking to flip the longtime Trump executive into a cooperating witness. Now there’s more trouble for Weisselberg and Trump World. Previously unreported emails attached to a little noticed filed earlier this month show that Weisselberg is tied to another Trump financial scandal: the Trump inauguration case, which is currently being investigated by the attorney general of Washington, DC. Now for the chorus.....🎵🎵🎵🎵🎶

In 2020, Karl Racine, the AG in the nation’s capital, filed a lawsuit against Trump’s inauguration committee and the Trump Organization, asserting that the inauguration committee, a nonprofit corporation, misused charitable funds to enrich the Trump family. The complaint, as the attorney general put it in a statement, accuses the Presidential Inauguration Committee (known as the PIC) of coordinating “with the Trump family to grossly overpay for event space in the Trump International Hotel.” The lawsuit notes that the PIC struck a contract with the Trump Hotel for $1.03 million, an amount that was allegedly far above the hotel’s own pricing guidelines. (At the time, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, a top producer for the PIC, raised concerns with the president-elect, Ivanka Trump, and others about the prices the Trump Hotel was charging the inauguration committee for events to be held there. But according to Racine, the PIC still paid the Trump Hotel inflated fees.)

Since DJT uses a bidet (should be Flint, MI water), the plethora of lawsuits can be used as toilet paper.


ICMag Donor
One punishment I believe trump will have to endure will be the collapse of his business “empire”.
He has personally destroyed his “brand” and as the legal problems pile up, the trump organization will be unable to obtain new financing/investors and the legal bills will crush them. Ivanka will probably be fine thanks to Jared, but the rest of the family will be bankrupt within 5-10 years.

Just like his casinos....imploding. Sad to confess, I spent my Double Nickel birthday at the Taj in Atlantic City....gawd awful decor, the casino hideous.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
if I were a 78 year old billionaire (perhaps millionaire) who had colluded with Russian spies to commit treason.., and I was facing time in prison...
I would board my private jet and fly to Moscow and give the doj the finger from there.

imho you should try to focus elsewhere.... seeing trump punished in some way isn’t likely

I agree and disagree. If by punished you mean time in jail then yeah that's not likely. Trump has evaded legal jeopardy all his life and over time he's gotten quite good at leaving things set for someone else to take the fall. That being said it's looking more and more like his business is doomed and that would be the worst possible punishment for him. Now where justice is more likely to come is when Trump doesn't have enough to pay off all his debts with the Russian Oligarchs that lent him money thru Deutsche Bank. That is off course unless his freaking supporters keep giving him money to "stop the steal" then he might actually pay off his loans. As for getting on his jet and going to Russia, he can't his jet is currently grounded and apparently he doesn't have the money to fix it. I guess it came down to a choice between keeping his jet flying or keeping his frig stocked with Diet Coke?


Well-known member
just getting Donnie into the court room, I can die content after that
and every bit of pain inflicted is gravy

be funny to watch him..."what the fuck? i HAVE to tell the truth? fuck you, i'd already be in prison if i ever told the truth..." LOL!


Active member
Hello all,

Bezos buys MGM...so what, who cares right?

Here is the rub...MGM owns the rights to..."the apprentice" with all the material that made during the production....all the shit tRump has kept quiet is now in the hands of Bezos....whom hates tRump.

May there be more "access hollywood" type snippets to be had? buahaha

The skeletons...right??? buahahahaha



Active member
I agree and disagree. If by punished you mean time in jail then yeah that's not likely. Trump has evaded legal jeopardy all his life and over time he's gotten quite good at leaving things set for someone else to take the fall. That being said it's looking more and more like his business is doomed and that would be the worst possible punishment for him. Now where justice is more likely to come is when Trump doesn't have enough to pay off all his debts with the Russian Oligarchs that lent him money thru Deutsche Bank. That is off course unless his freaking supporters keep giving him money to "stop the steal" then he might actually pay off his loans. As for getting on his jet and going to Russia, he can't his jet is currently grounded and apparently he doesn't have the money to fix it. I guess it came down to a choice between keeping his jet flying or keeping his frig stocked with Diet Coke?

so ur argument is that trump doesn’t have the means to flee the country.. because he bought too much Diet Coke.
good day sir
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