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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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See what i think of as "bagseed" usually IS mexican brick. Cause here the top dollar shit is seedless, and the mid-range domestic seems to have disappeared pretty much and replaced with the better mexican batches. So most bagseeds you're gonna get here are gonna be mexican regardless.
But you can still get some pretty indica looking shit from mexican brick, but I'm not sure if it's as common as they make it out to be or not
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I have just found some indica phenos in my bagseed for the first time.In my part of the S.E. it is very uncommon.


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Malawi Gold x Santa Marta Columbian Gold (F1) At 9-10 Weeks

Malawi Gold x Santa Marta Columbian Gold (F1) At 9-10 Weeks

MG Pheno

SMCG Pheno


Although there are almost definitely some commercial indica genes in my bagseed, I'm still happy that it has a nice sativa high. I'm sure there are still quality authentic Mexican genes to be found, but only way to find out is to grow out a load of bagseed and see what you get. I would love a big outdoor plot somewhere with a good season and a lad of Mexican bagseed to play with.


Herbal relaxation...
Nice discussion on Mexican´s guys.

I agree with BH that the location & distance from your home country & different culture/society/language/ etc. affects surprising much in the type of high you get after smoking. I really do think it may be affected by:
- How prejudiced/suspicious person is in foreign country?
- Is the surrounding society dangerous for foreign smoker?

ETC... + many other thing!

I really would love to sample the buds of you British guys, Gert & BH :D

Great job Masterlow37 :yes: Can you tell more about the parent strains used in the cross, like where you got them? Im sorry if I misunderstooded and it´s not your own cross like I thought...


Old School Cottonmouth
lookin really good master low.

about mexicans they definitely have indica phenos about. LOTS of of indica phenos. but the plants are still mostly sativa. and the good thing about brickweed is you can get ALOT of seeds CMEMORY. plus some bud. lol. And that is a big key. just selection. and you can certainly find mexi phenos just like you can find really haze phenos out of jack herer.

as for true mexican indicas though. as in wide leaf short bushy indicas that comes though in brick. they are few and far between. almost always hybrids and almost always leaning more sativa than indica. I did see some mexi indica about a month ago though.

I do have to say I'm surprised it wasn't more resinous. Some mexis don't make much trich but are superb hashplants. Because the trichs they do have will floor your ass and when you make that into a concentrated dose...

but nevertheless I expected her to put out more resin than that. as for the taste you said it was kinda lacking. That is one problem with mexi. Some strains are extremely pungent and musty. Old school to the umph degree. and some are spicy. But ALOT of mexis don't have a smell that is anything special. Just a green smell. But at least for me I smoke for stone.


Active member
motaco said:
lookin really good master low.
Thanx motaco :smoke:

Herbalistic said:
Great job Masterlow37 :yes: Can you tell more about the parent strains used in the cross, like where you got them? Im sorry if I misunderstooded and it´s not your own cross like I thought...
No problem, a buddy/member at another site who lives in N.Cali sent me 6 seeds, of the 6 i ended up with these 2 females (2 of my only 3 plants this year), he just PM'd me last night & offered me a few more, how can i say no ?
I wish i could grow grow out acouple dozen of these & start inbreeding em, but thats just not possible for me, I grow a few plants a year, stick to my hermit self, with the hope i don't have to buy inconsistant crap off the streets.
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my hybrid got 2 colas cut last night, mostly cloudy trichs, i tested it and it is a bit racy and cerebral, very mellow body high, but the staying power wasnt there with the quick dry nugs i smoked (granted it was only one bowlpack). i cant give a taste description as it was quick dryed and tasted like crap because of it, but the fresh buds smell most like fruity lemons. this marks the start of harvest for that particular plant and harvest will continue over the next 2 weeks. i must say that im thoroughly impressed with the pheno i found from seeds lodged in brickweed, she clones well, can take a beating, but is a very heavy N feeder, i think i might need to run some veg nutes at least half way through flower or longer to account for her massive N needs. would doing that have any adverse affect on the rate of flowering or anything?
la mano negra said:
Mad Scientist :wave:
¡Buenas LMN! ¿Que tal?

I hope you don't mind me writing in English, but I'd like to give you a small update on the two remaining TMBs. Both have been pollinated when I was away from home for several weeks. I seem to have overlooked a male that didn't show sex back then, so the pollination was kind of a bummer since I had stored pollen from a much faster male in the fridge. I'm grateful to have some seeds to play around with however, so who knows what these girls' offspring will bring me. The TMB male also pollinated two Ecuadorian females.

As the weather is getting really cold and moist out here now one of the TMBs is having trouble with mold, as you can see from the second pic I posted. In the meanwhile I'm cutting all mold away to prevent it from spreading around even further. The other TMB seems to be much more mold-resistant, I've only discovered one small spot on that one. They both have some weeks to go, so I have my fingers crossed for viable seeds. Anyway, I'm sure these plants will show up in an indoor grow sooner or later because I'm convinced with their potential. They smell great and it seems their potency is not bad at all.

I'll keep you posted for as long as they'll withstand the Dutch autumn. Thanx again for the opportunity and I promise they'll look nicer in my next grow-report... :wink:

Great read about those mexicans guys... And great plants you have there Masterlow. The SMCG is on my wishlist, but for now I'm still without indoor space for a new grow unfortunately. Oh well, good things are worth the wait they say... :bandit:


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High all you fellow Sativa Lovers!

British Hempire:

We also got a load of Mexican Brick here in Austria a few years ago.

Well, of course this could have been anything, and I cannot proof that this really came from Mexico.

Nontheless, nearly the whole town was talking about it as the Mexican Brick.

It was cheap. 1 or two Euros per gram..

Unfortunately I lost all the pictures I posted on OG, but maybe I can find a pic of this particular stuff somewhere on CD rom.

Anyway,- it was very compressed(hydraulic press or something?), and contained stems(and I don´t mean only tiney budstems..), leave material, a shitload of seeds, many of them crashed into pieces or pressed flat.

Some of the mature seeds survied the press and were collected for growing experiments.

The weed was harsh to smoke and didn´t taste well at all, the turn was mellow, shortlasting, but surprisingly giggly.

With "giggly" I don´t mean that it could be funny in certain settings, I mean even tough it was not strong at all, it allways seemed to make you giggle a bit.

It was what I would call a mellow, mildly euphoric turn.

The grows and crossing I did with those beans turned out pretty fine.

They grew tall with a Christmas tree shape.- Big light coloured fanleaves with medium broad fingers.

Somehow looked like a 90%Sativa, 10% Indica cross to me.

But in the meantime I learned that not all Sativas have ultra slim leaves.

The seeds were very big and very dark, almost black.

I like it a lot, and got a girl still flowering on my balcony at the moment.

The seed came from the original brick(which is still stored as part of my "Cannabis Reaserch Collection"...) and guess what, after years it sprouted like a mofo!

A bunch of Dutch genetics took 3 times as long!

This particular girl showed her first preflowers about ten weeks ago, ands some of the mature calyxes are huge and light coloured with a very high trichome coverage, an interresting phenotype, but a very, very poor yielder.

It has a great smell by the way.

Don´t know wheter this brick really had it´s origins in Mexico, but for me it became the "Mexi Brick" anyway.



The funny thing about our mexi brick weed is the fact that it is always much,much better grown out than it was in brick form.I think it was Motaco that explained to us about harvest conditions,lack of proper cure( sweat piles),compression and months of shipping.Makes alot of sense.

So I grow out all of my seed regardless and am hardly ever disappointed.The landraces I find occasionally are downright fascinating to me. I'd love to know if the one I'm re-veging now is a farmed line or maybe a wild one.( yea,right,dream on )It's appearance really fascinates me because I thought I had seen all of the variations that could be seen.Must be hundreds.

I'm still trying to gain more knowledge on the Mexicans though.For example,some appear to be sativas,but veg slow and flower fast.Some finish with less than 50 days flower.Some have long thin fingers,veg fast,take 2 forevers to flower then gives me a buzz much like Lortab chased with tequila.Confuses the hell outa me sometimes.Lol
Is there a known Sativa that has short flowering times or is that strickly an indica characteristic?


Old School Cottonmouth
oh yeah sure hardhat. Mexico is full of highland sats. They are usually the best. In fact that is where alot of it is grown for security purposes. Helicopters have a hard time getting there and the mountains are pretty much lawless. Enter at your own risk kinda deal even if you're a cop.

I had a friend from OG used to have pics of the single file mule line coming into town out the mountains. it was a pretty cool pic. but yeah. You take a highland, cross it to an indica, and cross it back generations over to the sativa again. You'll get some pretty short flowers.

Its funny you say about the wide leaves. I had been growing sativas for years and had no idea because of how fat mexican leaves are. I'd see pics of thai leaves and stuff and I hardly ever saw leaves that thin. But mexis are just wider leafed sativas for whatever reason. I'm still trying to figure out why the leaves start fat and get skinny though. That has boggled me for years. I wonder if its the hybridization or just a mexican characterization. Like the middle leaf being so much longer is a mexican feature.

But I hear ya. I guess its nostalgia for what I grew up with but I love those drunken mexi sats. giggly and stupid. I always say they make you dance, and stop you from doing math.

@spice. she sure sounds mexi. They brick it with a car jack. I know how you feel with the germ. They explode! after years of brick I finally bought some seeds and was mad. I expected them to go crazy. One thing you can say about mexi is they are survivors. I had seeds I was germing dry out (the inch long white tap root) and they were hard to the touch. Out of anger I put water in the bag as a joke, and threw them at the wall pretty damn hard. about a week later when I was cleanin up I looked in it and they were growing. They ended up stunted but nevertheless. what other strain you know can dry out hard to the touch and grow again?

I enjoy seeing you and BH growing the mexis. Or really anyone from somewhere else. We consider it such a southern thing. Usually don't even tell yankees what we're growing because they laugh. Just ignorant. Mexi is what grows succesfully outdoors here and its what we like.

When I can finally grow again I'll try to sort out some interesting mexi for you guys if you're interested. In the meantime I'll try to dig up some old cd's with mexi grows from years gone by.


Active member
motaco said:
I enjoy seeing you and BH growing the mexis. Or really anyone from somewhere else. We consider it such a southern thing. Usually don't even tell yankees what we're growing because they laugh. Just ignorant. Mexi is what grows succesfully outdoors here and its what we like.

Haha, hell yeah. I've heard people on here call Col. Gold and Thais and stuff "shwagg" cause the dried bud pics didn't look like every indica-dom nug looks like.

I don't know, I sort of subconsciously counterbalanced that type of thinking with radical spite for indica,haha.
I'm just now getting over that, mostly for practicality though, haha. Hard to find pure sativas from the seedbanks, so I said **** it so I can try things like "Caribe" and "Kali-Mist"


BH,thats a beautiful Mexican ya have there.I swear,I have some that looks very similar.At least in general as I haven't grown it outdoors yet.I think it's going to give me some monster buds outside.If you'rs is similar to mine it'll make you hear colors and see music,lol.Took months to cure though.I'll be germing a couple next month I think.

Hell yea,Mataco.I'd be more than interested.Love to hear ya'll talk about and show the Mexican.Or any Sat for that matter.

I didn't even mention the leaves earlier.You mentioned the long thin leaves.I see that once every 30 varieties or so,lol.With an extra long middle digit.The digits are less than half as wide as usual.These are what I thought of as a purer sativa than usual,but you associated it with Thai.Is that just a thai thing?(Edit:Sorry,I just noticed you you said it is a mexi trait.)

I grew the first of that type outdoors,years ago.I showed it to a friend that said it was a columbian,lol, but I never was exactly sure.Beatiful little buds that turned a gold or fresh hay color.Heh,Mexi x Thai sounds great.I'm sure it's been done. :smoke:

It's kinda embarrasing having my name in the same sentence as BH,Lol.I'm humbled every night as i come home from work and check out his egyptian,mexi,and God and BH only knows what else he's got,LOl.My grow never looks dialed in,but it really is for what I'm doing.It's not perfect but it allows me to take a peak,so to speak,at other people and places.I'll have her filled with flowers in a month or so though.Eventually I'll concentrate on maximum harvest but this mexi bagseed thing hasn't lost it's appeal yet,after all of these years,so I'll just keep on keepin' on. :rasta:
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New member
yo this thread is sweet
british hempire I dont have enough posts here to pm but hit me off at the same name@yahoo if you want more mexi genetics. More people growin em means more phenos to explore so share the bagseed!


Herbal relaxation...
motaco A.K.A da sativa beliva;) said:
Its funny you say about the wide leaves. I had been growing sativas for years and had no idea because of how fat mexican leaves are. I'd see pics of thai leaves and stuff and I hardly ever saw leaves that thin. But mexis are just wider leafed sativas for whatever reason. I'm still trying to figure out why the leaves start fat and get skinny though. That has boggled me for years. I wonder if its the hybridization or just a mexican characterization. Like the middle leaf being so much longer is a mexican feature.

I would say it´s because of hybridization :chin: Many sativahybrids do this, they start with fatter leaf´s on veg, but after the lightcycle is changed into floweringcycle, they start to produce thinner & thinner leafs ending sometimes with very narrow leafs... (depending on genetics of course!)

I am not the Mexican sativa specialist + I dont have much info on them, but I have seen pics of those olé old school mexi sat´s that got very thin leafs, not as thin as their equatorian cousins, btu thinner than we see nowdays... Now this makes me believe that it isnt in authentic Mexican sativa genetics, but in those lines that have been hybritizised (on purpose, or not) with sativa/indica hybrids, or indicas...

Mexico is such wide country and has such an history considering our belowed erb´, that I think there are plenty of authentic sativa genetics left. Genetics, that dont have any indica in them. Maybe some native mountain/highland people/tribes still cultivate these lines for spritual etc. purposes :chin:

Who really knows?

Here´s last pics of the Powerplant bush before she did hear word T-I-M-B-E-R shouted in her calyx :D

I am so much satisfied in this strain than the last time I growed her. Mite´s did **** up 5 month veg last time with fluffy little buds. Only positive thing I can say about the previous "miterun" is that them buds were drowning on their own resin :D

BTW, those ^^^pics you guys see, doesnt show three main buds & multiple little nugs that were harvested beofre + they dont show Herbalistic´s experiment, which was this time:
collectin all fan leafs & trimmins the buds before harvest, so buds are jar ready right after they are dry, wtih no need to trim anymore.

Now this ^^ was the stage I let this PP bush chill under my hps for a day + I let her die by drying her under hps = huge amount of new resin and only in day!!!! This is a technique I am going to use in future with most of the strain im growing for sure!!!!


Old School Cottonmouth
@herbal. well they do get thinner when you switch the lights but in my experience most strains do that. What I meant is for some reason it seems alot of mexis I'll pop the first 3-4 nodes have wide leaves and I'll be cursing indy genes and then they'll start lookin like regular mexi leaves. I always wondered if it was hybridization or just a mexi feature to get fat leaves to absorb sunlight and rocket it above the canopy where it can get the thin rain and heat dispersing leaves. Just a theory though I have no idea.

But I agree mexico doesn't get anywhere near the credit it deserves. Mexico (as far as I know) has the longest, and strongest marijuana history of the entire americas. There were mexican potheads for more than a hundred years before anyone in US knew what a pothead was. I really wonder where so many of the varieties came from considering they have far less history of african slaves or indian servants. Mexico is a very diverse country with alot of history but it also has alot of very remote places where I don't think too many people have brought foreign pot seeds in many many years. There are indian tribes that have been contacted as little as fifty years ago.

In the next ten years or so at one point I intend to go live right in texas on a border town. The weed is cheap as hell because its before all the roadblocks. I'm not trying to smuggle or sell it just get first dibs at all the genetics passin through for a year or two. snag beans out of the rare lbs sellin for double the price and see numerous varieties every week. They say all the weed worth any $ whatsoever is shipped to the states. If you're in mexico unless you go to the mountains yourself they say it can be harder to find the quality. Because its grown to ship. Which is whats nice about being in a border town. All of mexico shipping to your backyard.

@ ganico. yeah I hear ya. I enjoy a good indica but a good indica is like a good woman. Easier to talk about than to find. But it truly is funny how opinonated some people are about things they have no experience with. The only thing I can think is that the same way the further you are from canada the worse beaster looks. Well I guess the further you are from the border the worse the schwag gets. Because based off of some of the true hatred you can read about mexi its clear they are getting the worst of the worst. Especially in the NE.

@hardhat. Yea it well could've been a colombian pheno. I never got to do colombians because they were just a bit before my time. Mexi was replacing it again in the commercial market by the time I started smoking. But based off the pics I've seen many colombians have very thin leaves. Considering I really doubt much asian pot is sent here anymore it probably was a colombian pheno. But mexico ironically still has thai phenos left over since the late 70's. Years ago I identified some strains from mexi brick that were quite identifiable as asians. Small seeds, no males, mild hermis, top bud a cluster of smaller colas with no main stem, crazy flower times, thin leaves, etc etc.

Just like jamaica mexico has ended up with seeds from everything we've smoked in the states for fifty years. I'd be surprised if we don't see diesel phenos in the next ten years. lol. (god I hope not)
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Bone Carver, Motaco.

I was in Costa Rica and the Bocas this past May. I bought some of the Columbian Brick weed there. It was red and dark and very compressed.

The high was very up and potent for the first hour. I had some good times surfing high. Then unfortunately the high of that weed took me to a very dark, paranoid place. Unlike anything I have ever expierenced before or since. I have toked some great weed before that too. This weed was bizarre in its effects, not very enjoyable in the end.

I saved many seeds from that bag, and brought them back with me to the North. They are very large, very dark and striped. IMO they are viable. I have not grown any out. Do you think it is worth a see, I didn't feel as though it was worth the trouble.
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Old School Cottonmouth
for some people I'm sure it would be. alot of us like a paranoia attack. after smoking for years its nice to have something grab you by the boo boo again. Probably a very long flower though and most likely a lower yield. Especially since you weren't that happy with the total experience I wouldn't bother. But if you know any other sativa heads somebody might appreciate them.

my friend went to costa rica and bought some colombian brick as well. he told me how speedy and strong it was.
Nice plants everybody. Herbalistic, that powerplant is looking DANK man, interesting about how you force more resin, have you done this before any reason why the plant puts out more resin?

I haven’t posted here for a while so here’s some pics.

All the plants I “picked up” from the road side (for those of you who remember) have shown sex, 3 females and 1 male.
Here’s my favourite pheno next to the male collecting as much pollen as possible to make seeds so I can keep this strain going:(sorry about the shite pic, twas a bit to revealing so I had to sought it out)

Seeds forming:

Male (been toped to collect pollen in doors):

Broad leaved pheno new bud sites after topping (starting to resemble a bush rather than the Christmas tree shape it was in at first)

Broad leaved pheno showing sex:

A while back I planted a bunch of hemp seeds I bought from a Chinese fishing store for fishing just to see what hemp really looked like. The started to flower really early and smelt really dank with some good resin early-on, so I just had to “test” some to see if it really was hemp or something else ; ) I dried some out and smoked it and it was surprisingly smooth for such green bud. And surprisingly, it knocked me on my ass after about 8 pulls, nice and trippy. So I just bought a whole bag of what I think is thai, crazy! what you guys think?

Here are the females in a bucket:

Fan leave, look like a Thai?

Bad shot of resin, really strong smell if touched:

Another shot:

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