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Water/Air pumps speed


Hello growers, im considering building a perpetual hydroponics grow with 6 slots. Now, i've been searching in the forum for ao to measure the water and air pump speed (im still considering doing dwc or aeroponics) but with no result, so i was wondering if you could give me some lights on this subject.

How much L/min do you need on an air pump to a gallon of water? And how much L/H do you need on an water pump for 6 clones, considering the aeroponics reservoir would be the most usual size for 6 plants?


Anyone? I saw lots of people doing dwc and aeroponics, sure theres atleast one that know this. If this is a repeated thread please tell me :)


stone fool
I once had those questions too. In this gig, mostly we learn by trial and error, and reading here can help that learning curve. In DWC, a tubbler [multiple plant bubbler], a simple dual outlet air pump will keep max DO fine as long as your temps stay 72 or lower. A single outlet pump will do a bucket or an ice cooler bubbler. I learned this by trying more, and less, and evaluating results cycle after cycle, change after change, there is no formula, that works in all cases, environments vary widely.

I consider aero to be for people who don't already have enough problems in their lives, and want to have to worry about clogging every day of their lives.

Good luck, read and learn, don't wait for help, we all got work to do, dig?


Yeah, well im about to buy a 3L/min + 2L/min dual air pump. Why wouldnt i wait for help? Its not like im waiting for someone to do my job, but if theres already someone that tried and knows +- the measures why not share? Considering this is a forum. From the threads i've read only the threads with big grows put the air pump specs on it, i though there was already a thread with this info and search for "air pump" "L/min" and so far no luck. For someone that can waste $$ just trying might be sound easy, but for others that have a low budget that might just end up the grow for a while. Im not a drug dealer, im not against growing cannabis so why not help me? :) \/


Active member
Hello growers, im considering building a perpetual hydroponics grow with 6 slots.
Having a finished plant still feeding off of a nutrient rich res, makes for pretty nasty Cannabis. Unless you water cure your finished product... it's going to taste like crap and be unhealthy for you with all the additional nutrients left in it.

Please set up a "Flush" Res for your final slot. (Yes, this means 2 reservoirs in your space) You'll be soooo glad you did.

If you don't have the room... I would suggest just regular cropping OR.... use dirt until you can.

Stay Safe! :tree:


Hoo, sorry by slots i mean 6 buckets, +- like http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=21514, those things on flushing, etc... i still need to read about them, but im considering which would be the best to me, and since i recently discovered cheap dual air pumps with 3L/min and 2L/min i was thinking that im probably gonna go dwc, the thing is i dont know if 2L/min would be enough to aerate the plants.
I've got some 15 plants in a 45l. container, they're very healthy with only a small air pump. I believe you don't need all that much air. ,Try it and see, you'll be surprised how little you need.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
u can never have 2 much air and if u decide to get a more heavy duty pump which i did u can always have the ability to add more buckets i grow dwc in sepperate 5gal buckets runnin 2 airline per bucket i think my pump was made by hydrofarm but im not sure it is a compressor style pump that runs 3/8 air line to a 6output splitter with 1/4in airlines to the buckets and produces tons of air. it can be alittle noisy but works great i think i paid about 65dollars also it has a 5 year warrentee u can also use seperate pumps available for like 10bucks each justg make sure u buy backups as they are not very reliable and if one craps out in a dwc system it can have horrible results if not replaced quick enough
goodluck stonE


Active member
I've got some 15 plants in a 45l. container, they're very healthy with only a small air pump. I believe you don't need all that much air. ,Try it and see, you'll be surprised how little you need.
Don't listen to this advice...... you'll kill your plants.

I've spent waaaaay too much time with DWC to allow that to slip by.

Stay Safe! :tree:
Don't listen to this advice...... you'll kill your plants.

I've spent waaaaay too much time with DWC to allow that to slip by.

Stay Safe! :tree:
Agreed, even with me new to DWC. The learning curve has bit me a few times but hey thats life. I'm still running some soiless to help cover my errors tho. I run one line per 2 gallon bucket. Don't split off or anything. With that in mind I'd run an 8 outlet pump or something that would get me 7-8 lines. Spaced out in your tank maybe. I started with 1 container but went to individual buckets. Both have there ups and downs.
Don't listen to this advice...... you'll kill your plants.

I've spent waaaaay too much time with DWC to allow that to slip by.

Stay Safe! :tree:

No way Jose! the problem is everybody is an expert and you get way off track! I stick to the simple KISS rule. I can guarantee you if you put 15 plants in a 45 litre container with canna terra flores only, you'll get very good results with only about 15 litres air P/h. Even a fool beginner can get good results.I've got algae, light leaks and have'nt even bothered adjusting ph and the plants are growing crazy and as said are very healthy. The only problem I've had was stem rot in the beginning but have now overcome this by not using rock wool start blocks.
these are 12 day old clones.
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Terramota for a quick cheap go, get a 45 litre plastic square container, the sort used in the construction for mixing cement. Get a good plate material (I've got rubber sandwich with aluminium) cut 8 holes in it with a hole saw 73mm. Get some small net baskets 3 inch. double them up to make the holes smaller and fill with some inert ceramic balls. Put your rooted clones in and your away. Use canna terra vega for 18 hours for about a week and you'll see explosive growth, with roots a meter long in 8 days. Then use terra flores for the 12 hour. Trim off the the underside branches and those that are'nt getting any light because the tops grow big.If you want control ph for even better results but mine do good without as the the terra flores seems to be about right when mixed at 1-200 two of those little pumps will be enough for a 45 litre container. I have a very potent strain that does extremely well done like above. No control PH no other hormones, leaf feeding or any other bullshit.


Active member
these are 12 day old clones.

Who cares? we're not talking about plants in veg because they require a whole lot less do. We're talking about plants that are sucking O2 out of the water like crazy... around day 40+

Show me 15 plants at day 55 of flower in a 45l bucket... with only a tiny air pump. :thank you:


well ill be taking clones and as soon as they have roots ill put them into flower, i guess the more O2 the better but i understand now that there's (so far) no air pump that can pump low enough to kill a plant. Thank you very much for the input!


Active member
i understand now that there's (so far) no air pump that can pump low enough to kill a plant.
As long as you're using a 1oz shot glass for a res...

Just letting you know.... if you mess with low DO in DWC... you can kill a plant in 3 days. If you like roulette... go for it. Otherwise I'd advise going for the larger air-pump(s) every time.

DWC may be easy... but it can bite you in the ass if you don't pay attention to the basics. High DO levels(LOTS of bubbles), low nutrient temps... that's what you want. Stay as far away from the danger levels and you'll never need supplements. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
listen to hydro soil or me dont go cheap on air yea canna roots look good and im sure they will untill they have rootballs like this then without enough o2 they will choke and die in dwc o2 is the main thing propper aeration is key in my cloner i only run 1 little air pump to 2 of those blue shit airstones once i get roots like the 12day olds its time to start pumpen some serious air in the buckets and blow them bitches up to be ready to flower
heres what im talkin bout
little airpump in my supedup-aerogarden i use for germ and clones
10days in aero

transfered into 5gal
2 2.5wks later

larger healthier roots =happier plant=more terrific buds=happy me
peace stonE
Who cares? we're not talking about plants in veg because they require a whole lot less do. We're talking about plants that are sucking O2 out of the water like crazy... around day 40+

Show me 15 plants at day 55 of flower in a 45l bucket... with only a tiny air pump. :thank you:

I'll post some pics just as soon as I can from the plants I have at around 25 days flowering and the plants were leftovers. Check back in a week or two and there will be pics.


Active member
from the plants I have at around 25 days
I really don't care about your pics. I care about newbs not taking your advice and NOT having plants die on them.

I've run DWC for YEARS in many types of setups.... Your advice is bad. Get off it and move on. Thanks.

Stay Safe! :tree: