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Search for a mother, seed to harvest: Russian & Gum


Active member
Howdy Shorts :wave: I was just in my new room arranging buckets and gettin a feel for how im gonna set it up and after a bit of thought and some more arranging i have decided to go with only 5 buckets on the pvc flood and drain with possibly one single unit ( like you suggested ) that i can roll in and out for easier access to the plants.

It was too tight with 8 buckets. Im going to biuld a clone, veg, mother cabinet with enough room to veg 5 plants for like 4 to 6 weeks or however long they need to get big enough so when i put them into the flower room they need little or no more veg time. I should have a camera by this saturday and ill take some pics of the space. Its a master bedroom with a large walk in closet ( 5x6x8 flower room :smile: ) who needs a closet? :biglaugh: Theres no attic so im trying to figure out ventalation and odor control. Right now this is my biggest concern and something i am not very familiar with. The Vaportech is on my list.Any input on that particular subject , would be HUGELY appreciated :friends: Thanks again for all your input, Bonzo :D I allmost forgot, im going to be running 2 1000w side vented ( sunsystem ) hps :eek:


Plant Manager


growerinshorts said:
I give two BIG thumbs up for this product. I run the unit right in my flower room, and when you walk in there is no trace of weed. You have to put your head above the plants to smell them. Complete odor control, I am very impressed with it so far.

No trace even when you walk in the room???
that does work well!!! <<--understatement


New member
Would you mind sharing your nutrient concoction with us all? Do you have separate nutrient recipes for veg and flower, as most other "perfectionist" growers I've seen do? If it can keep these three strains happy while producing bud like that, it must be quite efficient.

(not that your nuts get all the credit!!! hehe)

Also, you mention stem "crushing" and pinching, what exactly did you do to the plant? I'd really like to add growth manipulation techniques into my growing arsenal, but I tremble with fear at the thought of killing one of my children.

And one more request while I've (hopefully) got you attention. Could you go into detail about how you took your clones, and were able to so successfully set and root them into the cubes? Did you use a rooting solution? How often are they watered and how much do you give them (I assume you water manually, as I couldnt see a feeding system hooked up to your trays)?

Sorry for the barrage of questions - the quality of your grow reflects the adeptness of your techniques, and I'm eager to learn what I can from you. Any respone would be greatly appreciated.


Sad Story.......................

Why must the police harass us peaceful growers who only want to supply ourselves with quality herb.

Good Luck Brother Stay safe



Holy shit GIS... Gawdamn that grow was looking sweet.

Please be safe and get back to us when you can. If there is anything I can do or if you need anything... do not hesitate to ask...

Hope this all gets sorted out soon... Will miss you my friend.


aka Buzz'dBob
Sad.... So sad...

Stay safe my mentor, m'Friend! I look forward to when it is safe for you to return, and will miss your grows, and posts in the meantime... 'tis a sad day... :frown:


Hey Shorts just heard. Stay safe and try and let some of know how your doing. You need anything just ask?

Blatant :wave:


High GIS,

Hope this message finds you well.

This couldn't have happened to a nicer person. Please, if there is anything I can do just say the word. I would give you the shirt off my back (to go with those snazzy shorts!) if you needed it.

A recent crop of ours got pulled for the very same reason. You did the right thing my friend.



Active member
I hope your gut feeling was correct..... growing is a serious chance we take.
About a month ago, I was sleeping, it was about 8 am. My dogs were barking like mad and my brother woke me up. He said..."dude...the cops are at the door!!" I jumped up looked out peep hole and saw 2 cops standing there. I though..."oh shit"....my mind racing and thinking.....smell? someone call them on me??

I said fuck it and opened my door all sleepy faced and grouchy and said ..."Can I help you??!!" Yhey were like.." sorry to bother you sir...did you hear screaming and yelling from next door?"

Turns out that the nieghbors were beating the shit out of each other.....they were looking for witness'. I understand that it is better to be safe then sorry!! :friends: :friends:

Stay safe shorts..........




Active member
You did the right thing GIS! Better then to leave it all up for them to return with a search warrent next time.

You will be covered in the smoke department if needed :wink:

If you are done growing there......tear it down 100%.


Active member
Big fat fuckin' bummer. Very scary. Dont hesitate to ask if you need anything at all.


Active member
GIS - I have been following your thread for the last few weeks and, as I sit here in shock, I feel like puking. Not just because that was one of the most beautiful grows I have ever seen but also because I am on my first grow and my worst nightmare is having the cops show up at my door. I can't imagine how you must feel right now but better safe than sorry. Just glad you had the balls to do what you needed to do to keep yourself safe.

There are so many of us that look up to you as a Mentor and Master Grower and, yet again, you have taught us possibly the most valuable lesson here so far. That is to get rid of it before they can bust you for it. How difficult that must have been too. Beautiful, gorgeous ladies they were . . . just fabulous.

As you say, you will be back stronger than ever and, with the kind offerings of help from the likes of HOG and others, have many more beautiful women in your life! For now, I am just glad you are safe, although this has shaken me up quite considerably. At my age I just fear the worst. Not really that paranoid but just dread what COULD possibly happen and with a prior conviction some 28 years ago, it wouldn't be a good situation.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing and if (hopefully not) anything further comes of this. Until then, stay safe, my brother and best of luck with everything. :yes:


Active member
I'm still in shock....... DAMITT!!! This was by far one of the best grow rooms ICMAG has had the pleasure of watching in action IMHO.

Seriously, shorts......I would have cried when cutting them down. :frown:


Plant Manager
Hooked-On-Grown said:
This was by far one of the best grow rooms ICMAG has had the pleasure of watching in action IMHO.

I agree 100%... :wave: no one else even comes close to touching GIS


Just gutted for you. Here I am enjoying one of the finest journals I've seen on any forum, then I hit page 16 and my jaw hit the floor. It's truly sad, but at least you have your freedom, and I'm sure you'll be growing some great budz in the near future. God, just fuggin sucks :mad: Peace.


Active member
SHORTS!!!!! It took more balls to do what you did then people can grasp!!!

I wonder how many of us here would go with our gut instinct!??!!

GIS.......I am a PM away from anything you need to get back up and running again!! :wink: Do not hesitate!!!



Atleast your free and safe........plants can be regrown, but once your freedom is snatched your done.

You'll be back soon..........I'm sure