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Super simple ebb & flow buckets


Active member
sdour diesel bx1.5 x AK47 @72 days in the S.S. Ebb and flo:



Active member
This is what this system can do to a rooted clone in 8 days!
(I even topped it about 4 days through)

~~~~~Thinking of ya BONZ hope you are well
Peace and kindness


Excellent job my buddy........And yeah....Where`s our Bro Bonz.........Gladta see yas around Anima........Take care.....DHF........ :joint: .......

joe smith

New member
Bonzo said:
Awesome Anima! the wholes make sense to ya? Too big they can fall through and if you notice 3"/8" holes are about the pefect plugging size so its just logical to go smaller and more, dont ya think?

on a side note i will see ya at your thread about that flip-flop =:)

One again these buckets work:



Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
hey bonzo. awesome stuff you have goin on here. i am thinking about getting in to that ebb an grow set up my self. im sure this answer has already bin said but how long did you veg your plans in the ebb an grow set up before you fliped to 12 12


Wow what a great thread. I love the super simple ebb & grow buckets. It took me a little bit into the thread to fully understand how it works but what a great idea. Thank you Bonz and Praxie for sharing this.


Active member
Joe-I usually flip when I see roots coming out of the bottom of the buckets. usually about 20- 30 days in the 3.5 gallon version.

1st-I made a condensed tutorial of this system in the growroom designs/equip sect.
check it out:

Check it out and lemme know what ya think.
Peace and kindness
Last edited:

Budley Doright

Active member
I love this concept....

However the idea is similar to the ebb and grow with a controller.....

So instead of using the electrical connections for the bucket drains Im goiing to use grommets and barbs like the ebb and grow.....

I have not yet decided to put the drains on the bottom or the side......

Thanks for all those who built before me....


Active member
per 13 gallons of regular chlorinated tap water starting ppm=140:

I add:
100-125mL Flora nova bloom (or 50-75mL Grow if in veg)
~50mL floralicous bloom (or ~25ml floralicous grow) (flavor additive)
~35-40mL Silica blast
~20mL Hydroguard (lately I have just been using the bio sponges in my filter/waterfall pumps and squeeze some brown goop [beneficial bacteria] from one res to the other) I wait for the water to sit and aerate for an hour or two first to get enough of the chlorine out so that my bugs can live, it doesn't take long as soon as you start bubbling it and mixing it up to dechlorinate.
~12-25mL fulvic acid
OPTIONAL: 2 weeks before the flush I add a tablespoon (give or take a taste) of molasses to the res. to help unbind salts.

comes out to about 750-1100ppm (hanna scale) and turns my drops pH test piss yellow (thats about 5.6-6.0)... I start out on the low ppm and work my way up to full strength about a week into flower. continue feeding until the last 2 weeks, then flush with pure water.

Nitric acid for pH down if I need it (usually don't need it to start off, but after a few topoffs the pH drifts down)

My res drinks about 2 gallons of water a day.

Peace and kindness

Budley Doright

Active member
Thanks my friend that helps a lot...

I generally believe in being a minimalist....

That is use what the plants need nothing more....

A few questions if you would comparing you and what Bonzo used....

Could you explain your rational for use....

The basic stuff really is FN and florilicious....


Hydroguard was replaced by Aquashield recently which I assume is a trademark name issue.... but whatever....

The only other thing that bonzo was using is Hygrozyme....

you are using Hydroguard... what is your reasoning??? Why not both???

You both use Nova.... have you tried the flora series??? I would imagine you can pretty much match the npk values......

I also notice no pk 13/14 or Kool Bloom.... which some folks swear by.... yet none here.....

Anima as I said I appreciate the time youve spent.... and any insight into these issues would be fab....

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