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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!


Active member
Lilly, the FD is Super Skunk x Purple Star. Thanks, concealability was one of my main concerns. I didn't have the resources to plant multiple plots, so I had to ensure they don't get found!

Best of luck, smellmyfinger. That's a shitty bunch of things to have happen to you.

All the best,


thatguy: Nice looking plants bro, they look really healthy! :)

smellmyfinger: Sorry to hear about your misfortune man, I hope things turn around for you quickly. I like that logo, thats badass!

Otherwise than the above, how is everyone doing? we've been having some beautiful weather around my parts, except for the severe thunderstorm once and a while. :badday:

I'm working on getting a new show up and running, been about two years since my last 2400W flower room back on OG. Finished up college and now it's time to get back to business! :jump:

Hope you all have a great day, be safe!
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got around to taking a few pics, left my good camera at my buddies house so I'll have to wait to get some close ups on here.

All plants are 49 days into flowering

White Russian




MTG Diesel

The rest: giesel and blockhead

This will be the last time im running the giesel and KKSC, also i have 6 ecsd clones rooted and those will my last run with that strain. Plan on keeping the mtg diesel, blockhead, s99, and GDP. Also a buddy of mine owe me 7 grams of some haze (its the only weed i actually buy with my own money) and I plan on making some oil with it, I've been dying for some potent oil; i'll post some pics if/when i do. Be safe all!




Active member
Looking damn good, Grafephul! Nice to see someone else doing ID & OD this year!

Thanks, C420. Best of luck to you, getting started again! Congrats on the graduation! I neglected to get my ass in gear, education-wise, and now I'm paying (or rather, not getting paid) for it.

All the best,

Delta Force

Some Hollywood Pure Kush
She is potent and reminds me of SourD and Kush in a perfect blend.......super potent.....im curing my headstash now and will get some dry nug shots up soon....with some DJ short Blueberry and Sourd.....maybe some others too if I dont smoke em all. Keep it green ECC'ers



Great shots Gratephul and Delta!!
Good to see you guys around!
hey thatguy..did you take that ride yet? you'll figure out which is the better store for you.

Well I mentioned this in a couple of threads, but figured I'd mention it here too. cellar's got another mouth to feed. I got a new pet! He's my creepy little friend, SalDaBomber!
He followed me home I swear!

wave goodbye Sal..



Active member
No, CD, not yet. I don't have any need to buy anything for a while, so I'll just be window-shopping. I'm unemployed, and bored as hell most of the time. Don't spend much money as it is, so I can afford to take a random drive sometime.

Those plants look well protected, my friend! A little insectile sentry!

DF, those plants do look yummy! You can really see the kush in it!

All the best,

sow the seeds

I just realized that for some reason I've never posted in this thread (and probably only read it twice).

I see some familiar names though so whats up friends?

WAY too much rain here today. :badday: :badday: :badday: Nothing like crawling through the swamp hauling plants out of ~3.5 inches of water. I even stepped in a spot that went deeper than my knee! Good thing I tied the boots tight. :fsu: Worst part is its still pouring arg!



Active member
Good and dry for a little while now, huh STS? That should make things a little safer in your swamp!!!

All the best,


hey new england...love the mantis cellardwellar..thats great..been trying to get some lady bugs to chill with my babies but i guess the prefer my veggie graden better oh well dont know what their missing... WHITE RUSSIAN

happy growin
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A fine dry day today indeed!!! Hey GRATEFULL how's your outdoor white russian? NE loves the wr at least most of us do.Tomorrow Chaco goes to Rhode Island, got back from New Mex last nite late and now the battle goes on to the biggest little state in the union!!My old man left me a cache of firearms and I'm pickin' 'em up before his fukin' wife sells 'em on me.I just about popped her in the head in Espanola on Friday, got to tak'em to Ct and stash 'em at my uncles place.Lookout Pt Judith, Chacos gonna be transportin' some firepower, he can't have guns in Mass but that doesn't me he won't!!I'm shippin' out west when I get the chance.I know it sounds kinda dumb but my old man was a 'nam vet and a gun slingin' maniac and he wanted me to have 'em so Chaco's got to get 'em, I gave up hunting a while back although I do have X amount of elk permits I sell to guides on my land out west, mostly cows but a couple 25 bulls.Makes $ on the Texans and thins out the herd before Jan.Peace ya'll don't shoot anybody now.Chaco. :bashhead: :joint: :bashhead: :violin:


Active member
Beautiful day out, wish I had some outdoor to go check up on. Have to stick to my sunglasses inside for now :rasta:

Gratephul, Delta, Cellar, nice plants :yes:

Here are some shots I took yesterday, 52 days. Orange Diesel, SSH.

Blue Sonja 5wks-ish



Active member
Asaru, nice WR!

Looking mighty fine, hesh!

Thought I'd throw up a few pics of my ID HKxWW.

Dealt with what I think was pH related nute lockout, hence the yellowing. Bought an air pump and airstones, and that's fixed! Still think I'm overferting them a little, but they're growing so fast, I don't give a shit!

Day 28 12/12

All the best,


Lilly, I am hoping that WR is doing good havent seen them in a while, will go back soon and take some pics. Def some good smoke though, I'm hoping she won't mold on me, all this rain isnt good for them.

took a couple pics of the room yesterday when i fed

here is the next round

I also got around to making some oil, I used 7 grams of haze to make it, very potent stuff. stuff is so easy to make anyone can do it.

these products...

will give you this...




Looking nice there gentlemen, its a fine hot summer day out there.I made back from my little trip safely, I don't know jack about all these guns I inherited but hell who cares.the choppers are working the cape today, they just gave me a peep, FYI, I hate those guys...Chaco :joint: :joint: :joint:


thats one heavy load of artillery ya got there. If you ever need a home for that B.A.R. let me know!! I got just the place for it!


I don't even know how to shoot the damn thing, its WW2 weapon andd the cartridges I have are not the right caliber so I think it fires a 30-06 round.It has an empty clip on it and there were a buch of stuck together 45-70 rounds that must belong to some other gun.I really don't know jack about most of 'em and I'm a wee bit leary of the .50 cal but I'm real handy with a shotgun.My old man was always hellfire liquored up when he was shootin' so I just kinda stood back so he wouldn't whack me!Oh well I've been searching the web to see what I've got, I'm kinda naive about anything past a 12 gauge or .22 rifle...Those fukin choppers I'd like to open up that BAR on 'em if I knew how to shoot it, not really but ya know they come through in 3 packs nosing into peoples yards, its irritating to a grower!!!Chaco. :joint: :joint:


I do know how to shoot the .30 cal M1918. Let me tell ya something...just pull the trigger and hang on brudda.
Just make sure you got MILES of clear space in front of you.
As far as that .50 goes, if you aint got a liscense it's a felony to even look at it, nevermind owning it. DO NOT shoot that thing anywhere around here. New England is not big enough!:laughing:
Then again, if one was out on open water...:muahaha:


Active member
Last I knew 50 cal are still legal in Ri..

1 of like a handful of states. Are we talking the new 50 S&W pistol or the old elephant gun (rifle)

I watch a how it's made or 1 of those shows on the S&W brand new 50 pistol and it kicked ass....great for those every other weekend bear attacts :joint:

be safe :rasta:

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