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NEW.BOG Preservation Project.


SW - Give me 1 - 2 more days on the bulb. I haven't been home since my bro's been in the hospital... good thing i taught my girlfriend to garden. I'll PM once it's off. Take Care - j


Active member
WELL DESESERVED. I really don't think there was another choice..
SW pm me, have a question for you


ICMag Donor
Good to see we're getting the workload spread out a little.... Projects of this nature can become overwhelming when too many lines get involved....

Best of luck with your health Southwind! You'll be in our thoughts and prayers....


Active member
This is good news! Glad to see the project expanding a bit, but even more happy to hear that some of the workload will be taken off your shoulders SW.

Congrats Care Free 1!


Donation from OD66

Donation from OD66

Due to a donation from Olddrifter66 we can now try some new nutrients that I have been hoping to test.

It also makes it possible to add a new light cord and maybe a backup HPS bulb, since I run 24/7 they are needed in the worst way.

Thank you OD66!!

Thank You Zoolander

Thank you Jdubz..

Thank you Pirate138 for growing and helping on mail.

Thank you BamBam for growing updates, and other things..

if I missed you , I will get to it..I am just very sick and this fever is like 103 today so my mind is a little fuzzy.

Leaving for a few days...see you all on the flip side...


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Hey Southwind! Just wanted to let you know that BamBam is up and going atm! Young as of yet but will for sure be rocking so. I have not cracked all my beans but i have room to grow them out and keep them around if needed. Like if i get all males or females. Others will be on the way when i have the room....Be good Southwind and nice to see you have a #2! Be good guys and safe! Pics!

1.GiantBogglegum X lifesaver or sbbx4 (on the top right and left)and Sbbx3Xsbbx4(on the bottom left and right! Can you tell what one did the pollen thing with the giant?

2.Giantbogglegum crosses solo

I know its not much now but lets give it some time and see what we get. Would be cool to get a BMR male(pollen) and hit that sbbx3Xsbbx4 with it... :jump: BamBam

Care Free 1

Active member
Thanks Southwind,

It is truly an honor to work with you on these upcoming projects. I look forward to preserving BOG's work, and I also get the privilege to work with someone I respect very much.

The strains BOG created are dream plants for the indoor gardener, and have the potency to go with the looks. It will be my duty to ensure they are around for a long time to come, and keep them in there true form.

I also would like to thank you all for your support and interest in this project. I expect to see some very interesting things happening very soon not doubt.

Care Free 1

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Preparing for departure.

Preparing for departure.

I am leaving for the Outdoor Test Facility soon.

In the event anyone has business to conduct with the BPP [BOG Preservation Project] please see CAREFREE1.

I will return as soon as I can but am sick and may end in hospital, my fever is going into that crappy over 102 stage.

But the OTF has to get done, there is no choice, health just has to wait.

I am only writing this to let those who need to know what is happening.

You know who you are.

I need to THANK Peaville Pride for an outstanding , ultimately make or break gift of info, time, and other.


I am fine, this is nothing out of the ordinary with health, it happens all the time, almost evry month..so ..there go.




hope you are well southwind, may the spirit guide you in your journeys.
nam myoho renge kyo



Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
WOW this teamwerk is fuggin beautifull..........good luck SouthWind....we will be awaiting your return.......;)...MM


Good to know SW. Just chekin on the progress. good luck and like smoeone said take it slow. I hope for the best to ya, really I do.

your friend,


Active member
hey my friend hope you are feeling ok. wanted to chime in and talk to ya but i see you are at the the test facility. take it slow and easy my friend cause we need you.

if you need anything at all just let me know and we can make it happen, the most important thing is your health so be carefull.

having carefree1 on board is a good thing and i'm sure he'll be putting out some awsome grows. i wish i had a scratch and sniff screen so i could smell those plants he's got,,,,,,,,,,straight awsome.

hopefully i'll be able to start growing soon so that i may be able to help out in the project. it sure is depressing wanting grow this wonderfull plant and not being able to. the only thing that keeps me sain is knowing the day i can start back up it will be with some of the finest plants around,,,,,,,BOG'S.

stay safe and well my frend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc


Active member
Pirate138 said:
Jeez does that guy ever say anything nice? And from what i heard his SD IBL was ridden with hermi's.

he does every now and then,,LOL. i think BOG left a sour taste in his mouth,,,pun intended.

I didn't get any hermies with the ones i grew and it was some damn fine smoke, alot of it is she is real sensitive. any stress, over feeding, light leaks, high ph, etc. and she will throw nanners. she is totally worth the extra effort you have to put in. a large carbon scrubber is a must when growing the SD.

stay safe and free,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc