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~**SourBubble**~ BUDDING Outdoors!!!!


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snapped some more pics of her reveging today and i still have the before/after harvest shots.. ill get those up and maybe a new SourBubble thread since I expect to make her my mother plant for more clones!! been really busy lately but the tiny clone is surviving and looking great, updates soon!! :D


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starting to branch out now!! my sourbubblebx3 reveging clone now has 2 main growth shoots, with smaller random ones all over.. most of the leaves are still flat, in 2-blade sets but soon i should start getting fat, spikeyer, and big dark green 9 and 11-set leaves in the future :joint:
.. she's under just 1 26watt CFL right now and im getting her ready to clone for cuts for me and my friends!!

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Thanks Mr GreenJeans!! Your right, my last SourBubbleBX3 outdoor seedplant may have gotten ripped days before harvest, but the clone pulled through and I completed 2 goals after that.. harvesting my SourBubble clone to be able to smoke BOGs amazing genetics again since he he sent me a BlueMoonRocks sample and seeds for a smoke report/birthday present, and to reveg that clone so BOGs genetics will survive in my future gardens!! She's really starting to branch out now w/ a little bit weird leaf growth which is expectable, looks like they may be moving to 3-set leaves and the clone's looking great.. :D

I know ive been saying ill get the pics up but i took a bunch and i will get them up soon.. promise


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i know ive been posting lots of updates but no new pics. i have the pics of the before/after harvest shots and newer pics of my SourBubbleBx3 clone revegging after harvest, and others. i have all these pics on my computer i just have to find enough time to upload them all on my gallery, than get the pics on a new post or thread!! ill get it done soon i promise..


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forgot to water her one nite and left the lights on, most of the leaves were fried.. i waited to see new vegetative growth at the main growth-shoots, than gave my little SourBubble clone a little "haircut", ridding all those crispy dead leaves.. Within days, new leaves exploded from one of the branches, so I tied that branch down to transfer energy to the rest of the growth-shoots.. She's looking great now, the branch i tied down a couple days ago has shot up with those big, wide, thick, green, waxy, serrated signature SOURBUBBLE leaves coming in that she's known for in veg.. Look like their'll be 2-3 main growth branches, more after I top my SourBubbleBX3 for clones!!

Sorry guys, I'll get new pics and shit soon and I still have those old ones... but I need some feedback!! :D


Well, it sounds like you are on your way again amigo. You saved your last shred of a SBx3 plant, re-vegged her, and now you're ready to clone? That's awesome man....re-vegging isn't easy, but you got it now. So, bring on the pics! :smoke:


Active member
its been a pretty good year!! hoping for the same at least this year.

its been a pretty good year!! hoping for the same at least this year.

yes, it was my first attempt at reveging and with such a small clone i harvested (0.4g dried/trimmed weight), id say it was a great success!! my SBbx3 clone is still under only one 26w CFL now but ill add a couple more soon, plus a splash of my own nute solution i made to try out.. those huge wide dark green almost waxy looking indica SourBubble leaves are bushing out in a few places, and she looks very healthy with 1 main growth shoot which ive tied down, and many side shoots with branches all over!! :D
.. she looks great, and theres future for BOGs genetics!! not only was it my first attempt at reveging (a success), it was my first actual harvest in awhile although tiny, since my outdoors SBbx3 seedplant got ripped days before harvest.. and man where those nugs bomb, with a super unique bubblegum pheno, a crazy sour/skunky stinky taste and smell, with a smooth smoke that put u on ur ass quick and the high keeps intesifying w/ pleasure!! it was also my first time smoking BOG genetics since the man himself sent me his homegrown BlueMoonRocks for my birthday smoke report on OG.com.. so ive made quite a few accomplishments with this strain, and theres many possibilities to come from my SourBubbleBX3!! I already have plans for my clones from this mother plant which will be taken in the coming weeks, for friends and for outdoors later on..

.. lets just hope this year was as good as the last!! i still have the before/after harvest pics of my SourBubbleBX3 clone and various pics of her reveging up til today, and some new ones too!! i plan on starting a new thread for her when things start taking off soon w/ all the new pics.. so stay tuned and i love any feedback!! happy new years!!!! :joint:


Feedback? We wanna see the re-vegged clone dangit!! lol

Now you tell us we gotta wait for another thread? :moon:

Hehe...just jerkin your chain, but it would be nice to see the little re-veg instead of the old pics. BOG lives, now show us!! :canabis:

Happy new year man! :friends:


Active member
oh shit, sorry guys i thought everybody lost interest in this thread!! my sourbubble re-vegging clone is doing good, she's really branching out with multiple main growth-shoots, but she's been rootbound for a couple weeks now.. i plan on givin her a little haircut, trimming off a couple leaves that were burnt/yellowing, than im gonna cut away half the soil she's in and re-transplant her.. im sorry, ill have new pics soon!!


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so, my SourBubbleBX3 revegging clone has gone through some changes!! About a week ago i gave her a big haircut, trimming a lot of leaves that have died, are yellowing/brown, or were burnt by the lights.. I also took the rootmass and soil, and cut it in half.. than i put her in some fresh Miracle Grow Nutrient soil.. :)
.. After the trim/transplant, I tied down 4 main branches down to the side of the pot

Since than in the past week, she's really bushing out!! She looks green and healthy, with many shoots branching upwards to make a bunch of main shoots.. she's soo bushy!! She looks amazing guys, pics coming soon!!

How about some feedback??! :D


Sounds great...where's pics? We live for pics around here. Pics, then feedback, lol! :smoke:


Active member


well, you asked for them!! heres a few pics of my SourBubbleBX3 girl today, the same clone that I took from my last flowering seedplant outdoors last summer.. Since, it's continued it's flowering in my window, finished under CFL's and harvested, than revegged!! :D
... Now she's been revegging under CFL's for over a month and 1/2 since I harvested my tiny little clone (0.4g dry!!). It's been such a long, bumpy, but amazing road!! Now, my SourBubbleBX3 clone is bushing out with lots of growth shoots since I tied 4 branches down a week ago.. She's doing great but will need nutes, more soil, and more light soon which I don't have..

But here's a few shots of her revegetating again I took today!! She's been really bushing up and looking great since I cut off half the rootmass, put her in some fresh Miracle Grow Nutrient soil, tied down 4 branches, and watered her a few times!! And she's still under only 3 CFL bulbs, totaling to about only 60-65watts!! What do you guys think??..

A few more shots in my gallery.. I still have shitloads of pics from my tiny SourBubble clone flowering, the harvest, revegging and more!! I'll get those up soon, tell me what you guys think!! Hopefully I'll be smoking joint after bongrip after blunt of some amazingly potent, sticky, smelly SourBubbleBX3 buds!! Wish me luck.. :joint:

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