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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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MissesMTL said:
I was in Costa Rica and the Bocas this past May. I bought some of the Columbian Brick weed there. It was red and dark and very compressed.

The high was very up and potent for the first hour. I had some good times surfing high. Then unfortunately the high of that weed took me to a very dark, paranoid place. Unlike anything I have ever expierenced before or since. I have toked some great weed before that too. This weed was bizarre in its effects, not very enjoyable in the end.
I'm thinking no matter how use you are to good weed, going to Columbia & smoking some (more than likely over smokin) local grown sativa could mess with almost anyone thats not use to it...
Remember Columbia is around the equator so it gets the most powerful sun on earth which maximizes the weed & its effects.


Throbbing Member
African herbman said:

A while back I planted a bunch of hemp seeds I bought from a Chinese fishing store for fishing just to see what hemp really looked like. The started to flower really early and smelt really dank with some good resin early-on, so I just had to “test” some to see if it really was hemp or something else ; ) I dried some out and smoked it and it was surprisingly smooth for such green bud. And surprisingly, it knocked me on my ass after about 8 pulls, nice and trippy. So I just bought a whole bag of what I think is thai, crazy! what you guys think?

Another shot:


That is hillarious.....congrats on finding the next best seed store.
Thanks Bacchus, I’m having a hard time believing I picked up a bag of seeds of the REAL stuff in a fishing shop, about 250/300g’s for R15! Consider that the Rand's about R6.60c to the American dollar at the moment.
At first I thought it was the placebo effect, but after zoneing out for about10 minutes trying to apply some eye drops, there was no doubt I was blasted.
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hardhat22 said:
Heh,Mexi x Thai sounds great.I'm sure it's been done. :smoke:
I'm sure LMN could tell you more about this one. See Bonecarver's gallery for pics. I'm growing LMN's [thai x mexico] x banghi at the moment.


the Meao Thai x Mexican i grew is from Raco and part of the cornerstone in some interesting crosses like destroyer for example.

it was great smoke.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
I have some of those thai/mexi X banghi LMN cross. Would be cool to know if it's the Meao Thai used. Someday, someday....too many damn seeds! :biglaugh:



Can you explain a little more about what you are doing here?

Now this ^^ was the stage I let this PP bush chill under my hps for a day + I let her die by drying her under hps = huge amount of new resin and only in day!!!! This is a technique I am going to use in future with most of the strain im growing for sure!!!!

I have some ThaiTanic and Satori that are 70+ days into flowering. The Satori might be finishing soon, but the Thais(75-85day strain) have all clear trics now. Slowed down putting on new pistils too. Most hairs turned except right at very top. And the Thais don't really have a lot of resin yet, but the buds are big, dense and look good.

The top pictured pheno is the only one of four to smell "floral" instead of that mild skunky smell the other three have. That floral smell mean anything to anyone?

Should I finish the Thais like you are talking about? Killing them by drying them out? Whatever that means? When do you beging "killing" them?



These pics were a week ago October 31.

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Yeah, the yield might be OK all the troubles I had. That plant is only 32 inches tall. The cola is 12" now and about 3-4 inches in diameter. They were dry so I watered with just plain pH'd water this morning before work.

I'm going to let these ThaiTanics go as long as it takes. The Satori which should be done by now, I'm cutting this weekend, if not before. They should be done since all the plants are now going into week 11 of flowering.

I need the room desparately for my SuperSilver Haze, Skunk Hazes, and 1 Durban poison. They are getting way too big under my T-8 fluorescent tubes. I've topped the Sk Hazes twice and the SSH once already. They are 35cm tall and getting bushy now.

The Durban Poison began really shakey and didn't look too spiffy for a long time. Turned into a nice plant now. Tight nodes and really BIG green leaves. Shortish squatty plant. I haven't topped it yet. If it's a girl fine. If it's a guy, maybe use it for breeding with my hazes. I wonder what how a SSH x D.P. would turn out?

Off to work


Here those new plants coming. This was 11/04. And they grow fast!!

Here's the Durban Poison on 11/04

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la mano negra

Active member
Highlighter said:
I have some of those thai/mexi X banghi LMN cross. Would be cool to know if it's the Meao Thai used. Someday, someday....too many damn seeds! :biglaugh:

They are not meao thai x mexico these sent them me a member of OG
pics of the thai x mexico



a link of the banghis (congolese)



Herbal relaxation...
:bow: LMN!!!!!
MTweedman said:

Can you explain a little more about what you are doing here?

Should I finish the Thais like you are talking about? Killing them by drying them out? Whatever that means? When do you beging "killing" them?

I basically let it dry out under hps after flushing it properly for several weeks & trimming it. I didnt let it go crispy dry, but dry enough to kill her..

The taste is good right after it finished drying, which indicates big :yes: for the technique. However, that could be from long & thoroughly flush :chin:

But one thing is for sure and that is the increased resin production. I have to reveal that I did trim all fan leafs & sugarleafs off before letting it dry!

As for your question about using the same technique with Thai´s I would say why not, if dont have any other plants flowering that cannot be pollinated. This "technique" brings huge stress to plant and can therefore produce hermafrodite flowers, at least with strains that have hermafrodic traits in their heritage = thai :D

Maybe you wanna harvest the big buds of Thai and do the experiment with lower one´s just to be sure Herbalistic isnt trashing your harvest :chin:

However, only way to ****´d up your harvest this way would be that you let buds dry crispy under hps, which could lead into loss with trichomes, or produce shitty taste....

That´s my humble opinion about the subject :2cents:

I am always ready to try something new, even it would cost me something, this way I have discovered couple interesting things recarding harvest time & drying...



Thank you for explaining. I always accept FULL responsibility for things I do. I would never blame you if something went wrong.
I don't mind experimenting with these thaiTanics. They are within a week or two of finishing. I doubt much can hurt them other than frying them... I practically live with my plants. They'll be fine :)

They got plain water today...and they were pretty dry when i watered today. I will let them dry out over the next week or so. The light is well away from them 35cm or so. They won't burn.




Old School Cottonmouth
that is interesting. I'll have to try that one day. I used to hear about colombian and mexican field grown sativas harvested like that.

I'll try combining that with the several day dark cycle people talk about. I've done the dark cycle thing, but not enough to give an honest opinon on it.


I have experimented with long flushes and allowing the plant to dry unde the lights as herbalistic describes, I've used wire to girdle the plants, as well as girdling by removing bark and the leaf removal technique, but I have found that although the plants do often produce more trichomes, there isn't a significant benefit. I've also found that a 4-5 day flush rather than 2 weeks works just as well and results in increased yield without compromising flavour.


la mano negra said:
pics of the thai x mexico

Beautiful plant man.Thanks alot for posting them.The plant shape and structure looks very familiar.I've seen Sativas stay short like that.Is the height a mexi or Thai trait?Great plant structure for security in the outdoors. K+

arjanz hays

New member
colombian rack

colombian rack

MissesMTL said:
Bone Carver, Motaco.

I was in Costa Rica and the Bocas this past May. I bought some of the Columbian Brick weed there. It was red and dark and very compressed.

The high was very up and potent for the first hour. I had some good times surfing high. Then unfortunately the high of that weed took me to a very dark, paranoid place. Unlike anything I have ever expierenced before or since. I have toked some great weed before that too. This weed was bizarre in its effects, not very enjoyable in the end.

I saved many seeds from that bag, and brought them back with me to the North. They are very large, very dark and striped. IMO they are viable. I have not grown any out. Do you think it is worth a see, I didn't feel as though it was worth the trouble.

This type of buzz is characteristic of certain (lowland?) colombians. Almost certainly west african input back in slave times.. If you grow it the flower time will be ridiculous (20wks+), and it is unlikely to get as strong if not grown out in equatorial sunlight. However some colombians do ok indoors with added uvb spectrum. Would you really want the same buzz? Other great speedy weed without the darkness..Ah.

arjanz hays

New member
motaco said:
@herbal. well they do get thinner when you switch the lights but in my experience most strains do that. What I meant is for some reason it seems alot of mexis I'll pop the first 3-4 nodes have wide leaves and I'll be cursing indy genes and then they'll start lookin like regular mexi leaves. I always wondered if it was hybridization or just a mexi feature to get fat leaves to absorb sunlight and rocket it above the canopy where it can get the thin rain and heat dispersing leaves. Just a theory though I have no idea.

I think this is an authentic mexican expression, going way back, tho i have no evidence as such..Ah.


Old School Cottonmouth
@ BH. we might just have different experiences but I wanted to ask you a flushing question. You were saying you never found much difference between plants flushed 2 -3 weeks and plants flushed 4-5 days.

How were you flushing them? were you feeding a regular schedule and then not feeding just plain water the last two weeks? (if you don't mind give me a quick rundown of your nute system?) Do you do regular organic blood, bone, kelp, etc? plus nutes like most of us? Because I'd would have to agree I never found much difference in those time frames of flushing like that either but I have found a big difference in what I call leech flushed plants. Takes a long time and definitely reduces yield but I find it makes a big difference.

I personally am not under the opinon that any nutrients, can be flushed. Except in a hydro or aero system. I think they can only be eaten. I don't feed for an entire last month of growth. On a 90 day strain on day 60 I will quit feeding. By 74 they have eaten all the nutrients in the soil and begin eating themselves. and that is the big difference. The two weeks of them eating themselves for nutrients. And that is where alot of people mess up.

By feeding nutrients in waterings we are stifling and prolonging the availability of the slow release nutes in the soil. And those are the hardest to flush. They usually won't feed the plant enough to be completely efficient. (meaning leaves will still yellow and stuff, as in when you feed a plant with a tea to correct a def) Even though its showing a def its not that the nutrient it needs isn't there, its that it isn't broken down fast enough.

When alot of people harvest the plant is actually still eating the slow release nutes in the soil.

When you give it the full month to eat the slow release, and then it will noticable eat itself. Within a few days it will show nutrient def especially N def at an alarming pace. Much faster than it does when you would normally just feed it. Which is a good sign. Just like if you were on an island your body would eat all the fat reserves. The plant starts eating itself, and every available nutrient in its body. The small leaves in my dried buds are yellow and I consider that a key sign of proper flush.

This might be why the mexican was still producing new growth and less trichomes packing on. When its eaten itself properly plants VERY rarely try to produce new growth. They are well aware death is at hand and is when alot of the resin comes. New growth at harvest time is usually a sign there are still slow release ferts like blood and bone meal or guano in the soil and is usually tandem with lower trichome levels than you'd expect.

I always found a super long flush critical to getting plants to TRULY finish and produce heavy and most importantly mature resins. I had alot of trouble with sativa regrowth and lower resin levels until I worked that out. I had alot of trouble working out the kinks in curing until I realized that too. the plant eating all of its chlorophyll and sugars is also a huge deal in bringing out the flavors and smells. When left to break down naturally in a cure over time it does break down, but when it was eaten out of the plant before it was chopped there is alot less residual crap left in your plant material. Chlorohpyll and sugars are the biggest detriments to smell there are. I'm also a bit of a loony tune when it comes to curing and what not though so...

Anyway you may have tried all this and come to a completely different conclusion; Miles may vary, or different opinons ya know . But if you never tried a full month flush I figured it was just something I'd run by you since I noticed the regrowth and the green leaves in your buds.
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Herbal relaxation...
Great post motaco, I totally agree what you say :yes:

This is the way I do it, no nutes in the last 3 three weeks, 1 week of molasses, so the plant really realize it´s time to die and it starts to swell buds & make them denser, after this week, it´s two weeks of just water, this way the plants have used all the nutrients in them well before chopchop. I dont grow in soil, but in coco which I handwater, but I still do it.

I dont care what people say that you can rinse the nutrients away from coco in couple flushes :nono: I know it reduces the yield, in fact it can damage the yield, or it can give same, or even better results than feeding your plants to the very end, but it´s strain dependant. One positive thing about this technique is that you can smoke yuour buds right after they are dry and they dont smoke harsh, but instead they taste like almost after usual two week cure :jawdrop: I found this very interesting and I have thought couple times why people who are in the know, dont spread that wisdom around...

This is one of those things I wouldnt have noticed without my experiments...

Talking about those "famous" experiments of Herbalistic :D Remember the big Neville´s Haze bush I harvested at the start of summer? The one I did really sweatcure in ovenpaper and let it dry on windowplate in sunlight! That itself changed the erb muchos, but it has been curing after that and everything is even better now, so I decided to share couple "Herbal macros" of this special erb with you guys/gals and as usual -> they suck oin quality:

Great looking plants MTweedman, I love they way they look so organized etc.. However, I hear you with problems with time, because I am suffering about the same thing!!
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