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Super simple ebb & flow buckets


I made the original 2 liter hydro set up over 12 years ago and now I see THIS!1! Very nice and informative, Thanks Mr. Bonzo!


Active member
thought I'd post up a bit of my progress:
The buckets filled with rinsed hydroton, plumbing complete, all systems ready:

396gph pump, 68 gph pump for circulation, and 50w submersible heater: (airstone will be added later)


I do have some leaks in the connection right above the pump, but that will be easily fixed with some pipe thread tape...
All of the PVC connections are watertight (without glue), and the PVC electrical connection/o-ring/bucket thing is working flawlessly! no leaks there! :yes: :yes:


Active member
More progress!

More progress!

Heya Praxis!
Thanks for sharing your ideas! :jump: :respect:

Bonzo said:
I just cant wait to se 2 healthy plants thrivin in your system dude , i am so stoked man!! Wooooooooooo Hooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:wave: :woohoo: :respect: DUDE!!!!
Day 3 flowering!


Active member
Woooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooo!!!! Looks like you made my dream come true Anima! Lookin' absolutely bitchen broham! Now i ask you, are these not Super Simple or what?

You gonna try it with buckets Praxis? Please keep us informed if you do. I saw one of the 2 litre setups at a hydro store and it was kickin' ass, however i like a lil more space for my roots, but what what a design you came up with, Pure Genius!



Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Active member
Heya Bonzo!!!:wave:
:woohoo: Hooray for Super simple ebb & flow buckets! :jump:
Thanks bro!!!!!!!!!
Pure genius indeed!
I was thinking...its a super system, and it's super simple, so maybe that makes it Super Super Simple ebb & flo..hehehe:bashhead:
I'm loving the ride so far man, Thanks again for turning me on to this system!

19 days flower:

Peace and Kindness
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Love this idea. Simple and easy to construct. Also seems easy to maintain which is now my main focus.

I've grown in DIY standalone Waterfarms made with 3.5 gallon bucket filled with hydroton, inside a 5 gallon bucket. Empty space was used as rez. Results were great, but keeping PH stable was a beast in the small rez.

Can wait to give it a shot.


Active member
Hi Play action! Your top sentance IS what this system is all about. Nice to meet yo and best of luck with the absolutely Super Simple setup, i gaurantee you will NOT be dissapointed. So simple its allmost stupid. And the production, growth rate and yield are hard to beat, bottom line is its just a FUN system to run.

Just ask my brotha Anima!!

Enjoy my friend!!!

peace, bonz

Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Active member
I'm coming up on completing my first run...and I couldn't be happier! :bashhead: :jump: :headbange

:wave: Thanks tons bonz!!
peace and kindness


Wow... its my pleasure to meet you Bonzo and your bro Anima.

Those little 2x4 stands i saw in some of your pics are awesome. They are going to help a lot with some of my ideas.

I'm pondering how to make this a continuous drip and drain system and i'm getting great ideas browsing throw these posts and pics.


I luv the thread, how much additions would i have 2 make as i would luv 2 use this idea in a 6 bucket system


Active member
The beauty of this system is you can run as many buckets as you want :) Without changing anything but rez size, pump size, pvc etc, of course, but it all stays the same, SO SIMPLE!!

above pic just for the soul

peace, bonz
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Active member
Praxis are you the genius? I,m so sorry bro i did,nt realize and i geuss i may have been a tad loopy. You are my hero bro, and i hope i have not offended you by not realizing who you are, please forgive me, im not all there right now due to a few probs in my life right now.

Anima is the first person to grasp your concept and jam on it.

Besides me of course, he he he!!!

I am blown away for your diggin the bucket thing.

just huge praise to your design.



Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Active member
Hey, Bonzo... Love the setup. I actually run aero. Yet, I'm thinking of making a flood and drain bucket setup for my mother plants. Yet, i'm thinking of using funny hose fittings in order to play with flexible pipe in order to move my pots around. Love the setup that you have.


Active member
And does it produce? well i let ya'll be the judge o that:

Peace and huge love

bonz :wave:

Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


stone fool
Looking good Bonzo, this looks good to me, very scaleable for different size grow spaces. I looooves my buckets!


RAAADDD! This is cool, I've just read the whole thread cover to cover, my hat goes off to you Mr Bonzo! I'm building an ebb/flow table at the mo, this method has definitely caught my eye though. What intrigues me most is the area with no hydroton, allowing completely uninhibited root growth, whereas my ebb/flow's have always just been chocka with hydroton. Seriously considering layering my table now, to have a layer of hydroton on top, then an empty space below for flourishing meadows of pure white roots. Cheers for the enlightening read.


Active member
that was a very nice grow.hows your bigger system coming along?whats train was that and is it still available? last question:why do you think these buckets performed better than the waterfarm?was it the strain or the system? thanks


Is there any benefit to using an entire bucket of hydroton over using just a large netpot? What factors do [the amount of hydroton]/[amount of empty space below the top bucket] have on how effective a system is?

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