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The Great AK Caper


aka Buzz'dBob
LOL... The suspence builds... :::Drum Roll:::

Re: Crunched Roots:: Yeah, that's what happened with the one I dumped, anyway... Quite possibly, I left 'em in the cloner way too long in the first place, and the roots got messed up when I originally placed 'em into the small cubes... Some o' the cuttings looked like aliens, with all the roots they had coming outa the cloner! And getting them into the cubes wasn't pretty in a couple of cases!


Up next:

1. Haze Heaven (Soma)
2.Cherry Bomb II (Reeferman)
3. Afghani X Mango (WallyDuck)
4. Blueberry (DP)
5. NL X Shiva (Nirvana)
6. Moon Shadow (Joey Weed)
7. Kalichakra (Mandala)
8. Sweet Tooth #3 (SOL)
9. Sour Wonder (Rez)
10. Skunk Red Hair (HGF)
11. Godzuki (Billy Goat)
12. DSD V2 (Rez)

There ya go. Gonna start one of each and pray for females...lol.


BuzzBob said:
LOL... The suspence builds... :::Drum Roll:::

Re: Crunched Roots:: Yeah, that's what happened with the one I dumped, anyway... Quite possibly, I left 'em in the cloner way too long in the first place, and the roots got messed up when I originally placed 'em into the small cubes... Some o' the cuttings looked like aliens, with all the roots they had coming outa the cloner! And getting them into the cubes wasn't pretty in a couple of cases!

Gotcha.........we'll see if the same thing happened.


aka Buzz'dBob
:biglaugh: Seed Whore! Couldn't decide, eh? This is gonna be most interesting!!! I wanna watch the Canopy Control on this one!!!

You go, SE!!! :joint:

[edit] Afterthought... :biglaugh: I can see SE talk'n to his packs o' beans, trying to pick the best one!!! [/edit]


Yo Leeroy. They're soaking. Gonna get them in some seedling pots this morning.

Oops.......accidently dropped 2 in this one.



What a lineup you got there SE .... should be interesting to see if they all get along with each other. I got this itch for sourD lately, i'll be watching those. Made some pretty good cha-ching yesterday. Not bad for a contract job, may just do contract work for awhile.

Nyway they are looking great .... my condolences for your loss .... R.I.P mighty mite.

Peace Mo, :wave:


Congrats, Mo. I know that helps to put your mind at ease.

Poor lil' tiny. I'm gonna do an autopsy. Pic coming.


Poor Lil' Tiny

Poor Lil' Tiny

Just as you suspected, Bob. She couldn't push her roots through the larger cube. I'm gonna pull out the small cube (what's left of it) and stick it in the dirt. Maybe she'll root.



Accidentally huh? :D
hehe nice one Elvis, looking forward to their progress :canabis:

in regards to your tinny,
**(what's left of it) and stick it in the dirt. Maybe she'll root**

I know she will root!
you should see some of the near deaths ive pulled back! :biglaugh:


aka Buzz'dBob
Hmmmm.... Ayuh, looks like the other one I pulled apart. Though it looks like you were much more surgical about it! I just ripped mine open! :biglaugh:

Bad cubes perhaps? The larger ones, I mean... Maybe they were too dense, or something, eh? I mean, 2 of 14 did this. One other {which I still have} has some roots out, but it's struggling as well! Definitely gonna be the last time I use those larger cubes like that, I think!

Kudos for your intended effort to give li'l Mighty Might one last chance!!! :cool::yes:


It were an accident, Leeroy......I swear it was......

I think she might make it now, guys. Her roots are resting in damp organic soil. Got her off to the side in indirect light. I'll move her when she starts to show new growth.


Yea, Bob. I don't think I would use those any more. If you're like me you hate to lose any of them, even if it's just a few.


hows the roots comming along on that one thats having a bit of trouble mate?


Thanks bartender. Good to see ya. :wave:

Leeroy, the gal is still suspended between life and death. No signs of growth yet.


aka Buzz'dBob
Hey SE! -- :wave:

Glad you made it back from your minitrip okay! The Ladies are look'n right spritely, and gett'n downright shaggy, eh? :cool::yes:

The #14 that I hung onto is still clinging to life as well, along side the SFxBBs. Though she is starting to show some new growth, so I have hopes for her! LOL... Kinda fun trying to nurse one along, and into good health! Good practice for me!