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anyone w/seizure disorder found what is personally effective? Im not familiar w/most of strains listed and the arena of my living conditions (in a legal sense) is limited to access :badday: :fsu:
Any strains that other folks w/seizure disorders have had good track record with?

PS...I had brain surgery two Nov's ago...no seizure activity since & I'd like to keep it that way. But I don't want to always be couchlocked in my Indica all the time either (just some times :chin: )


THCV said:
NOT!! hahaha...makes me wonder about the rest of the reviews. I prefer posters putting up personal experience to random net aggregation.

I agree TW induces MAJOR munchies.

LMAO !!!!! I read that before I saw your post and was like... Whaa???

TW is the most anxiety INDUCING strain I have ever smoked.
I love it, but rarely smoke it.

I've found its great at concerts or at clubs where enough sensory overload will help drown out the edge.

I smoked half a joint at the Roger Waters concert last year and felt like I was on mushrooms.

TW is great for depression though if you can get through the first thirty minutes of misery!!!!! At that point the anxiety and paranoia fades and its actually quite pleasant!!!!! :joint:

And interesting note: TW bubblehash does not seem to cause as much anxiety for some reason. It doesnt make much sense. You would think the anxiety would be worse.It mentions something along these lines in the book " Hashish"-by Robert Connell Clarke that hash and the cannabis of the same variety often vary considerably in their effects.Maybe the vegative matter burned with the thc , cbd, etc. alters the effects. Who Knows!! :chin:
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Well done my brother/sister?I enjoy a good haze in the AM(mekong haze,Hawaian snow)TW is also good.They're good to get you going in the AM as well as stimulating the appetite.After lunch I enjoy NYCD,warlock,sage-n-sour,and GODS GIFT which my wife and I ceated in early 05 by crossing the real URKLE to a nice KILLER QUEEN male:)Many medical patients say its a great allround strain for med. use.
Here are a couple of bud shots of how GODS GIFT does OUTDOORS.I hear their are fakes going around:(But if your lucky enough to get the real thing you'll know by the skunky,sour,creamy taste and funk it puts off.

BTW shes a clone only pheno of the cross.

peace and love through marijuana,


New member
Chimin' in late, but I just have to say kudos and thanks Midnight. That helps an immense amount. Truly awesome work. :yes: :yes: :yes:


got a new fav medical strain: Blackberry Kush. Supposedly a cross between Bubba Kush, my fav relaxing medical strain, White Rhino, one of the highest in CBD, and Blackberry, a frosty purp. narcotic, very much like opium. beautiful crystal covered buds. numbing, great for any pain.


I crossed a strong sativa, AG with a GF female. I named it happy hooker just to piss the wifey off. When I need an escape or a vacation there it is. I never forgot the day I scored the AG from a hooker in mexico put the seeds up for....wow 45-17=25 years, 25 years.Still have some red bud seeds from the 70,s. I don't see a lot of medical value from that.I have a motion disorder that the HH helps a lot with also pain, matter of factly better than morphine.Motion disorders are related to seizers.