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Making Honey Oil Like A Pro, by Master Thai


Active member
Master Thai said:
Master now give you thread to show right way, so wrong to intrude on ones space Master did not know you are the Master in oil, Master Thai is wrong according to SamS,
so teach one please and others here too SamS , but no more insults to Master Thai please ;-)

only a fool calls himself master. nobody is a master of anything, everybody is a student of everything.


honey oil addict
getting better even.. ;) have found that certain terpenes evaporate off at way lower temperatures than average. the love potion extreme lemony cutting, for example, needs almost 0 heat applied in purging butane to preserve the awesome lemony flavor in the oil. any more than a mere modicum of heat will totally evaporate out the lemony taste, making the oil very bland.


Active member
HMK, the Island Thai s similar to the LP in that sense. if you want her best flavour, with lemoney tones especially, you have to just let it evap naturally and leave it alone for a few days to make sure the butane is all purged.


Master Thai,
The purpose of my post was only to allow anyone who read your post to realize that converting CBD to THC does not make any sense if the herbal materials do not have significant amounts of CBD in the first place. I thought your name Master was a bit pretentious but I did not care about that to be honest. I just wanted people to not waste time doing a process that will not improve their oil.
As for me telling folks the right way, I am not such a proponent of oil, and would not advise others to make it. I was just trying to help others avoid useless work.
I also believe that different folks like different smokes, so I understand why so many people like different products. I prefer dry sift, many friends prefer herbal Cannabis, but I still love em anyway.
I realize your intentions were good, but then just don't make claims that this is the way to make honey like a pro. It is old outdated info that has little use today. Now if I was a farmer growing hemp, I guess I could make a bunch of hemp hash and Isomerize the CBD to THC, but to be honest I like dry sifted resin from Original Haze and I know I would not like pure THC much at all.
Anyway I will stop needling you.
Maybe you can tone your posts down a notch and only make claims like "here is a nifty way to make oil" Instead of implying that your method was the final word if you wanted the best honey oil.

The best oil I tasted was made with ethyl alcohol from very high test dry sift, extracted for just 10 minutes. It was a red oil not honey. I do not like how most oil still has traces of solvents in them, I can taste them. I don't use a gas lighter because of the taste. Ethyl alcohol seems to be the least objectionable solvent to me. But like I said I am not much of an oil fan. But I do understand why others are.
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Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Ive made very nice, clear oil with isopropanol but still... "I like dry sifted resin from Original Haze" ..yeap, me too.
My point is that for some odd reason, oil made with solvents always lack in taste imo, jelly is something else but still, dry resin as it is works for me.
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Active member
mmm, I have had some damn tasty oil farmer john, but I find that properly made dry sift is more true to the flavour of the bud, as well as the high 'feels' more 'complete'.

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Thats what Im talking about, Ive had some tasty ones too :wink: but nothing beats dry sifted resin, part of it I like to just press between my fingers to make a ball of sticky hash but usually it's just powder, gotta love it, best one this far is OHxSk1 all the way...:yes:


honey oil addict
smoking resin is hard on me

oil vapes so well, and tastes great. actually the part of the high lacking i find is good. the cloudiness and foggy feelings that smoke inhalation induce is not present when vaporizing oil. too bad hash doesnt vaporize like the oil does.


Active member
the titanium, u are still left with some solids on the plate, but the bulk of it does vape up and it does taste quite nice along with a hard hit.


I am not trying to push my personal view but what I find is that dry sift made well is for sure the best. BTW, I can make dry sift that when heated will run right through my stainless screens, (I can't even get a hit) and I use very very fine mesh on my screens, they are not the normal ones people use. I don't make my dry sift so clean because it is impossible to smoke on a screen. So I leave a tiny bit of non resin heads in the hash so I can smoke the stuff. I have tested it at over 70% THC, and you can smoke it in an oil pipe, with no problems, but I prefer smoking with my bong on a screen so I use 50-60% THC resin.
Two problems with oil,
#1 is the taste is affected the terpenoids are reduced by heating etc. Same problem with water sifted hash.
#2 is the solvents used, I have tested many samples of oil and have found small amounts of solvent in them all. The better the solvent, the higher the affinity and the harder it is to remove the last traces.
I understand why people make oil, to have the strongest most concentrated product they can have, but to be honest I prefer a dry sift that may not be quite as high in THC but properly balanced with terpenoids.
But I am only speaking for myself, I know that many people prefer different effects from Cannabis, Indica and Sativas are the best example, you can find examples of an Indica with 10% THC and no other Cannabinoids, and an example of a Sativa with 10% THC and no oither Cannabinoids and the effects are completly different. This is why taste and smell from the terpenoids is so important. And why I prefer to ensure any resin production method conserves the terpenoids. I find that dry sift is what does it best. Of course it helps if you have a clone that is what you are looking for to start with...



Slap-A-Ho tribe
Interesting. "The better the solvent, the higher the affinity and the harder it is to remove the last traces." You lost me on that, are you talking about the chemical affinity and that the last bit of solvent has bonded to the oil making it harder to remove?


honey oil addict
Sam_Skunkman said:
Two problems with oil,
#1 is the taste is affected the terpenoids are reduced by heating etc. Same problem with water sifted hash.
#2 is the solvents used, I have tested many samples of oil and have found small amounts of solvent in them all. The better the solvent, the higher the affinity and the harder it is to remove the last traces.
I understand why people make oil, to have the strongest most concentrated product they can have, but to be honest I prefer a dry sift that may not be quite as high in THC but properly balanced with terpenoids.


ask reeferman, he has tried my red congo oil and could not believe how tasty it was. tastiest oil he ever had he said, and would easily win an extract competition. properly made butane extracts contain much of the terpenes i am sure.