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The Great AK Caper



You gonna pop a new vent into that for heat, and a/c in the summer?

Gonna wait till summer to see how hot it gets in there. With both lights running, warmth doesn't look like much of a problem....they heat the whole garage nicely.
Summer might be a bitch though.

Made some progress yesterday.



aka Buzz'dBob
What can I say? Wow!!! That's gonna be great when you're done!! I see some fine :canabis: coming very, very soon!


Yup looking good SE, I gotta a AK that I am nursing back to health after those F#$*ing Thrips. I was also gonna ask if that concrete floor was cold or does it heat that up to.
Just wondering ... :D ... I didn't know if it would heat up any, don't want your roots getting to cold.



Bigmo said:
Yup looking good SE, I gotta a AK that I am nursing back to health after those F#$*ing Thrips. I was also gonna ask if that concrete floor was cold or does it heat that up to.
Just wondering ... :D ... I didn't know if it would heat up any, don't want your roots getting to cold.


Hey Mo,
In the flower room I laid down three layers of linolium (upside down) to insulate from the floor. Not sure what I'm gonna do in the veg room yet. Definetly needs it. That slab is like a chunk of ice.
:chin: Might have to buy more linolium....used all I had laying around.


I figured it was pretty cold ... sounds like you already thought of that. :chin:


Bigmo said:
I figured it was pretty cold ... sounds like you already thought of that. :chin:

A step ahead, bro.........lol. Good luck with your AK, Mo.


aka Buzz'dBob
Maybe check out those polystyrene {sp} boards they have at Home Depot / Lowes in the insulation area... They come in 4'x8' sheets, of varying thicknesses. That'd work great as an insulating layer!


BuzzBob said:
Maybe check out those polystyrene {sp} boards they have at Home Depot / Lowes in the insulation area... They come in 4'x8' sheets, of varying thicknesses. That'd work great as an insulating layer!

That is an excellent idea, Bob. Can you walk on that stuff? Might do both rooms with it.


BuzzBob said:
I believe as long as you're not wearing high-heels you would be fine... :wink:

Can't wear my lumberjack clothes then..........cool...I'll check it out.


Damn, that room is glowing! *puts sunnglasses on*
Nice job man, im looking forward to those girls paying you back for your efforts :canabis:


Thanks Leeroy! :friends:

Finished the veg room except for some trim work. She's up and operating. Moved the 4 smallest clones there.

Lil' Tiny might not make it. She's lookin' a bit weak. I'll keep trying though.

Started flowering these 8. We are on day one.



aka Buzz'dBob
Ahhhh.... :frown: Poor li'l Mighty Might... But yeah, there was at least one that was look'n pretty poorly.

Of the two not passed on, I blew taps over one the other day myself. When I dismembered the RW Cube, she had never set her roots into the larger cube. The other one {#14?} I still have and may hang onto to "mess" with. You know, lilke practice training, etc...

Well, hopefully the rest of the lot will flower up nicely for you! They're look'n rather spritely, and all over the place! :biglaugh:


Yessir, they's gettin' bushy.

If Tiny don't make it, I'll pop open the cube and take a pic. We'll see if we can figure out what went wrong with her. I'll keep one of the other 3 as a mom.

Need to get some seedlings going. I guess I'll draw names from a hat...LOL.


aka Buzz'dBob
I vote for either the Sour Diesel, or the Godzukis!!! :canabis: 'cause I have both of those in the wings {frigitator, really} too... :wink:

I'm bett'n when you pull open the RW Cube on Mighty Might, her roots will be crunched, and brownish, and barely pushing into the 3" cube from the 1"... This is the last time I'll use the smaller cubes inserted into the larger ones. In fact, I am hoping to drop the use of RW alltogether, and just start placing the rooted cuttings directly into lava rock in NetPots {bein' a hydro type, don't ya know...}.


BuzzBob said:
I vote for either the Sour Diesel, or the Godzukis!!! :canabis: 'cause I have both of those in the wings {frigitator, really} too... :wink:

I'm bett'n when you pull open the RW Cube on Mighty Might, her roots will be crunched, and brownish, and barely pushing into the 3" cube from the 1"... This is the last time I'll use the smaller cubes inserted into the larger ones. In fact, I am hoping to drop the use of RW alltogether, and just start placing the rooted cuttings directly into lava rock in NetPots {bein' a hydro type, don't ya know...}.

You mean the roots wouldn't push through from one cube to another? Curious.

I'm gonna have to draw.....just can't decide......think I'll do it now and start germing today.

Standby.......drawing 12 names.

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