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Neilspotshop - 400w Grow and Show



Looking great neil. Your doing a very nice job on your pictures. Looks like you don't need a tripod, your holdin it pretty still. Now in my case without a tripod it looks like I have parkinsons.

Very green and healthy looking give yourself a pat on the back!


Hey major thanks for dropping in, good to see you about as always!!
Hi alaskangro, thanks for stopping by. Glad you like the plants!
I would say it was going great but unfortunately it seems that dreamgoddess is actually suffering from a problem. It looked like i was getting purple leaves but it seems that the leaves are now showing burn instead of purple :(
I have given her a large watering and hope that, that solves it she hasn't needed much in the way of ferts but she hasn't received much ether.

Yngwie M must have posted at the same time :) yes overall i have been pleased with these plants and that grow just got to sort out the minor problem with the goddess. thanks for stopping by !

So yes a slight problem but hey i am going to check it out with the guy's in the infirmary too!

Hey Esskie, i have a couple of clones in water with a mod but i haven't had much luck rooting them thinking of putting them into some soil as i don't have any trouble getting them to root this way.
Well Will get some full plant shots up soon.

Good luck with your grows!
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TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Great growing bro, beautiful healthy garden you have.......i cant wait to see some buds on those girls.


Hey stinkleaf good to see you, thanks I am thinking of cutting the cactus down soon but i need some spare time.
Thanks strainman, I try having a little trouble now but it wont affect the buds!
Hey true its really good to see you here!Buds are slowly but surely showing themselves!
Well i haven't updated in a while i have been busy trying to find a job but its not easy when no one will employ you. The mod bx are showing a bit of nitrogen def but i am feeding half strength veg and flower to correct. The godbudxdreamweaver doesn't need so much nutes and seems to be coming along well. heres a couple of pic's under the hps.



I will try and take some better pic's tmoz.
Good luck in your grows!


Active member
Hi Neil :wave: ,
Lookin good there my man :yummy:

S'cuze me for bein sloow but is the GodBud x Dreamweaver the wide leafed strain in the middle?

If yes, it looks like a cracking SOG/SCROG strain!?,

what's the one in the top pic on the extreme right?, is that the same strain (MOD?) as the bottom pic's plants round the sides?.

That said they do look slightly different but that could be down to phenotypes?

It's nice to have more than one strain on the go at a time I find too, a bit more variety from taste to effect. It's only strains that tend to have the same nutrient needs I can really grow together, using my hydro system anyway as they're all fed from the same rez.
That said though I've had Afghan, HashPlant & SnowBud etc, all Indica-dom beside Haze & sat-dom strains.

I think I'd probably be doing the same as you are concerning the slight N deficiency?, although they slow down & stop their uptake of Nitrogen as they get into flowering as you know.

Have you been adding any Fulvic Acid at all mate?, if misted on through flowering I personally didn't notice too much compared to those 'test' plants that weren't recieving any.
Fed via the nute solution by adding it to the rez did cost me a few quid as it's a 130L rez I have but my buds seemed much denser and harder than before. It was 1ml to 1L so a litre bottle does the 130L rez 7wks with a bit left over.

You ever try any of Advanced Nute's Sensi nutes or additives?, only used their additives here but the Sensi-Zym, Big-Bud & OverDrive are ok but pricey when your rez is guzzlin the stuff!

All the best for X-Mas if I don't speak to you before then anyway man,
Regards, Esskie


Hey man good to see you !

Yes the Godbudxdreamweaver is in the middle, I not exactly sure on flowering time with her yet though. She would be great for sog or scrog, i just tied her top over a little just after she started putting out hairs so now have a few more top buds which i am hoping might help yeild.

Theres two mod bx plants in there one on the left one on the right, though a few branchs cross in the middle. The mod on the right has had red stalks since veg which i think is genetic, I was told she maybe more Colombian from the destroyer side of this cross.
She is more sativa well she has thinner leaves and more airy bud formation. She has some trics but the mod on the left has more so far but i think that the red stalked one will probably take at least a week longer.

At the moment i only have topmax from bio bizz and i have pk13/14 too but havent used it yet. I have been reading up on the fulvic acid and might go pick some up a bit later. I try and keep my grow organic so i will see about the additives. I used the bio canna bloom booster which is really good but its not cheap.

I have mothers rooted of Both Mods they seem to be doing well now but didn't get of to a great start i don't think the soil i used had a good enough structure.
I am going to germ some seeds maybe on Christmas day if i have time, probably hashberry and maybe lemon stinky got to check the fridge i don't have loads of strains but a few more.

Have a great Christmas and a hazy newyr!


Thanks User Name Its Good to see you about!
OK well i was going to wait till Christmas day but i couldn't wait, i have taken three hashberry seeds and two lemon stinky seeds out of the fridge. I am slowly warming
them up at the moment prior to setting them in cotton wool to germ. I hope that the dream goddess should be ready about 4 weeks but we will see.
I am considering a change of style and going for a sog or maybe half sog grow. I like the look of coco and have always been advised to go for slabs to get the fast growth rate, so i am thinking of turning part of the space to sog when i pull the dg out.

I have a few serious bubblegum seeds left, unfortunatly there was a mix up with labels and could be hawaiianx skunk( still have them just not sure which are which). I kept the bubblegum around for a few grows and i think i will germ the rest of the seeds looking for a mum as soon as i have space.

The current ladies are doing good i bought some fulvic acid today and gave the girls a feed with a light dose of bio canna flores and topmax. Also one of my mother plant/clones of the Mod bx is really taking off, the other is a little slower but should pull through.

Good luck with your grows!


Well I put 3 Hashberry seeds and 2 lemon stinky seeds into my germinating pot last night. I fill the bottom with cotton wool and make sure that its nice and damp and set it on a router to keep it nice and warm.
This morning all three hashberry's had a healthy tap root and were planted and this afternoon one of the lemon Stinky's was potted the other looks good for tomorrow.
Not much going on in the veg cab yet but my two Mod bx mums are enjoying the mixed spectrum 250w of light. One has absoluty taken off reaching for the lights the other is healthy but will need a little time.


Merry Christmas All!


Active member
hi Niel.. Do you cover your beans with anything or just lay them on the damp cotton? I use a j-cloth and a plastic bag but I find that the tap root can get caught in the j-cloth if its real vigorous and I am slow.... your method sounds interesting.

It looks like the beginnings of a mg def to me on that last pic..the way the tips are going kinda crooked? the Mod BX. no?


Hey jenna :wave:
I use a little plastic tub, that i put the cotton wool in. The seeds sit in the cotton wool and i put the lid on the tub. I have drilled a few holes in the top and cover the top of the tub with a peice of brown paper to stop to much light getting in. I don't think you need to do this but i tried it and as it worked initially I have just kept with it. This sits on a router which keeps it warm.

Yes the two plants in the last pic are mod bx.
I gave them a dose of veg ferts which i hope should cure it, i know the water i have been using is was ok ph wise but i ges i better have another look.
So far only one hashberry is above soil.
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Active member
Hi there Neil,
Hope you & everyone else on the thread/forum all remember to leave a carrot out for Rudolph and a pre-rolled (he's a busy man!) for Santa tonight! :smoke:

Theres two mod bx plants in there one on the left one on the right, though a few branchs cross in the middle. The mod on the right has had red stalks since veg which i think is genetic, I was told she maybe more Colombian from the destroyer side of this cross.
I see the branch going across the back in the top pic now after you mentioning it, I love it when they bud up like that!.
That GodBud x DreamWeaver looks like a beautiful strain.

At the moment i only have topmax from bio bizz and i have pk13/14 too but havent used it yet. I have been reading up on the fulvic acid and might go pick some up a bit later. I try and keep my grow organic so i will see about the additives. I used the bio canna bloom booster which is really good but its not cheap.

I've never tried TopMax or any of BioBiz's stuff tbh mate, don't laugh but the first nutes I ever tried hydro were Power-Gro by Nutriculture which came supplied with my first hydro system :confused: . It actually got left in a box for months then was given to a friend to use on their houseplants :rolleyes: .
PK-13/14 is a regular here too btw buddy :wink: , that and CannaZym as I use modular ebb+flow with clay pebbles, it's amazing just how much old root can build up!.

Let me know if you notice any difference with the fulvic, I'd be interested to hear?.

So far only one hashberry is above soil.
but it sounds like they're all good, viable seeds if they all had popped with healthy tap roots the morning after they came into contact with water. I sometimes like to let them develop their tap root a little before potting them if they're destined for soil but anywhere from 3-5mm is well adequate, after all they would be totally buried before they split in the wild .

As for germinating?, normally I place mine into a glass of tepid water in which they will split then into rockwool starter cubes, placing them into my cloner has been really successful for me. It makes sense though as conditions for rooting clones is pretty much just right for germinating seeds.
Normally they would go into the cloner after having split in the glass of water.

Anyone tried the ziplok baggy method?

Neil you gotta PM buddy :smile:

Merry X-Mas everyone,
Regards, Esskie.


Hey man good to see you sent you a reply to the pm, and thanks its just i had a little trouble with the water cloning.

As for Santa he has a pre rolled j of some very sweet tasting blue mystic, no tobacco and a thin king size paper I think that should sort him out.

I would recommend the topmax for flavor i am pretty sure it adds a lot to the taste/sweetness of the bud, i am guessing molasses would do the same.

All five are now above soil three with there first proper little serrated leaves :)

As for the main grow the ladies are doing great i gave them a massive dose of a mixture of ferts last night and wow the smell was incredible. They arent showing any sign of burn and purky and stinky will take some pics when i can grab a moment.

Merry Christmas Everyone!


Hey Yngwie M, Thanks for stopping by and the props.
Heres a macro of the Dg just for you, hehe.
She has started to get a nice covering of tric's and a indica hashy sort of smell.


Hope everyone is having a good Christmas, i am about to start the on the gammon :)

Good luck with the growing!


Hey pontiac its really good to see you!!
Its been dark all day here, not good for taking pic's will take some plant shots tmoz.
This is the most sativa of the two mod Bx. She only has a few dark hairs and will go 10 week at least i think. I have clones and may run here over the other pheno if the high is there.

I will update more on the flowering plants tmoz.

The veg cab is going ok, out of the 5 seeds i planted only three have grown. I haven't had a lot of luck with my hashberry seeds i think i will follow mikes instructions fully with the next lot. I think i have one hashberry and two lemon stinky seedlings. There are of course to mod ladies in there, one of each pheno i have so far.
I have taken another couple of seeds out of the fridge today, i think they are serious bubblegum but could be hawaiianx skunk. they will be germed tmoz.


Good luck with your growing!

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