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~**SourBubble**~ BUDDING Outdoors!!!!


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soo many branches i just keep tieing her down and feeding her water, nutes, and light.. shes gonna need another transplant soon!! i really need some places to grow some SBbx3 clones, wish I had some indoor spots so I wont have to wait until the outdoor season.. oh well, thanks everybody!! ..new pics and thread soon :)


I got some sour bubble bx2 seeds from the first run and it was a small yield , but one of the tastiest herb I have....real couchlock stone too


Active member
I Love SourBubble!! ..hopefully ill try her again someday

I Love SourBubble!! ..hopefully ill try her again someday

Wow nice plants overgrow keep those genetics!! I see those big, dark green, wide, thick indica-bubblegum leaves the SourBubbleBX3 is known for!! They'll produce some great buds I'm sure you know, what's your setup?? Nice! :D

weaterdayz said:
I got some sour bubble bx2 seeds from the first run and it was a small yield , but one of the tastiest herb I have....real couchlock stone too

yea it's definatly some reall tasty bud!! i only harvested like a bowlpack from my clone that's reveging now, but i remember a real unique sour, exotic musky taste with a little skunk and tiny grapeness.. amazing taste and smoke, and the stone hits hard immediatly and keeps creeping up into an amazing indica bakedness!! real potent stuff and it smells, looks, tastes, even feels amazing, sticky rock hard nug with an AMAZING smoke and stone that lasts for hours!! :woohoo:

..hopefully ill be able to recapture that someday!! my plants doing great under just 65watts of CFLs.. shes still in the cup and rootbound, and i should transplant soon but shes still very healthy. ive been giving her a mixture of water and that unknown aqua-green sandlike nutrient mixture once in awhile and she responds good to it!! :)
there is SOOO many branches and one really big one that I am cutting tomorow for my very 1st clone from my motherplant since she was cloned herself from my SourBubble BX3 seedplant!! im giving this clone to a friend to grow, but hopefully this motherplant will give me clones for the coming outdoor season.. but shes really BUSHY, there is many healthy branches to choose from with those big, wide, darkgreen, bubblegum-indica leaves!! shes super bushy and real healthy!

^^those pics are old, i need new ones.. shes a bit behind because i almost fried her a few times (i know, stupid) from underwatering when shes rootbound, but a good water and some of these unknown-nutes once in awhile and shes doing great!! a lot bushier/larger than this now with many more healthy branches, shes still doing great and 65watts CFL is perfect for my SourBubbleBX3 motherplant.. 1st clone being taken tomorow, wish me luck!! :dueling:

..hopefully ill see some amazing buds like these someday!! from my sourbubble bx3 outdoors, the last seedplant that got ripped days before harvest.. this is where my clone/motherplant came from, a branch straight from this taken early in flower when she was outside!! new pics and a new thread soon, i promise


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ohh, has anybody noticed that with SourBubble, the STEMS actually have a really strong scent, especially early in veg?? ive never seen/smelled this before..

but even in its first few weeks, if i rub the stem of my SBbx3 girl, its REALLLY stinky and has a super SOUR/skunky smell like a lighter version of those amazing buds themselves.. i noticed the smelliest stems are the new ones at the tops of branches that are just growing.. my SourBubble stems STINK!! :D


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Marcellas said:
ohh, has anybody noticed that with SourBubble, the STEMS actually have a really strong scent, especially early in veg?? ive never seen/smelled this before..

but even in its first few weeks, if i rub the stem of my SBbx3 girl, its REALLLY stinky and has a super SOUR/skunky smell like a lighter version of those amazing buds themselves.. i noticed the smelliest stems are the new ones at the tops of branches that are just growing.. my SourBubble stems STINK!! :D

You didnt notice that before?
The leaves and stems just reek! :yummy:

Good luck with the cutting.
Just use some rooting hormone
keep the medium moist
the warm temps
the humidity high(dome)
and you should be fine.


Active member
Gonna be using just plain water and suran wrap over a cup to root this baby!! But SourBubble is a strong plant and I think it should work..

I think those big, fat indica bubblegum leaves just smell like plant matter, haha but those new stems stink like some great sourrr skunkiness!! Hopefully I'll see some SourBubbleBX3 buds someday.. :joint:

your plants look great overgrow!! represent OG.com and SourBubble!!


Active member
It's been well over a week since I took the first cut from my SourBubbleBX3 mother plant, using just plain water and 2 plastic cups (the top one transparent, not on all the time) for humidity.. she was doing great for the first week and remained healthy and green like when she was when i took the clone!! until yesterday/today, all of a sudden the top few nodes of leaves have started to turn pale, not yellow yet but brighter green and a little bit dry which is unusual...
.. she hasnt rooted yet but thats expectible, because its a pretty big clone and im just using plain tap water, 2 plastic cups, and on/off in the corner of my growbox (65w CFLs) and sunlight. if she doesnt survive, thats fine, my small bonsai tree has many SourBubble branches ready to cut!! :woohoo:

sorry if this post sounds all messed up, im fuckin stoned off some hydroponically grown lemon skunk!! :joint:
.. i want to get some new pics but for some reason the site isnt letting me upload......


No man....it's all good. The yellowing means that sucker is about to start dropping roots. You could actually lower the light, because sometimes too much light will force the plant to try to continue growing instead of rooting. This might be another reason for the yellowing. :smoke:


Active member
yes i have noticed that she's been perkinh up a little maybe growing towards the light!! my friends going to pick up some soil cubes today, sourbubble clones root easillly in those just takes a week or two.. :)

ill be keeping her in my windowsill for the most point, should i keep the transparent cup over her for humidity or is she good for now? thanks stoned!


Nah, if it's sitting in water it shouldn't need it. That's why I like bubble cloning so much. No need for humidity domes because the plant can transpire as much water as it needs to through it's stem. It's like celery with food coloring. The plant is still taking up water even though it's cut. In soil, it's another story because all of the water is not readily available to the plant. Hence the need for humidity domes to help the plant retain moisture. I have had one or two wilt down on me because the stem wasn't cut properly or they had soil/air roots, and those roots don't function submerged in water. When that happens, I just cut the stem again and let it re-root. That may not be the best idea, but it saves me from having to do much else if it's wilting because it came out of soil. What you could do is make sure the water level is below the roots, but bubbles are popping and splashing on them. This will give it time to make water roots and submerge on their own as they grow. If you did that, it may require a humidity dome.
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well shes been sitting in the cup of water in my windowsill.. not much change, maybe a little drier and paler-green leaves, but shes not spittin out roots yet!! i hope she roots or dies soon, haha cause i need space for more cuts, just to give them away for free..

people are gonna be amazed when they discover how amazing the SourBubbleBX3 plant/bud is, what a great suprise from my clones!! :D


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bump, no roots yet.. might have to throw this cut out to make room for other SourBubbleBX3 clones to root. I realize this takes time though, especially only using water


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the leaves are getting yellow all over the clone (it's a big clone, over 5 nodes).. it looks like its slowly dieing i dont know if it will root soon, the water changed almost yellow after changing it nightly, odd.. im about to throw this one out and cut a few more SourBubbleBX3 clones and just give them away!!

my mother plants gettin real big and bushy!! i cant believe shes so healthy, being as shes been given not many nutes, is under low CFL lighting (65watts), and has been pretty rootbound for awhile!! i just keep trimming off the dead leaves as she gets bushier, a few have been burned by the lights but she looks great :D

...pics and a new thread in the future, icmag isnt letting me upload any new pics from my computer for some reason!!


You don't have an airpump you can put those clones on? That will help immensely. I don't know any more about the cloning in a cup, but bubble cloning rocks.


Active member
Get some rooting hormone, its like $2...
Especially if your taking big clones, it makes a huge difference.
My friend dips them in powder, then gel.
Using this method sour bubble took 3 days for me to root.
Also, make the cut where the stem meets the main stem.

I dont know where you live, but your window sill is probably too cold.
Leave the dome on until they root aswell.
Low temps/humidity makes a huge different as well...

Hope this helps.
Good luck.

edit: So your trying to root them in a cup of water?
Ive seen this work with vigourous cuts, but i dont know bout the SB.
Pick up some jiffy plugs, they hold water for along time and work great.
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I replied in your other thread. I'm sorry to hear of the troubles. Try to snag a clone and put it in some bubbling water....might just work. I've saved wilted dead plants this way before.

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