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TheOneWill's Dresser Grow



rkrone said:
theonewill, yes it would be alright to move one to hydro. you can actually go right into hydroton, no rockwool needed.

just gently wash all the dirt off the root system being careful not to damage anything, then fill a netpot up with the hydroton and place the plant in at the appropriate level.

i have done this before and the only downside is the transplant shock that took about 7-14 days to subside before normal growth resumed
Where can I get hydroton from?
I'm just gonna buy me a little one gallon tank thing. Then buy a bubble wand for the roots. An also some nutes because all I got is meal form nutes. Unless you can make a tea with, kelp,blood, and bone meal.


you will need to go to a hydrostore or order them online, you might also want to invest in fox farm grow big for hydro in veg and tiger bloom in flower


Can you post or pm me some web sites? I have no hydro stores in the area. FTL
For the organic grow that I got these plants in I had to order a bunch of stuff online.


I might do a transplant with these plants either today or tomorrow depending on how lazy I am.


Not yet, but when I flower they will ma bey. I might add a carbon scrubber.


:nono: I ran out of room. I'm gonna have to move some of my plants back into the computer cabinet. I'll get pics tomorrow.
I'm probley gonna wait one more week then start to flower or should I just top the plants that can't fit in the cab to let the others go.
I have more room for them to grow its just that my other plants won't plus I need to find out the sex of them.
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Hey OneWill, looking good. I am thinking about starting something similar real soon. Do you mind explaining how exactly you setup your lights? The reason I ask is because it looks optimal for my setup and I have no experience with electrical wiring at all. Thanks


Here is 7 bag seed plants that all got topped. These are at 5 weeks.
Bagseed F

Bagseed B then A

Bagseed G then D

Bagseed H then C

Here is the rest of the plants that I couldn't fit and topped.They are at like 4 weeks
Last 6 are Jack's Poison
After that row, was the 3 sweet tooth.
Then the single E bagseed up front.

I bought 4 heat lights at a pet shop for like lizards but I used them for this. I drilled a hole threw a peace of board to put the lights through. Then put some dividers in there to to have 2 bulbs in one socket. I'm using 6 26watt daylights CFLs for veg.
When I'm done vegging I'm gonna switch to 6 42watt white light CFLs for Flower.
All three wires are plugged into an extension cord.


How long does it take to grow the extra shoots? Also will the main stem keep growing so I could top it again?


Right now for the extra plants I can't fit all i got is an 46watt white light. If I add more would it increase the speed of growth?


growth rate varies a lot due to many factors. but you should see the side shoots growing faster within a few days.
the top you cut will not grow again. but you can top again the new top shoots (of course wait for them to grow taller). the same pattern will happen where each top shoot you top will stop growing, giving the next biggest side shoots on that branch more growth hormones.
more light means more growth, up to a certain amount. with hid it's about 50w/sq. ft. with cfl i think it's a bit more, like 70w/sq. ft. beyond that you need additional co2.

looking good so far!!


budvapor said:
growth rate varies a lot due to many factors. but you should see the side shoots growing faster within a few days.
the top you cut will not grow again. but you can top again the new top shoots (of course wait for them to grow taller). the same pattern will happen where each top shoot you top will stop growing, giving the next biggest side shoots on that branch more growth hormones.
more light means more growth, up to a certain amount. with hid it's about 50w/sq. ft. with cfl i think it's a bit more, like 70w/sq. ft. beyond that you need additional co2.

looking good so far!!
What Can I do about co2? Can I make it some how because I saw some thread where some guy made it. Or do I have to go buy something?
Can you give me any info on it?
Thanks budvapor


i don't have experience with co2 myself to be honest. from what i've seen, and from my limited experience so far, a lot can go wrong. it's better to build your skills up from simple to more complex. and simple doesn't mean bad. check out this thread for example. the guy has incredible results but the method is as simple as it gets: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=59380
but key things to build skills at at the beginning are how much to water, having good ph for water and soil (or res if hydro), watching temperatures, as well as securing your place. that in itself can take a while to figure out well. and if you don't do that right, you won't have good results no matter what. so adding more complexity will just make it harder to get the basics right. i know because i did it ;-)
that being said, i had virtually no gardening experience prior, and maybe i just don't have good instincts. i'm sure other people can naturally do more complex stuff from the beginning. but from browsing the forums for a few months now, i think most people who start growing go through a learning curve.
but go with your instincts. if you're really wanting to do some co2, just do it, have some fun! i just can't help you with that. but i'm sure you'll find tons of great advice in the forums.
either way, i'm looking forward to the show :) good luck!


I'll post my favorite plant tonight. I got a question though. Can you clone a male plant?