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Super Easy, Super PIMP 400w Box!


Active member
woohoo! just chopped the first plant down yesterday, and also built a floor on wheels for the box to sit on, so now it can be moved around pretty easily.

I'll get some pics soon


Active member
Heres a shot of underneath the cab, look at that purty little floor on wheels...yeehaw


damn dude that is sweet. Really gave me some good ideas. The wheels is a good addition for sure.

Probably gonna be making something similiar , but make the dimesions diff. so it can roll in and out of my closet.


Active member
i cracked up when i saw 'the itis'!! :pointlaug

nice build!

just curious...how are your temps above the light?

...any odor control??

if the round/oval containers are limiting you, you could try grow bags or square pots.

keep up the good work!

i got the itis!! (mud butt) :pointlaug


If I had the room I would do one up like yours but this 5 footer will have to do. Great job by the way



Active member
hey SS, I have a nimby style dresser thats about the size as your cab, and if you grow just for yourself thats plenty of space. I yield 2-2 1/2 zips every couple of months in there, so you should be fine. Bigger space = more issues to deal with, so your prolly better off

good luck with the rest of the build and happy harvesting


Active member
Sleepy said:
i cracked up when i saw 'the itis'!! :pointlaug

nice build!

just curious...how are your temps above the light?

...any odor control??

if the round/oval containers are limiting you, you could try grow bags or square pots.

keep up the good work!

i got the itis!! (mud butt) :pointlaug

we got the name "itis" from the show The Boondocks
the itis is that sleepy feeling that overtakes you after a big meal, or a big bong rip in our case

the top of the hood is cool to the touch, and the temps above the light are a few degrees warmer than the canopy. I don't have my climate control stuff setup yet (gotta buy batteries for it), but I'll be keeping tabs on how warm it gets in there this summer.

And no, no odor control, as of yet besides air fresheners and candles. We live in a pretty quiet area, only neighbors that are within smelling distance are hispanics, and they sure as hell aren't calling the law on no one since they aren't exactly "legal" either.

Another possible addition to the cab would be one of the smaller vaportek units. The consensus around here is that they work pretty good for killing odors without the hassle of building a carbon filter.

Also we are looking at upgrading to a 600 watt after the summer, when temps are more reasonable. I think the additional lumens would only increase yields in the cab, and with the air-cooled hood I think it would be fine temp wise.

any more comments/suggestions?



Cannabis Creeper
Sup Killa-

looking good man... cant wait to see what the Dabney does for ya.. i bet you can smell her over the others.. blueberry puke in a skunks ass... LOL them wheels look great on there.. now you can roll it out , except it wont fit thru the door... LOL :pointlaug :moon:


Active member
ixnay007 said:
KIlla, did you see the carbon filter 3tOWN and Backcountry have in their cab?

Pretty simple, low cost, i'm not sure if you'd have space tho.

Hey thanks a lot for the link, good lookin! I built something similar with my old C22 box after my first carbon filter was a failure.

I could rig something like this on top where the outake is, but I'm really worried about the backpressure from the carbon filter. I have a 265 cfm blower that is cooling the hood and venting the room, if I put on a filter the cfm's will drop drastically and I could run into some ventilation problems, or fire....so I'm kinda double fucked. I think I'll invest in one of those vaporteks, I don't mind investing money into this hobby as it always pays for itself in the end. Having full jars is priceless imo

hey hie, always the smart mouth huh? :bat: :bat: haha
Sup man, the dabney is redonkolous....I mean look at the pure size, she shits all over anything else I have in there


heres the mr nice and g13 of yours


New member
Fuckin GOLD! Much needed chuckles...haha... priceless :smoke:

Can I be a jackass for a sec? A "random" black box in the middle of the room hardly calms any suspicions, so you might aswell just pick a corner (two prebuilt walls) and giddy-up from there. :)


Active member
whoamI?whoRu! said:
Fuckin GOLD! Much needed chuckles...haha... priceless :smoke:

Can I be a jackass for a sec? A "random" black box in the middle of the room hardly calms any suspicions, so you might aswell just pick a corner (two prebuilt walls) and giddy-up from there. :)

i guess you just looked at the pictures, the box is outside in a garage/storage area...jackass :moon:

I like your ominous, black box of buds. Way to go. Looks like it would be fairly easy to disassemble in a hurry if need be. Even if by a hammer. Dan Kay's idea of using a pvc frame is right on. I could do that quite nicely. Looks a lot like this box the-homebox.net but without the added cost.

Anyway, I can't remember what I was gonna ask.

Good luck on your grows. I know they will be nice since the weather is cooling down now. Well, atleast it's a start for cooler weather. Still hitting the high 80s to low 90s here.
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Active member
nice job OGpurp, and thanks frogger

Today was day 1 w/ co2 enrichment...oh boy!

Only thing left to do is build some sort of drainage system/table