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PFMJ's WR,BS,AK-47, & Bubblegum Grow



Welcome to a lil look at my grow, it is only my 4th real grow, but I was a very fast learner due to a great web site OG, I miss Overgrow, but this nice place is home now :)
I find one thing easier, when posting pics the system the board uses makes it easier to add captions to your photos :) SWEET!!!

I am growing White Rhino, Biggie Small, AK-47, & a new comer Bubblegum.

I'll post some recent pics of them, (I won't be able to access my log again possibly due to the BS that happened to RC, but they are around 44 & 48 days in flowering, (Biggie Small 2 ladies @ 44 Days) ( 1 Bagseed potent Sativa Dom @ 44 Days) (White Rhino 1 lady @ 48 Days) ((EDIT)) 2-5-06 The Biggie Small were chopped, White Rhino coming down soon, and BAgseed lady coming down in a weekor so)
4 Bubblegum clones (All 4 are rooted, and in soil now, just had 3 root a few nights ago, 1 was a quick rooter and rooted a day sooner, took 7 days max.. )

I use mainly organic nutes...
JBG,Worm Castings, Bone meal, Blood meal, Pureblend Pro Bloom, FoxFarm Big Bloom, FoxFarm Grow Big, Blackstrap Molasses, Maxi-Crop's Liquid Seaweed Extract, Advanced Nutrients Sensi Zym & Mother Earth Super Tea for bloom, Technaflora's Liquid Humus, Earth Juice's Cataylst.
I make teas and aerate them for 2 to 3 days max before using them, I do not like to let them sit over 3 days, 4 would be the max as long as the teas are aerated IMO.....
I also use Superthrive up until the last week in vegging, it is a B-1 rooting hormone and is not needed at all in flowering IMO!
I plan to go Thrive Alive Green Label (organics) soon...

I will post more on how much of what I use, and how much for vegg & for flowering...

I also add 1 cup Dolomite Lime per each cubic foot of soil to keep the PH balanced....

I think that covers it....
Light for flowering 940 W Eye Hortilux Conversion HPS, air cooled via a Stanley Blower Fan & some 6" insulated ducting....

Vegg area is a combo of 4 four foot fluro tubes (160 W) a 150 W HPS, and the rest is a mix of 42 & 43 W with one 45 W CFL....
For a total of 569 Watts, I have a fan mounted high, and a ground fan to circulate the air, & give them a lightly blowing breeze....

I am happy that Gypsy has let us make IC home, it is greatly appreciated!!
Now for a few pics, note: Dates are a lil iffy & all due to OG going down, so all my pics will not be organised by date right now, but future pics will be ;)

Biggie Small below

Some Group shots at 42 & 46 Days below

And some 41 & 45 Day Group Shot below

Now some White Rhino Pics 1-30-06 below, around 49 to 50 or so days....

Below is a pic of my smallest clone ever, a Bubblegum clone.

Below is pics of 4 Bubblegum clones, an AK-47 clone, and a White Rhino clone..
I just took around 5 cuts a piece of the AK & WR for my future flowering (will be my 6th actual flowering, I am on the 5th now)

I have a few more, but my pics are a lil scrambled because I was saving them till I could get my OG info & sort it all out then post them....

Hope everybody enjoys, and some day I will try to sneak in right as the lights go off & use a regular light to get not so yellowed pics....
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And a few more pics :)

And a few more pics :)

Some pics may get posted twice, but I think I can keep that from happening....

Some White Rhino pics at 52 or 53 days below, chop coming soon :)

Now some pics from my fresly pruned. and somewhat LST'd vegging ladies, I practice slight bending to keep the canopy even....

Biggie Small, White Rhino, and Ak-47



Everybody clear the way, Passionformaryjane's grows are on their way !! :dance:


More & More :)

More & More :)

Ok I am not done yet :) Like 15 or so more coming up, maybe more :)
Feels so good to get these posted!! :woohoo:

First up some White Rhino pics below

In some of the White Rhino below you will see an incorrectly done top, I did this on purpose, just experimenting, I found I got some phat tight lil nugs there, and growth in other places went like I wanted it to...

Below one of my potent bag seed sativa from some unknown strain deff. 8 + years old or more, she takes a good 65 days IMO , Citrusy & tastes great, good 100 US $ A quarter smoke

Some group shots below

Now below some Biggie Small pics

Below is my AK-47 @ day 15

That is all for now, the White Rhino is due to come down tonight or tomorrow :)
Then another week or so on my bag seed & I will be totally on my 5th flowering :woohoo:


Very good to see you in my new home teeth my friend!!

Very good to see you in my new home teeth my friend!!

Teethgrinder said:
Everybody clear the way, Passionformaryjane's grows are on their way !! :dance:

Good to see ya Teeth, I am very happy to have a new home, and with the format here I think the future looks better for how my pics will be organized with captions....

:lurk: grab some popcorn and stay a while, the show is just beginning, I believe I am out of the basic learning stage of growing, however I will learn till I die, I just think now I wanna try new things, kinda why I am experimenting with froms of LST...
I think there are so many advanced methods I can learn, but I also want to KISS ;)

I have harvested 2 Biggie Small's and the bud is trich covered!!
I have some lil buds laying on my table, I went to flip em over and they were sticking to the damn table a lil :) Fuckin A right :)

I have smoked a lil of it, not to harsh, crisp smoke even uncured, it is a lil basic tasting so to speak, but the high is good, I have a lil slight trippy feeling now :)

I can't wait to smoke the WR cured, and the AK-47, I am gonna be half comatosed slobbering and shit :) Yesssssssssss!!!
Let them grow, let them grow, these ladies mean a lot to me and I will continue to grow them till the Fags, sorry I mean Feds come knocking (or ramming the door down) because I grow for me, smoke for medical & personal reasons!!
And I do not sell any to anybody, so if they wanna fuck with me over a 4 plant harvest ever 2 months I say bring it on fuckers, but know I will fight you any legal way possible, unless I am on the AK with the AK locked and loaded, then ya better have the bullet proof full body suits, as if they have those, lol

I could see if ya came in and were respectful while doing what you do, but I see the BS you put Stitch through, and if you try that here you will have a war on your hands, so if you come at me come correctly and with respect, I am not a criminal or a bad person, and I would comply totally, and fight back legally!!!!

I take my believed personal rights very seriously, and I do somewhat support the Republicans, but I am sad to say I am starting to see the Democrats are actually a lil more reasonable.....

(((Screams in my best Tony Montanna voice))) You wanna play?? OK :)

I'm reloaded!!!!!!! he he he

Much love to all the law and what not that actually protect and serves us the people, not the almighty Gods, our sweet US Gov... ha ha ha

Peace from PFMJ
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Thanks for stopping by O, and Teeth you better have the extra butter in the pop corn, and pass me a tub please! Extra Butter & salt, I love a lil pocorn with my butter and salt, lol :)
Good lord you ate the whole bucket already, well damn get another and stay tuned ;)

Take care, stay safe, and stay secure!!!
Happy growing everybody!!!!
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b,bb,bbut Im full :yummy: , ok, fine, heres you some butter and salt, I threw in a few kernals. and some more for me :) :lurk: . staying tuned. :joint:


:wave: :bat: No but's teeth:bat:, unless it's naked sexy stripper lady butts ;) he he Get yer ones and 5's ready!!! 20$ if you are a big spender, I got mine pre-folded and ready!!

Much respect to all the Go-Go dancers :bigeye: at the strip clubs, puts on Wyclef's "Just Cause She Dances" Turn up my symphony man!! :violin: :woohoo: :jump:
Well I gotta run for now, updates and harvest pics coming soon :Bolt:

The buds are not as thick as they were with the bagseed of mine, but they are danky and trich covered/sticky ass buds!!
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Here's some harvest shots, I hope to be able to get the Biggie Small buds thicker in the future, but I am thinking I am going to grow more of the White Rhino, AK-47, & the Bubblegum, I can only have 4 to 5 ladies max in my room flowering now, that means 2 of each but 1 strain if I lose one...
So I may have to take cuts and keep some Biggie Small cuts in stasis in the crisper in case I want to grow her again later on....
But it all depends on how good the cured smoke is.... Looks like it is going to be pretty good :)



Hello PFMJ! :wave:

It's good to see some bud shots after reading all the bad news and drama about OG. I always liked peeking at your ladies in the past over there so I'm shickled tittless to find this thread. :woohoo:

I definitely want to see your AK47 flower up as I have 5 of them at 4 weeks from seed now. This is my first grow with "real genetics" after 3 bagseed runs. Heck, you may have seen my thread(s) on OG and posted, but my memory isn't too good since the homegrown started coming in. :confused: Go figure!

If you're familiar with the AK47s then I will probably like to ask questions and get pointers from you in the near future, no doubt.

Keep the bud-shots coming! K...uh, I mean R+ :rasta:



Good to see ya still kicken Passion it should be a good run it looks like.

The Budfather

Active member
hey PFMJ, WEll i was an OG lover i was always on the micro forums good to see another OGer around plus a bunch of other im glad that all us refugess have a neww home to stay the grow looks awesome good job i K+ damni it no more K im so upset i loved that site

-The Budfather-


Passions not registered here anymore, here was his final words for everyone, , ""tell all I wll miss them!!!! Take care and stay safe, if ya got scales ditch em!!!!!""


I heard from PFMJ, I was told that he is considering a come back, because he knows he is one of the safest on the net, so it would take some work to get to him!!
His love for the grow is too great, and he said he feels it is his God given right to grow, and consume it all himself for his medical purposes....
Hey there LC, good to see you here, semi old time OG'r here...