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The 'inventor' lawsuits for ice hash kits

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Will said:
ASmuggled out of Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Lebannon, Bangkla Desh, Thailand, Columbia, Bolivia, you name it I have done it in the hash business.

And your proud of that?
Once a criminal... this patent business is bullshit.


Active member
I just cannot stay out of this any longer.

I just cannot stay out of this any longer.

Will, you cannot have it both ways ! On one hand you want us believe that fabric sieve stacks infringes the patent of your steel extraction machine but on the other hand they are substantially different as to make the former pointless with regards to gland extraction.You will be needing stepladderX to get out of the hole you have dug for yourself. You may be considered the doyen of your amero-centrict peer group and I do not doubt for a minute that you have amazing tales of smuggling the highgrade hashish of yore but with statements like "Every step in bubble bags delutes material" you just sound stupid. Sieving with multiple sieves when performed properly, in air of water, is the easiest way to isolate the trichome heads of the stalked glands of the cannabis plant. If you think this is diluting the end product then fine, just do not ask anyone with a microscope to do a multiple sieve stack Vs. Xtractor X comparative test.
Your contract with Mila is for a metal extraction machine not a fabric sieve stack and one that she markets and sells for use on a plant that your patent cannot cover. You are right about one thing though, Milas' well publicised indignation with Bubbleman is misplaced.
Here is a picture of something I diluted with my bubblebags.

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Will said:
Milla breeched her contract, now she will be sued. We call here iceolater, Ipaylater. She is a joke

Bubbleman is a thief who sells cheap fabric at wedding dress prices, using ice water method as profit multiplier

Yeah, all these freeloaders selling their bags for 100$ plus! What a shame!

Glad you came by, and start selling 1000$ steeldrums! Woohoo! :bis:


Active member
P.S. I know the contract is not for the machine but for the conceptual method 'Ice water method of separating fragrant plants' but that method was already out there, Reinhard was daft to think he had 'invented' this process and Mila was dafter for saying she would pay for the rights to it. Reinhard might have a case if Mila et al sold steel drum ice water filled separation sieves but they do not, they sell something even his closest supporters claim is so sustantially different that they are useless. 'Ice water method of separating fragrant plants' is too open ended to enforce the specifics of your patent infringment claim.


Your wrong method not out there, That why we got a patent in Munich and Ottawa. Machine also patented. Answer this why did she use our diagram in her instruction for isolater. That will hang her, the 98 High Times article, so much proog it's a joke. I saw the method you refer to on the border of Pak Afghanistan early 1970's that Skunkman, or as we call him Son of Sam laid claim to. Now he says it's a Chinese technique. For the first time Hippies got a method patent this is big news. Also we have had this application for patent since 1997. These people Milla, Clarke, Skunkman, retarded the hash making industry, some say ten years since 1997 cup, I say centuries because of the nonsense Bubbleman speaks. Can you imagine addind a seiving system to Ice Water Method that made seiving obsolete. I wouldn't want to trade shoes with Milla, her reputation in my back pocket. I will not rest till the truth is completely out on this massive fraud of our culture. They have twisted and confused the patent in order to sell cheap fabric at wedding dress prices!!!


Slap-A-Ho tribe
yeah well generally all you have to do to bypass a patent is change said product a little so it's not identical. Your patent describes a procedure using your maching, not bags. If you think ice extraction made dry sieving obsolete, YOU'RE A FOOL! Differnet methods, different results. It's going to be a shame all the lawyer fees and court fees you're going to waste for nothing.


It's incredible to me that all you charas babas no nothing of Ice Water Extraction. Milla, Skunkman, Clarke, Rosenthal pulled off the biggest rip off in Cannabis Industry! Adding seiving technique to Ice Water method retarded. If you see hash made from absolute fresh buds, not only do you get 10% more than if you use dry bud, the quality is a completely different level of hashish!!!!


Verite said:
btw I have recently patented the process I call Jerky® which consists of any hand/finger manipulation of the genitals. All previous use of the word masturbation will cease and those caught making Jerky® without paying due royalties will be sued. Good day.

That reminds me of Gene Simmons owning the copyright for the word OJ, as in Orange Juice. He's always looking for words or phrases that are commonly used and copyrights them. Gene-ius way to make a buck (Hehehehe :D).

But either way even if this guy wins, I'd still rather buy a set of bubble bags or ice-o-lator bags over that process anyday. And I'm willing to bet that the majority of those that cultivate their own personal stash would too. Not to sound like I'm picking sides or trying to start a fight or anything, it's just my opinion.
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Dude once you see the XTR in operation, you'll never use an obsolete bag again, come to the cup I will demonstrating using completely fresh material! The method is one thing the machine is another. The XTR still state of the art afetr 10 years, the only true Ice Water application. Ther is a big difference as owners of both systems can attest. We just did a test the 39.95 Xtractor kit that comes with video and four bag system, of course we won, and even reprocessed four bag material to get more dope they lost in their obsolete retarted system they have attached to the method. The cheap $40 kit out produced the bag system in quantity and quality, 5-8 bag system would have faired worse. The machine is something else with a reported 17% the highest results of pure melt. 1000 grams of material, yielded 17% pure melt!!!!! At the High Times office last week, I got 13% from 56 grams, the taste blew everyone away, the strength left some speechless. My buddy is going around EU demonstrating the machine to growers and dealers, leaving them catatonic in his wake. If you have never taken fresh bud straight from the plant into XTR, then you have not smoked the purest hashish, by the way when you use fresh you get 10% more than dried bud. I have personally been involved in Hashish the past forty years, smuggling from just about every hash producing country, pre 1970's, I started for real 1968, sold water hash in New York City in 1968. The Ice Water method is the biggest improvement in hashish making in 5000 years beyond a doubt. The people who ripped us off also ripped off the culture by confusing the patent and attaching a seiving system that the method made obsolete, in order to sell cheap fabric at wedding dress prices!!
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Did I meantion I prefer QWISO and BHO over any cold water extraction?

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stone fool
Patent is not enforcable in the US, nor would they grant one for illegal purpose, and if you leave that out of the patent, it covers what? What legal product does this work for? Not taking sides, personally I reckon your buds must suck if you would make hash out of them instead of smoke em, always thought this was a technique for commercial growers to get a bit of quality out of their unflushed crap before they send it to the market. Fine screen hash melts just fine.


Will said:
Dude once you see the XTR in operation

Suppose I buy into your bullshit, and suppose we assume your patents hold a remote chance in hell, ans suppose people will like, buy 1000$ machines instead of a few baggies, an suppose method patents actually are valid in the EU, and suppose your method works ANY better then BHO or dry siev or ice methods, and suppose fighting the market with patents is a "good thing" for a free market, and suppose some afghan tribesman isnt morally more a the "inventor" than anybody, suppose all those things, than proof it. Your patented right? Your safe. Your sitting on gold. Show us the patent application, what does it include? We wouldnt want to be infringing right?
Proof it, show us real diagrams, instead of selling 40 buck "complete growing kit" dvd's. Tell us why this works, and ice sieving is bad. What happens to your cellulites? To the chlorofyl? Tell me. With pictures and scientific explenation please. Feel free to include failed prototypes.
Until I see that, I consider you an scam or a utter fool listing to the wrong people.
A demo at the cup is an easy rig.


US Patent # 6,158,591, EU patent # 1015118, Canadian patent # 2321815, are very much enforcible. There is no way around this no matter how much these people have confused the patent method. Every bag user potential machine buyer, the easiest thing to do is sell a machine to a bag user. The patent is quite clear and all this heading to court or to settlements. I have all ready licensed Kootenay Bubble to make a simple two bag kit. I love it when the simple $40 kit from icecold beats any bag system hands down. Adding a seiving technique to Ice Water Extraction completely retarded, you realize that once you see machine in operation. Still State of the Art after 10 years, built by hand in Mendo since 1997. Ice Water Extraction not a seiving technique! What did Malcolm X state you've been hood winked, bam boozeld, you've been flim flamed, sold cheap fabric at wedding dress prices, using seiving system that Ice Water Method made obsolete. Sort of hilarious. So icecold is sending true hash masters to teach the true method and are giving away machines along the way. Japan, Australia, New Zealand next. I just made some concentrate from ATF fresh off the plant, it came out whitish grey rocket fuel. You see the Ice water method made all traditional forms of processing as well as the use of solvents obsolete as now fresh material could be used!!!!!!!!!!! In the Ice Water enviroment the leaves become flexible allowing the frozen trichome to fall off with a little agitation. That is what is new folks, that is what is patented. XTR has one special filter that allows trichomes to pass as unbroken as possible, we don't want to lose any precious terpinoids. To damage the trichome is too lose the terpinoids, why would anyone be stupid enough to do that? Someone who is selling cheap fabric at wedding dress prices, advertising a method that made their msystem obsolete as profit multiplier. This set the hash making industry back wards, the bag systens are retarded and dilute your material as much as 10-11 times, depending on the amount of bags you use, drying, grinding up, and then freezing your product before introducing Ice Water extraction, what's the point you've have destroyed the material!!!!!! So yes we are spreading truth around the planet!
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OG Dread, for the first time you can put fresh material directly into ice water enviroment, you don't have to dry it, you don't have to grind it up, you don't have to freeze it before intro into Ice Water enviroment, you don't have to pass it thru4-8 bags of different sizes, to get outstanding results. Your a hash maker right? Then you must realize that each one of the above steps dilute your material, Ice Water method made all that obsolete, comprende amigo? See the patent for any further questions. In the Ice Water enviroment leaves and buds stay intact and smaller fiborous particles are not introduced in the process. Plant matter and cloraphyll polute your product because you've dried it, ground it up, freezed it, and then passed it 4-8 bags what do you expect? You can not come close to the quality the Xtractor gives you with any bag sweiving system. Bubbleman taught everyone how to ruin their dope, hey have you heard he has a 20 bag kit on line. Come to the cup I'll show you machine in operation using fresh material.
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honey oil addict
you can use fresh material in the bags too, and many do.... i dont know why u act like u r so special using fresh....?


Yeah, I always use fresh trim with my bags. Well not necessarily fresh off the plant, this stuff is 5 days old... and chilled a little. Ready to go in the bags.

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