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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!



I think he's talkin a fully auto .50 AG
as far as a .50 handgun, Im not sure


Its an Israeli made 6 " barrel handgun.Desert eagle and I've never shot the thing and I'm gonna try to figure out how to take it apart and load it but I don't have any ammo and I know it probably isn't legal here in Mass but so aren't alot of things.A friend of mine who was a drill sarg in the marines is gonna show me what its all about.The gun dates from like the mid-eighties.I'm really out my element but I've got a place to shoot it out in the bay on an island if I'm man enough, its a heavy gun and holding it up with one hand isn't so easy.My old man kept it right by his drinking chair and the cops used to show up when he knocked off rounds on his deck at his summer place in RI.Back in the 80's before Mass went wild over guns he would shoot the damn thing all the time and scare the christ out of me.If I don't sound like I know what I'm talking about it's because I don't. The gun is black and holds seven bullets.Maybe I should take it back to my uncles place in Ct with the rest of 'em, it was so damn mean lookin' i couln't leave it...Oh well... :joint: :joint: Here's something I know about, MNS SSH day 80 been flushing for about a week...Lovely gigantic specimen...

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Wats up guys?..Been gone for a min now but got nuttin to really post right now..but i'm glad everybody in the fam is back and recking this thread with such awesome pix.


Active member
Whats up my friends, summer is flying by, can't believe Sept. is almost here but that only means fall stripe bass run and then black fishing. yaya.

Little Grape Krush from last run im giving to my friend with ms.

some dry siev I made from f13 and blue dancer

Everyones garden looks fantastic, your making this old fart look bad. lol
Enjoy the last few weekends of niceness and be safe. Peace

HL you are making some mighty nice crosses, it looks like you have the gift as a match maker my friend. Very frosty and easy on the eyes, I'm sure they all smoke as good as they look.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Hey all, hope your all having a great summer. Been a good one around here, as I catch my breath after a solid 30 days of company. Next batch come in monday. :bashhead:
Well the last group went out to see "Mama Mia" last wk, which I took a pass on. :nono:
While having the house to myself, I decided it was a perfect time to go thru my seeds and get started on my Apollo project. Of course I was very stoned and lost count pretty quick, as I tossed 'em in a glass of water w/ a drop of Thrive Alive. I figured I had picked around 50. Being 6 yrs old, I figured a lower germ rate. After 24 hrs I strained them out, (only 1 floater!) and most had cracked! I planted them all in a seedling tray, trying to do rows til I ran out of space. Today I checked, and there were a mass load coming up!
I potted up 40 into 4" sq pots, that's all I washed! I counted 16 more still in the tray! :yoinks: I've never run such a large selection, so I'm pretty psyched! :woohoo:
Chaco, Lil did a great job w/ those SSH while you were gone! I now know what a tough job it is to run a healthy ID during summer. A tip o' the cap to you & the muse. :D:yes:
Nice to see you drop in, peter pan! That's some dank medicine a lucky patient is getting! :respect: Is that dry sieve handrolled? You know how I fiend for some F-13! :sasmokin: Hopefully within 6 months! :wink:

Anyway, the new sprouts got my juices going! I'M BACK! :biglaugh:

Have a great weekend all! :wave: HL

EDIT: Oh oh, just noticed, Chaco's got the blue fin fever! :muahaha:
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HAHA!! Indeed he does!! I put that there for good luck because the truth is I'm one of the worst fishermen around but I love chasing those fat bastards around the bay.They get me soooo pissed off.You've never heard a man swear until you've been on my boat between now and Oct 15 or so.I also picked up a job through a friend permitted via various state agencies to chum up two big white sharks that have been killing seals south of Chatham.They are footing the bill and were chumming seal meat from dead seals hauled in by gillnetters, kinda grotesque, like chumming your own dog but its keeping my mind off my troubles.Lil's old man (cop) stopped by her place for a visit and walked right on past the herb garden, the pumpkins diverted him.The SSH is going really well, the battery charger blew so the cam is dead, the other skunk/basic5 pheno is retarded, I'm gonna have to go grab another one because I never expected a plant like this from a pack of SSH.I'm off to "work" now in my old chevy truck, its 3:45 am and gotta be there for for the sunrise slam.I still feel bad for slapping chemdawg the other day but he shouldn't be such an asshole.I apologised for gettin' rude on him he's really such a little skinny , ahhh forget, it was my 1st neg post and he was selling pb&j sandwiches on tour before I hooked up the nitrous from the Utah race shops, he doesn't remember, but I do..Gotta run.Keep it up ya'll!!Chaco.. :joint: :joint:


Good to see u back Highlighter can't wait to see those crosses of yours...How's your outdoor coming along?...The M life is treating me pretty good.


Active member
Chaco, nice SSH, some fatty colas! Highlighter, you gonna have your hands full soon man, can't wait to see 'em!

Here's some SSH at 60 days, lookin' like she'll take a couple more weeks at least.

Orange Diesel 60 days

Blue Sonja 6.5 weeks



That orange diesel looks like my kind of plant.Where do you find those?I was testing some 10 day dried SSH on my boat yesterday and it knocked my world upside down.Hadn't smoked for 2 weeks to take a break before the SSH and then I crashed the boat into the trailer and took a fat chunk out of the bow.Iwas all sunburnt and stoned out, it was really the tide and the angle of the ramp but still I rarely do that, eh? :bashhead: Have a super sunny Sunday, Chaco. :joint: :joint:


Wow hesh those plants are beautiful....The flush on the OD is just spot on.

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to hesh again."


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
hesh, all's good in yer hood! Lovely gear! :D:yes:

After cleaning 20 more pots, I decided to scrub the rest of the A-11 seedlings, 40's fine. :rolleyes: Have to start culling sooner or later...

Funny chit,Chaco! :biglaugh: :bashhead:

Here ya go, IPIT :D PP in the morning dew this a.m. Double click!



Whats up everyone,

Hesh looking nice bro!

Glad to see everyone is doing alright I just put some new plants into harvest and I actually started a new grow diary so check it out. here is a group shot

Im gonna be harvesting a few plants on wed so i will post some pics stay safe everyone.


HL, that PP is coming along very nicely!!!! I saw a pic with you painting her with a brush what was the pollen from again??


Active member
Thanks for the nice words guys :rasta:

Gratephul, nice plants as usual, I'll be checkin' out your thread.

Highlighter, great outdoor, beautiful shots :yes:

Lilly456 said:
That orange diesel looks like my kind of plant.Where do you find those?
Snuck up on this one from behind, had the getaway right there...never suspected it, and ain't nobody see it...:D
The Orange Diesel is from Verite, got it off SBay a while back. Dense frosty nugs that smell like orangey fruity pebbles with some diesely dank hints to 'em. Great smoke, one of my favs..

Here's the trunk on that beast

On deck...2 1/2 weeks old



I can appreciate a fine looking stump, you bet HESH!!I'm on the Casey Jones train myself come fall and some HTC IBL Skunk, lookin' foward to it.HL those flowers are downright purple AND early!! A rare condition, my Killing Fields from Sannie have all purple flowers but they're more hashplant pheno'ed not THAT full on Sativa.They smell purple, I don't know what kind of purple but if purple had a smell....GRATEFULL, my friend took some WR cuts back in June for and indoor thing and just about killed 'em so he threw 'em outside in some miracle grow mix and they are coming along real nicely and are in the early stages of full bud development.This guy either has the greenest thumb and blows your mind or so black it blows your mind, he also has a bumper sticker that says VAGINATARIAN.He's one of a kind....Glad ya'll are still on the up and up and moving out, I've got a casual charter today, a "three hour tour" if you will.Lils outdoors are just sexing out but it doesn't freeze hard here until Nov 1st, so we'll all be hoping for a dry fall, weather like the last few days would be nice...warm tonite though...Chaco. :joint: :joint: :joint:


Hello friends,

got around to the outdooors, Lilly/Chaco the WR is blowing up! I am just really affraid because of all this rain, Im not banking on this outdoor harvest but it be nice to have them pull through. They smell amazing and the buds are getting huge!



I also go some harvesting to do tomorrow show I'll post some more pics be safe all.



evening all. also managed a few shots of a just trimmed Bangi Haze outdoors.
She is at 81 days and just starting to flower. She is coming along just fine. Managed to trim 50 clones off her this weekend.

Meanwhile back at (inside) the ranch, we have another Bangi Haze that is gracing me with a dual head at the top and loaded with trich's.

Here she is:

and one of her sisters swelling up

just making some more hash from the tumbler. The hash press is cooling.

more pics to come.

Peace all.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
rifishman, Banghi's looking good! You must be sold on it! :D Good luck w/ the cuts. Isn't this what Dubi recommends for northern climes? More good wishes for finishing full!

Gratephul, good luck against the mold menace. Are those Nirvana WR?

In that pic, I was pollinating a Purple Peace w/ Nepjam pollen. :wink:

What's in the 12 bags in that earlier shot?

Chaco, you make it back from that 3 hr. tour, or'd you run-aground?

Here's a couple shots from the other day of my Neeple & White. Can you tell which is which? :confused:

with flash

w/o flash
