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Water/Air pumps speed


anyway i can refresh the water in the buckets? maybe ill have to do RDWC? but it would be difficult to control the water level, unless i make a hole in the last bucket to drop the extra water off.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
i just keep alot of extra buckets and top up till its time for a new nutemix then make a fresh buckets and swap buckets done 5 secs


hooo by refresh i mean chill the water in it, btw did anyone notice any difference from single bucket dwc with 2 or more plants to a single plant bucket? Still considering my options, maybe getting all plants on the same reservoir would be easier to control?


how large do you want to get your plants because 2 plants in one bucket will be too small unless you are do SOG. I also run RDWC and I will tell you, that you NEED alot of DO per plant. We like to use the commercial grade air pumps with the 6 way hose attachment. I prefer to use a lot of smaller pumps(6 ways) instead of the 8 way or 12 way airpump. The large pumps get really hot and if you are doing RDWC or just DWC heat is NOT your friend, neither is lack of O2.


Active member
6 individual bucket reservoirs sucks.

DWC when you can't control heat.... sucks. (Insulate your buckets if you use HID)

Two plants in one bucket.... sucks. (Unless they're both crappy performing strains)

Running perpetual DWC without a flush res.... sucks.

The bubble noise from DWC.... can suck.

Not having enough DO and not finding out until week 5... and having a plant die in 3 days.... Royally sucks! :D

Have you considered going with an E&F setup or perhaps drip? Maybe $40 more dollars in parts.... but waaaaaaaaaay less hassle with root temps and DO (Dissolved Oxygen). DWC may be cheap... but I've read sooooo many threads about dead plants and I've spent so much time with it myself.... I don't recommend it for newbs anymore.

Sounds to me like you should keep reading up on stuff around here..... wait a few months and make sure you have a good idea of what to expect from start to finish. I took 6 months myself..... Ran 72 plants in a DWC using Lucas formula/methods. No issues that I wasn't already prepared for.

Taking extra time for cannabis is always good. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:


I suggest DWC to a newbie. All I had to get was 2 buckets, 6 gallons h20, and one 50 dollar pump to grow onions. Just get 1 pump with at least 2 outlets per 2 buckets, or 3 if its a little bigger pump, dont try to get a "6 bucket" pump. Also above guy speeling his info on 15 plants in 45L will not grow 1gpw, and if he does, they will be very small plants and very small light. U cant grow oz+ plants in that setup. PERIOD. Also, keep the ph in check like its your lifestyle.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
hey hydro what do u insulate ur buckets with? very curious i been battling root rot the last few grows got it undercontrole now but will love to hear ur ideas. dwc is not for newbs like this guy it is very cheap and simple to get going but u have to be ready for all issues and have an idea on what to do before u start what may take weeks to kill a plant will murder her in days in dwc and aero thus unknowledgeable ppl or lazy ppl should not attempt it. i dont know if it is just me but i dont see this turnin out good.
i run anywhere between 3 and 8 seperate buckets and will tell u when dealing with 6 seperate buckets and rez's will be a pain in the ass i do it and def wouldnt reccomend it for somone startin out it will just be 2 much
if u run a rdwc i would not mix strains at all unless they are very similar each strain requires different nute solutions and flushing when 1 plant looks ready to flush others may not even be close causing another dilema


Active member
I see failure coming your way, Listen to hydrosoil you'll be fine
"dwc is not for newbs"=bullshit


I put one 4" Disc, one 6" Bar, and one 8" suction cup bar on the side in my 5 gallon DWC setups with 80-100 GPH just to chime in. I have friends say its overkill but it works great for me and doesn't harm growth like some people see if the water is too torrential.
I really don't care about your pics. I care about newbs not taking your advice and NOT having plants die on them.

I've run DWC for YEARS in many types of setups.... Your advice is bad. Get off it and move on. Thanks.

Stay Safe! :tree:

What bullshit. I know for a fact that it works because I've been doing it. What made me laugh was the qoute of gallons of O2 needed, I wonder where a plant get's the gallons of O2 when the roots are buried in soil. By airating the water you are only saturating it with O2, wet is wet or not, can it get even wetter? I bet you've been running DWC for years in many type of set ups, well if you've been having problems then it's a feed issue. Put your money where your mouth is and try what I'm saying. Canna Terra flores in DWC is all you need and from my own observations reckon 2.5 litres a minute air per plant is good. So get off your high horse and stick your expertise where it hurts and try what I´m saying then shoot it down when you know what your talking about.


Active member
tera do not put an air pump on a timer, They are made to run 24/7 not be switched on and off you run the risk of it not turning back on. That small pump you bought is similar in size to what I have always used the elite 803. I use 2 pumps for two reservoirs, one hose goes to each tub, so if one pump fails the second is still working. As for DO levels the most important factor is water temperature.The lower temperature you can keep your reservoirs the better your gonna be a maintaining high dO levels.


i have the pump on a timer because the pump heats up the air (and also the water) on 24h, cause it has a coil inside that stacks the heat.
[/IMG]your pump will heat the water slightly warmer than the air it's sucking in. move your pump out of the heat and let it suck cooler air.
My argument. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Terra Flores, used hydro bud and hash





Show me your gear Hydro Soil, and I'm the bullshitter.........
If you end up smoking my bud in The Dam, it will be called Terror Bud and Terror Hash........

El Toker

There is an upper limit on the amount of dissolved oxygen that water can hold,at any particular temperature, and it's easily reached with a relatively small pump.

I've had pumps fail for a few days, before now, and all that has happened is that that particular plant showed less vigorous growth than the others.

The only reason I can think for plants dying within a few days of pump failure are that the roots are completely submerged in the water, a bad practice that invites trouble, that or the res temp being far too high which reduces the max DO significantly and also invites root disease.

I do think that there's an advantage to using a stronger pump than is needed just to reach the maximum DO. If you have something more like a jacuzzi than an aquarium then the roots are constantly being exposed to air in the form of bubbles.

At the most half the rootball should be underwater and the remaining part is supplied by water splashing upwards as bubbles burst at the surface. Done like this DWC is 50% hydro and 50% aero and you get the best out of your plant.
There is an upper limit on the amount of dissolved oxygen that water can hold,at any particular temperature, and it's easily reached with a relatively small pump.

I've had pumps fail for a few days, before now, and all that has happened is that that particular plant showed less vigorous growth than the others.

The only reason I can think for plants dying within a few days of pump failure are that the roots are completely submerged in the water, a bad practice that invites trouble, that or the res temp being far too high which reduces the max DO significantly and also invites root disease.

I do think that there's an advantage to using a stronger pump than is needed just to reach the maximum DO. If you have something more like a jacuzzi than an aquarium then the roots are constantly being exposed to air in the form of bubbles.

At the most half the rootball should be underwater and the remaining part is supplied by water splashing upwards as bubbles burst at the surface. Done like this DWC is 50% hydro and 50% aero and you get the best out of your plant.
Thanks El Toker, at least someone seeing sense and backing me up. I've had plants standing in as little as 6 cm of water and 30 cm root ball exposed,which I neglected because did'nt have time for them and to see actually how much punishment they can take, although they survived and remainained healthy in the water they started in, 280 litres with Terra Flores and depleted it with no PH or EC checks, just did'nt deliver up the weight but the bud was top quality. I've left well rooted clones out of the water all night and the next morning were all droopy, but after dipping them back in the water up to the stem, recovered immediately, I've fed Terra Flores double strength by accident and got really big buds and almost nothing else. My fear of doing Ph and EC control is that my buds will get too big and then Top Rot. I've had my plants in 26 degrees water and great results, I also suspect that it's a pesticide that I used that gives me roots in 8 days and explosive root growth in seedlings because I have'nt managed to repeat it again without it.
For all you experts out there don't doubt, try terra flores first in hydro then do your stuff and polish it up.I don't use or do anything other than fire and forget. With the exception of phospor plus. ,never believed it possible when a friend told me about it.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
nice budz canna ill man up and say it u proved me wrong im impressed. do u have a pick of all the plants preharvest in the tub full grown. i fuckin love hash. i still think it is not bad to have extra air and a quality pump or atleast a back up. but to each his own i used to grow in a 50gal tub years ago and got great harvests but i also had 1000w and tons of air. anyway congrads on the harvest what whas the final numbers like.
some old pics of my giant rubbermaid grow
56gal 10plant


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