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My Bubba Kush S1 Seeds



The Almighty Bubba Kush

As many of you know, the real Pre-98 Bubba Kush clone likes to throw a bannana or two below the smaller buds. Looks like this:

In my last grow, these were sterile, but for some reason this grow they weren't, so i got a few plants with well seeded lower buds on the smaller branches. Now a have a boatload of Bubba S1s. Think they'll grow good bubbas? Check it out:


Space Ghost

id use them and spread them around, there could be some real keepers in there.


Canna Coco grower
Nice looking buds.... nice looking seeds chemosabi...

Are these the Cali Kush seeds bubbs S1? if so I got two in bud right now, and I can only hope they look as nice as yours turned out



bergerbuddy said:
Are these the Cali Kush seeds bubbs S1? if so I got two in bud right now, and I can only hope they look as nice as yours turned out

No, my plants are the ORIGINAL Bubba Kush clone. I suppose the seeds they produced are akin to the Cali Kush Bubba S1 seeds, but I can't say for sure. The original bubba clone simply created these seeds and offered them up to me. :joint:

Wacky Tobacky

Active member
I'm sure a lot of people would like to get some of those beans. id give them away to friends and grow some out. maybe put them up on seedbay.....


Looks awesome THCV, there has got to be something special waiting in those seeds. How long did the Bubba in the first pic run?


Nice looking bud there, never had bubba kush..so I know I'm missing out :badday:


Active member
THCV .... very nice bubba.... would love to take some of thoes bubba seeds off your hands.... :) lol ...


I think this picture


needs to be nominated for bud of the month!


Those seeds look nice. yeah, I hope Bubba Kush gets out there eventually for everybody to try, I have heard tons of good stuff about it , but still have never been able to try any. Yours looks nice.


Active member
I got a few Bubba seeds growing in mine as well THCV.
But you definately had a Nanner open up on you.
Mine were just a few.
Like 2-3. Man you chop at 57 days.
I wait till 70 days.
But mine seems done now too.
At about 57 days. lol
BUt no amber yet.


JDOG, aren't you in soil? I am hydro with 1500ppm Co2, everything matures faster in hydro/co2, that's why i can cut earlier. It's about 10% amber trichs, and potent as hell. I prefer not to get full on couchlock personally; if i went 70 days my bubba would get me high for 5 mins before i passed out.

A lot of the time when people are talking about flower times they don't distinguish, but they should, because everything is faster in hydro/co2. Soil just can't compete for speed of maturation, and outdoor soil is absolutely the slowest. Bubba probably needs 70 days in soil indoors and 75 outside in soil. But hydro/co2 and you can cut at 53 days and it's still killer potency, some amber (5%), and frosty. I waited til 58 this time with the seeds, so that it would be a little more lavender and couchy.


I agree THCV
hydro is faster than soil even without co2 added
i can take my kc36 at 38 days in hydro
i have to wait 49 days in soil
cool night temps also help

kc36 indoor in hydro

kc36 indoor in soil

kc36 outdoor

beautiful bubba THCV :canabis:


nice pics vapomiam. very cool to compare all 3 forms of the same plant (same clone?). They do pretty much look like each one of their growing environments would imply. Something about the hydro pic looks really alluring.


Very nice Bubba... and bonus seeds too! I bet there are some keepers in those.


Really nice looking buds THCV. I like the exotic colors on your plant.

More or less how many seeds did you get?



Active member
Thats right.
I forgot your a hydro grower.
That makes more sence now.
If I had more room , I'd try Hydro.
Maybe once I move to a better town that allows more then 6 flowering plants.
What a Joke that is.
Thats why I grow huge Bushes.
If I could I would grow my own Soil buds and then also in another room have a big Hydro setup for learning hydro.
But who knows if that will ever happen.,
All I know is Hydro is hard and I just got real good at soil.
So I'm stickin with it for now. lol



THCV said:
nice pics vapomiam. very cool to compare all 3 forms of the same plant (same clone?). They do pretty much look like each one of their growing environments would imply. Something about the hydro pic looks really alluring.
Thanks THCV your bubba is not bad either :biglaugh: really beautiful
jdog i like your pic from on high it s almost symetric! i didn't know in cali (i suppose you r in cali cause of the kush) you r allowed to grow, medical grower?
no way where i am, even 6 plants
hydro is fun and easy when using a large reservoir for ph stability
i have soil preference even if hydro is more potent
i want to ask you kush growers how does the smoke of these kushes (i should say with chemdawg in) compare to nycd (the only chemdawg thing i have tried). i also tried self-styled ogkush and mkultra in adam but it was not that.
Does the smoke just glide down your throat with a great smoothness and make you salivate on the exhale? is it that the kush thing cause i love that