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post your dog or fav. dog breed


its all about muts.. all the dogs in my family have been rescued
our first dog nikki was found by the side of a contry road nearly frozen to death. my mom brought her home and nursed her back to health. she had 6 puppies, we kept 1 and named her ringo, she was the best dog ive ever had.
another dog boomer was adopted after my mom read a story in the newspaper of 5 puppies found on a porch step on a -38 degree celsius night, another great dog.

all of the dogs where mutts, they where all really intelligent loyal companions.


New member
Cozmo @ 3 months

Coz full grown

one of his favorite places

the typical result of such adventures

Cozmo and Kaia first meeting

Isn't she cute?

They had one fight early on to establish boundaries, I think. But now they LOVE eachother.

I love rescue dogs. Cozmo's mother is a pit and we assume his father was a lab. We had Cozmo for 3 years before we got Kaia last November

They tell us that Kaia is pit also but I don't know if that is true. To me they are muts. They are their own breed. These dogs picked me to be their owner not the other way around.

We get a lot of stares and questions when we take them out. They look intimidating but they are the sweetest things you just wouldn't know that if you were standing at our front door unexpected. When I go out of town and leave my wife alone in the dogs care I know she feels very secure. I love dogs.


Props to you owcmerc for rescuing them dogs. :respect: I'm getting my next dog from a rescue shelter also.


Heres a pic of a dog I got from a country feed mill,he is there to greet the customers.
Hes either part or full blooded Austrailian Heeler,one owner told me he was a Red Heeler and another employee told me he was Blue Heeler :confused: :chin: ,so I don't know what he is for sure.
I just call him "Dingo" cause I think he kinda looks like one. :rolleyes:



Active member
Cool dogs everyone :wave: here's my dog oska sadly passed on, was such a stoner dog that loved sunbathing.He was only five :badday:

and my other dog george,he is very much alive and completely nuts but love him all the same :jump:


Listen to me jerky
Here is me ferocious attack dog when he was a puppy. He's a French Bulldog. The most he might do is lick someone to death. Some day I would love to get a big dog I just don't have room for a big dog yet.

I'm gonna get some more French Bulldogs someday soon. They are such odd little creatures. They are great if you live in a apt or don't have a huge yard for them to play in. If you look into them just go to a good breeder. There are lot of puppy mills turning this breed out with loads of health problems.

Some other types of dog I would like to own in my life are:
English Bulldogs
Chinese Crested (hairless)
Huskies or some other breed of dog that will love the snow

A few random notes.
One, don't ever get a puppy at a pet store. Go to a breeder and see where the dogs are born. The actual conditions they are born into. Puppy mills are horrible places and they should not be supported in any way.
Two, try and rescue a dog. With the internet these days you can look at dogs that rescue organizations have all over the country. They may come with a problem or two, but with time you should be able to help them have a normal life.
Three, Get your dogs (or cats for that matter) fixed. Waaay to many dogs are put to sleep each year because they don't have a proper home. Getting your dog fixed can prevent it from getting pregnant or knocking up someone else's dog which will just end up making the problem worse.


3 legged dogs rock

3 legged dogs rock

even with 3 legs and 10 years young, she insists on carrying her big ol frisbee up some steep ass stairs covered with ice, in the dark, when she was a youngun she could catch a black frisbee in the pitch dark at about 30 meters, this dog has never ceased to amaze


my other dogs in my avatar, hardheaded? hah! you have no friggin clue, an ol wivestale says you have to train chessies with a 2x4, not to far off!!!


I have 4 dogs, here's one of them. It's a "Berger de Brie" (antique French breed dating back to the 13th century.).
My 3 other dogs were rescued from the street, but this one might be the only one I'll ever have I got since he was a puppy (bought him as a puppy, maybe the first and last time I do that in my life).

It's a fantastic breed, great for a family, very loving, and very very sentimental too but that's too a very hard headed breed (not for beginners = if you want the dog to do something, you need to find out the way for him to think that what he's doing is his own choice... Can be tricky sometimes, but I succeeded quite greatly in educating him... only with soft words and so on = walks without a leash, can wait for me outside a store for 20 minutes, won't follow any stranger, and so on ...).

Pictures start when he was 48 days old (the night I got him). Then you have his first bath (he loves water !), and so on ...



You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Here's my little baby Blackie.

And BTW great looking dogs everyone.

Stay safe and high.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
This is my new favourite thread. My family has always had cats but never a dog, so I hope to adopt a rescue dog in the near future. I guess I'll just have to keep looking in here until I do. :wave:


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey sammet dogs are great buddies. u wont regret getting one or two
(little buggers when there young )but its all good fun

my baby came to me in a plastic bag! ,took it off a smack head,should of reported the twat, he can meet the dog again soon lol

she now knows 2 diff languages ,german for attack and english for normal commands
shes main skill is on the lead defense, for incase i or my wife ,kids ever get into trouble
apparently when shes mature she wil be able to hold 3 fully grown men at bay lol
she is the cleverest dog ive ever owned
for a little lady ,shes got some power



Active member

well on the recomendation of some of u here and sum friends i broke down and purchased a "Furminator".

This is for Yukon my Great Pyrenees and Sierra our Border Collie (mostly for Yukon tho)

This one EXPENSIVE dog comb ($60)....but def. worth it.

I just wanted to tell u guys how awesome this thing is, and that you'd be doing yourself a favor to get one....even tho its so expensive.
