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My Little Amazonian Guerilla.

Greetings to all gandja lovers all around the world !

So, here i am in French Guiana 5 north to equator, growing in the amazonian jungle !
We have 12hours light a day , two main season:the Dry Season from Augustus to end of December and the Raining Season from Juanuary to End of July.Sometime there is the "small march summer" ( sunny month ) but it's not regular, this year there was only two weeks of sunny day in end of march , then the rain came back, a lot of rain this year as it's falling heavy as i'm writting now.
As Bob Marley sang " Got to have Kaya now , as the rain is fallin' !" :joint:

The local strain is 100% sativa landrace but it seems to have decrease in quality mabe due to large scale growing from people who did not have the culture of growing, not selecting mothers nor male but just sowing millions of seeds ,let it grow for few month (not choping the males in time) and coming back to chop the poorly grown and seed infasted females.
Anyway there is some different local strain and you could find some potent one and some weaker from the same bag seed, different sativas strain.
Some early one could be ripe in 5-6 months while others would take 9 to 12h from seed to harvest day.

There are some intresting strain from Guyana very stinky/skunky smelling which i have grown during the dry season wich is sativa/indica cross finishing in 4-5 month , turning gold in end of flowering, nice strain except that i was tricked by an female who turned hermie at the end (just few pollen balls under big fan leaves on lower branch) .
I've grow Blue Mystic Nirvana during the dry season and it was one of the only indicas to acclimate not too bad; would veg for a month and half or sometime less and start flowering for 2month and half ( sometime 2month only). Other experience with NLxHaze,White widow, PPP, super skunk did end up with ridiculous yield, the plants starting flowering sometime only after two weeks !

At this time, i have some California orange bud, some Haze and some Blue Mystic unknown cross.
We are right in the middle of the raining season, heavy tropical rains and 100% hulidity, definetly not the time for indicas, but sativas still love it !

Most of my plants are only starting flowering so i still have to be patient, had to stop growing for two month and those strain (except the blue mystic) are taking longer.
Most of them are from February 2007 .

Lambsbreath's playground.

The nusery and refuge in rain season

Exemple of mimicry : grass hoper with same color as the weed

Grass hoper lethal overdose ! :wave: :chin:

Haze in the ground after rain



what a nice place, looks like paradise. nice lil plants, good luck on them dude!
Deft said:
Lol you killed it? Or did it just go catatonic?

I must confess that i am the murderer of this poor little insect !
But the brown one are the worst they can make the badest damage, green one will only eat the leaves a little bit, brown one will cut tender branches, eat flowers.

I don't have too much problems with grass hopers during the raining season cause there are plenty green grass for them on the spot but during the dry season it's the opposite, the mj spot is like an oasis for them( especially with the broad leaves indica).

Anyway i don't have too much problem with pest as there seems to have a natural regulation here , lezards, birds and beneficial insects fight the bad ones and Jah guide...


Custom User Title
esbe said:
what a nice place, looks like paradise.

Exactly what I was thinking while looking at those pictures. I can't wait to visit places like that.


all praises are due to the Most High
bonjour lambsbreath :)

i hear you loud and clear about indicas in our latitude... i have also had seedlings that are 2 weeks old and start flowering, happens a lot with dutch strains created for more nothern latitudes.

i am tagging this thread.

one love!


Active member
I am always so inspired by these tropical grows, I live in a similar climate, but it is suburban in the states....its so wonderful to view your beautiful plants (especially the first picture) in such untouched land of the french guiana...welcome to icmag and looking forward to more lovely shots.
High again !

Esbe , thanx man i will make more pics of our beautiful nature and wild animals living here, i often see tribes of small monkeys, brown ownes (macaques) and smaller ones black on my ground, there are also lots of nice birds, parrots,red ibis;toucan, colibri, also few snakes, mygale spiders , iguana,agouti,tatou and more wild animals like deers, wild pigs, anteater, jaguars will stay a little bit deaper in the forest and for most of them only coming out at night.


Jaguar from french guiana

My lazy ass cat !

The sea is also not far from here, and we have big luth turtle coming to lay teir eggs burried on the shore.

We dont have industry nor mass tourism , we have gold but the real treasure is the wonderful nature and wildlife still living here.

Bounty29 and Blueblelove, thanx will make more pics on a bright sunny day , today was rainy, will try to show us some beauties of our nature eventhough my camera kind a sucks...

Paz mi Hermano ! I &I love to read and look over again the Temple thread and Chaman's Tropical growing thread.
We surely have the same kind of conditions ,so it's very useful to share our comments about strains and way to grow the "healing of the nation", the sweet sweet Sinsemillia !

Bananas and ananas for the family consommation

Local wild palmer called "Maripa"

Guava tree ( I&I love guava ,mango,ananas,orange, maracudja local juice !)

Red banana grown by the amerindians

Jah Bless you all !
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New member

I wish I lived where you do... sounds like heaven on Earth!

Stupid cold, windy, shitty England.

Anyways, nice looking grow!


Lambsbreath, keep posting.
Great to follow a equator grow close :smile:



Salut Lambsbreath!

I live in tropical conditions too, but I don't have jaguars in the jungle... nothing harmful here lol! Most dangerous critter you could comer across would be a wild pig...

Your garden is beautiful, it really sounds like a good place to spend some time smoking a fatty. And I can't wait to see your plants flower!

Good luck, keep it safe!



you live in paradise.
tks for sharing your wonderful world with us.

i enjoyed the wildlife pics as much as the erb pics!

i will watch this one with joy!

tks for bringing a piece of your world to us!!

ive never been and have always wanted too.....


Active member
just stoppin by to give wellwishes, I am truly envious of were you live, I hope one day to have the money and time to relocate to a place like that.
High everybody !

It's been nearly two weeks i did not post because since last week we have internet connection problem (a cable has been damaged under the sea).

Well, we had a lot of rain during the last two weeks, roads are even flooded some places, this year is particulary rainy. Three of the four hazes i had planted in the ground are showing signs of heavy overwatering and i think i will put them back in pots tomorrow and put them under the plastic tent until sunny days are coming back (July).

The rest of the girls are growing well, execpt two blue mystic who were showing mold which i have harvested and who could have grow 15 days more.

Wildestyle and Paddi,Hub, BubbleLove thanx for the kind words, i will keep on posting some updates.

Relik, in fact Jaguars are not dangerous, they will always run when they see you, only problem could occur if you would try to catch the female babies, then you could be in serious trouble ! But i have never heard of Jaguars attack on people.

Here the most dangerous things are small : like brasilian flies, snakes and scorpion eventhough there is very few people dying from snakes bite , most of them are not lethal, scorpions are not very dangerous too,they will only give you a strong fever for one day.

Yes it's a nice place to smoke a fatty, i love this ground eventhough it's also a lot of work but you always get the reward one day.

Krazay ,yes i love french guiana bad indeed, i was living in France before (10 years ago) and eventhough France is a nice country i could not live there anymore , feel more free here and can live the way i want but it's not everybody like french guiana, some french people find it boring.
But if you love nature, rivers, observing wild life, fishing, hunting (i don't) ,growing, then it could be heaven .

Jah Bless you all!


Blue Mystic x California Orange Bud

California orange bud



Grower for Life
looks great, must be a great country. What about criminality and politics? (or is that the same?? LOL)
Highlighter and Chlodek, thanx for the positivity !

Moppel said:
looks great, must be a great country. What about criminality and politics? (or is that the same?? LOL)

Moppel you are not far from reality ; corruption is a big problem and politicians are for sure the biggest thief in the country.
We do have criminality problems in the big towns, due to poverty, crackheads and illegal immigration, the small towns are still very safe.

French guiana is still safier than the neighbours country like Brasil,Suriname,Guyana cause we have the same social aids as France, and more and more cops on the road and streets.

There is also a high level criminality in the forest where gold is illegally exploited, it brings drugs,arms, prostitution and crimes without speaking of the effect of the mercury pollution on amerindians tribes living there.
Money (gold) is the roots of all evil...

French Guiana is also a turning table for cocaine traffic going to europe, every week they catch swallowers at airport .

I man stay far from trouble, try to live my life decently and peacefully with my wife and two boys and never had to fight yet.

Racism is not a problem here too as it's a very mixed people country and slavery was not developped like in the french caraibes ( martinique, guadeloupe) and black people have seen how white people could suffer too when there was the hard jails for criminals and political prisoners sent here from France until the 1945.

One love
High again !

Some more pics .

Haze fatening

One of the Blue Mystic i had to harvest because of mold

Blue mystic just harvested and trimmed

The refuge

Jah Bless all nice and decent people !