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post your dog or fav. dog breed


Active member
FrankRizzo said:
As a side note I will say you have sparked my interest in learning more about komondors.

dont get a komondor as your first dog.

i grew up w/ danes, and the komondor will kik your ass all day mentally and especially physicaly.

iim serious....a komondor...tho it looks neat will fukin kill you.

it will love u, but it will kill you to love you.

its not a breed for most.

if u have livestok...shit for them to 'GUARD"...then aiigt...otherwise good luck, and expect trouble.


Listen to me jerky
I already have a dog. I'm not currently interested in getting a dog over 25 lbs, no room. All I meant was they looked interesting to learn about. And for the record no dog is going to kick my ass, no matter what the breed.


Because of the Komondor's size, power, and speed, its owner must have it under control. Obedience training is a must, preferably starting at an early age (4 - 8 months). Komondors generally take well to training if started early. A Komondor can become obstinate when bored, so it is imperative that training sessions be upbeat and happy. Praise is a must, as are consistent and humane corrections. Once a Komondor gets away with unfriendly or hostile behavior, it will always think such behavior is appropriate. Therefore, consistent corrections even with a young puppy are necessary to ensure a well-adjusted adult. Socialization is also extremely important. The Komondor should be exposed to new situations, people and other dogs as a puppy. Because it is a natural guard dog, a Komondor that is not properly socialized may react in an excessively aggressive manner when confronted with a new situation or person. Again, puppy training is strongly recommended for all Komondors.

Given the proper environment and care, a Komondor is a responsible, loving dog. They are devoted and calm without being sluggish. As in any breed, there is quite a range of personalities, so your needs should be outlined clearly to your breeder. An experienced breeder can try to identify that personality which would be happier as an independent livestock dog, or that which wants more to please and would make a good obedience dog or family pet. Adolescence can be marked by changes in a Komondor's temperament, eating habits, trainability and general attitude. Many Komondor are "late bloomers", not fully mature until nearly three years of age.


Active member
look up a komondor rescue.

thre are a few.

i bet u cant handle one tho.

im a dog junkie, and they kill me.

FrankRizzo said:
What is the right way to get it done exactly? Playing around is all I want to do. I would love to get a Husky/Malmute or Rottweiler and some day I will own one of those breeds. Right now I do not have the room in my life for a dog that takes up that much space. If you have real reasoning behind saying not to get a chested then lets hear it. Like any breed they have their share of issues, but all breeds do. If you opinion is just based on the fact that they are tiny and funny looking than I can respect that I guess. I disagree, but you are entitled to your opinion.

Adoption is the route to go if you ask me. I got my first dog as a puppy and while I can't be happier, from now on I'm gonna adopt. If you look long enough you can find puppies that are up for adoption from any breed.

When it comes to dogs, to each his own I guess.

As a side note I will say you have sparked my interest in learning more about komondors.


Listen to me jerky
Got some rescues loaded in another tab already...I'm sure they are a handful, but since you don't know me at all then your opinion is based on nothing. I don't want to get one tomorrow or anything. It's just another breed that can be added to a long list of dog breeds that one day I may own, thats all.

Good luck in your search for a new puppy. I'm sure it will be a happy day for you once you have found one. :joint:


Active member
FrankRizzo said:
Got some rescues loaded in another tab already...I'm sure they are a handful, but since you don't know me at all then your opinion is based on nothing. I don't want to get one tomorrow or anything. It's just another breed that can be added to a long list of dog breeds that one day I may own, thats all.

Good luck in your search for a new puppy. I'm sure it will be a happy day for you once you have found one. :joint:

beyond all that i would say get a komondor.

it will make u a better person...tho they are a hard headed breed.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
my baby

my baby

this is my year old female. she has more personality that most people i have met. i love the saying " the more people i meet, the more i like my dog"


G. Sensi

billy_big_bud! said:
this is my year old female. she has more personality that most people i have met. i love the saying " the more people i meet, the more i like my dog"

So unbelievably Beautiful BBB!!!! How did you do her Ears? Cone?
As my comp crashed a few weeks ago I lost all the digital pics I have of my Red/Rust Dobe male!! Go ahead and start flaming, BUT DOBERMANNS ARE THE PERFECT BREED!!! Loyalty, Bravery, Speed, Endurance, Power, Hunting/tracking, Protection, Playful, Great with small dogs and Kids.... Oh My Lawd I've never met a dog more feircely attached to their owners... Dobes have been dubbed "The Velcro dogs" bc they are STUCK STUCK STUCK to you.... My little JiJi is sleepin peacefully (Tho magically dropping Fart bombs like Hiroshima!) beside me as I speak....

I hope everyones animals are well and Blessed!


PS: If anyone (anywhere in the world) is looking for a Dobe, contact http://monaco.ca/index.htm
Last edited:


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
velcro is right. she even comes in the can when i take a dump. now that is love. you are right g.sensi they are they perfect well rounded breed. for me there is dobs and then there is the rest of the dog world. i have had dobs in my family since i was knee high to a grasshopper and never a bad one yet. for her ears i used popsicle sticks wrapped in papertowel. the trick is using hockey tape to hold them in. it works the best i have found. DOB LOVERS REPRESENT!

Joker Boy

New member
Well I dont have a dog now unfortunately, but i love blue nose pits and lab's, or any mutt really....i just like a nice playful fun dog!


Active member
awesome dogs everyone!

...bogey that looks like a mighty fine pooch...glad u rescued him...i bet he's glad too!

i also lover dobermans...i never had one, but i have a friend who has 3 and they are awesome.

they patrol his yard and NO one fuks around there...lol.

...his dogs dont even bark usually they just look intimidating, but they are sweet.


Mother Nature's Son
Never owned one, but I have met a few Rhodesian Ridgebacks that were quite nice. They usually do not like too many people except the owner, but dogs just have a way of loving me. Shoot, one owner was upset that his dog liked me so much, liked me almost more than she liked the owner.
I had to transport a 120 lbs Ridgeback (and a FAT 130 lbs lab) in the back of my 86 Datsun 300zx (not a very big car, not at all) and I had the windows down. A black man walked past, a little close to my car, and that Ridgeback (Imus, great dog) EXPLODED!!!!!! The man was very scared and jogged off yelling, "Control your dog, don't let it out the window!!!"
For some reason, Ridgebacks, Dobermans and Rottweilers tend to be more racist than any other breeds I have met. I am sure it is the owner rubbing off on the dogs, but I swear, it is always one of those three breeds.

I once met a Rottweiler x Neopolitan Mastiff that was the size of a Mastiff, but looked like a Rott, 'cept he was blue not black. Beautiful dog, asshole owner unfortunately.


Active member
my old komondor was racist as hell...and not due to me or anything because im not at all.

she hated everyone, but especially blacks and hispanics, and she hated all dogs that werent white fur. (hated most w/ white fur too, but never liked one that wasnt)

the reason i got a great pyrenees after she died is because it was the only dog that she liked....she was actually in love w/ my neighbors GP...so thats why...and i consider that a good reason to choose a breed....she had good taste...i fukin love my great pyrenees, and i miss my komondor badly.

a couple pics of my pit buster,hes 79 pounds and scared of the wind or new objects in the area [lol]also have a couple of pugs which are a very good breed my next fav after pits.




Active member
damitrius777 said:
a couple pics of my pit buster,hes 79 pounds and scared of the wind or new objects in the area [lol]also have a couple of pugs which are a very good breed my next fav after pits.


cool dog!

my friend in alaska has a pit x beagle....named "buddy"...he looks alot like your dog....but he's more fawn.

"buddy" is a dog that i would never think existed....he is soooooo loyal, and will do anything.

u can throw rocks into the woods different rocks even , and he brings back the rock everytime....same w/ a beer bottle....throw it far far away and he brings it back.....and im not talking on the beach im talking in the forest in alaska.

his owner is inuit eskimo, so he prolly has a way w/ animals that i dont understand.

he's not a "dog whisperer" or anything..he's a genuine nice guy, but there is something between the dog and him that is different.

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