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Biden is putting immigrant children in concentration camps


Well-known member
Looks like all the resident fascist are busy hating American Democracy
Death of a website for patriots


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ICMag Donor
Biden killing kids in cages...

Imagine if Trump denied all access to the media.
Trumps new social media platform will be booming soon ,and border agents will be able to report what's going on, anonymously,of course.Not a good look when Democratic senators report being brought to tears by what they've seen.To ship these teens all over the country untested for Covid during a pandemic is a slap in the face to healthcare workers everywhere.
America last isn't going to help Joe's donors come future elections


Active member
Imagine if Trump denied all access to the media.
Trumps new social media platform will be booming soon ,and border agents will be able to report what's going on, anonymously,of course.Not a good look when Democratic senators report being brought to tears by what they've seen.To ship these teens all over the country untested for Covid during a pandemic is a slap in the face to healthcare workers everywhere.
America last isn't going to help Joe's donors come future elections

even CNN is talking shit about this media blockade


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
even CNN is talking shit about this media blockade

I'm sure if Chris Cuomo asked for access he wouldn't be denied.He could bring his 2 foot long Q tip he and his brother used as a prop at the height of the pandemic......that was so cool......NOT!


Active member
I'm sure if Chris Cuomo asked for access he wouldn't be denied.He could bring his 2 foot long Q tip he and his brother used as a prop at the height of the pandemic......that was so cool......NOT!

lol, the public is going to crucify those fucktards, that's what will be the funniest.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The gov is not good whether it's a Dem or Rep. All everyone does is to make 1 party look worse than the other. Both parties suck ass. The gov isn't gonna stop doing their shit because we don't like it. The only thing this does is make us peasants upset. I don't blame the gov we know who they are. We know how shitty they are. I blame all the weak-ass people that continue voting for them refusing to make a change. Who wants to bet in 4 years we will still have 1 of the same shitty parties running it. There ain't enough of us that want real change to make a difference. Until there are we all are stuck with it. It's a never ending cycle.

Heads up stop voting for Dem/rep.


Well-known member
Was my understanding the system was put together piecemeal over a period of time and administrations.
Always found it interesting that the percentage of those leaning towards authoritarianism has remained oddly consistent.
Barack Obama was left a situation that resulted in his being tagged as the Deporter in Chief.
The recently departed administration was unable to match the unenviable record.
Recent administrations are to an extent, all harvesting an old crop.
Old fires South of the border had a lot of additional fuel added to them under the Bush Cheney administration.
An example of the change of an administration making little difference: Venezuela and the Guaido effort.


Well-known member
Imagine if Trump denied all access to the media.
Trumps new social media platform will be booming soon ,and border agents will be able to report what's going on, anonymously,of course.Not a good look when Democratic senators report being brought to tears by what they've seen.To ship these teens all over the country untested for Covid during a pandemic is a slap in the face to healthcare workers everywhere.
America last isn't going to help Joe's donors come future elections

For real, Biden is worse than Trump, yet nobody is giving him half the shit. But I guess Biden can't be racist cause his VP is a biracial female.... Lol
​​​​​​He also fired staff members for using marijuana in the past. We won't even see decriminalization under Joe. Maybe rescheduling if anything, but that's only good for GW pharma. I guess the price will stay high at least, only problem is sick people can't afford GW's drugs.


Active member
Right of Revolution : The Declaration of Indepedance
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation….
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security​


Well-known member
drowning them in rivers you mean 😁
don't you put them in cages, THEN submerge the cages in water? that's how little old country women kill the groundhogs, skunks etc they catch in live traps...last i read, US military was taking in lots of the kids now on bases. i hope they aint feeding them MREs...poor little bastards!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Bidens all for transparency......right after the smoke n mirrors are in place...........Priceless.......please keep talking Joe......late night talk show hosts are running outta jokes


Well-known member
Trump is to blame for this who wanted to spend billions on a ridiculous wall that won't do much instead of investing in holding facilities? Now they have very little room to hold people because of trump.
remember that pandemic were still in? You think it's only the USA closing business and losing jobs?

You think people didn't come when the Cheeto in Chief was president?
Here's the real kicker trump lost by about 100 k votes in the electoral college lol you know that hurts bad if you love trump-rona virus


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Investing in holding facilities wasn't neccessary if they were being held in Mexico.....hahahaha the crisis at the border is Trumps fault.......hahaha I needed a good laugh,but I spilled my coffe dammit!

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch

You just can't make this shit up! They damned the hell out of Trump for a practice that started under Obama/Biden administration, Trump ended that shit!! Now Biden is back at it and the mainstream media is fucking silent!!

Trump 2024 for sure, anything but Biden really.

Thank goodness, children are disgusting.


Active member
democraps hiding immigrant children in foster homes, up to 28 per democrap voter. i was in foster care and 5 in a house was too many, couldn't imagine 28

wonder what happens to all these stashed children, can you say sex trades.

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