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~(Kief Junkie & Q.K.) 250w Organic Medi-Cab (Royal Hawaiian, W. Rhino, Bubblicious)~


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Still battling the mites on day 55 of flower. I still find little groups of them trying to web up the flowers. I go in, ruin the web, and smash any I can find. Usually I notice a web about once a week. Last night I found two. Ugh. But all told, I'm smashing about 10 or so a week, maybe a tad more. Not bad considering what it used to be.

I've been trimming the fully yellowed and partially necrotic leaves as soon as they look useless to the plant. This means I take a few off every other day or so (not on all plants, but on at least a few). It's amazing how much vegitation there is still! I think this is helping considerably to control the mites. It's not ideal, but it's what I've gotta do.

The buds don't seem to have suffered much though! They're looking nice and frosty and smelling wonderful. All of them are still putting on weight and fleshing out daily.

We went away this past weekend so we had a dilemma with the freshly hung top cola of Ruby. They had only been about 2 days cut, so not quite ready for a jar. Yet, if we left them hanging in the cardboard box, inside the cab's veg room, they'd be too dry by the time we returned. So we did a halfway measure by placing them in a jar, but leaving the lid off, and putting them back in the veg room of the cab. It worked great! I lidded the jar and am now burping it a few times a day.

That reminds me...I weighed the pieces we cut off Ruby today and she comes in at 8g's, which is about 75% of what they weighed after cutting them. Nice! That's just the top of Ruby, and there are a number of good bud sites left on that plant. This means our harvest is definitely going to be larger than our last. That's good news!

Another important bit of news: we'll be taking them all down by day 62 or so. This is far from ideal, but it's what we must do if we want time to revamp the cab before the next grow (and get the veg room working finally!). I estimate that most could go 65, with the WR going 70 or more. That said, I think they're looking really, really good and I don't think taking them a bit early is going to be too devastating.

Hella THC

Hey KJ!

Man, sounds like you're getting some bad luck thrown your way. That sucks!

After you harvest, give your grow area a good scrub down and cleaning, get rid of all those pesky pests! Make em tell all their friends your grow room isn't any place for them!

Good luck,

- Hella


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Hey KJ!

Man, sounds like you're getting some bad luck thrown your way. That sucks!

After you harvest, give your grow area a good scrub down and cleaning, get rid of all those pesky pests! Make em tell all their friends your grow room isn't any place for them!

Good luck,

- Hella

Haha, yeah, we're definitely using a bleach solution on our cab and everything in it to make sure they don't survive to the next grow. And we're not doing clones this time, so we won't be introducing any new one's that way. Hopefully our cab remodeling and cleaning will do the trick. Thanks for stopping in!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Group picture, day 56 in flower

Group picture, day 56 in flower

I was just in doing a watering and I thought I'd take a group shot for you to see. I snapped it right before the light went on in the cab. We'll do one more set of individual shots just before we chop, which is coming on Monday of next week. I checked the trich's while they were out and they're coming along real nice; 50/50 cloudy to clear on the RH girls, 70/40 cloudy on the WR, and what appears to be 100% cloudy on the Bubblicious girls.

They're also smelling very, very pungent (in fact, it's starting to give my carbon filter challenges; I wonder why so soon? Maybe the pre-filter is too dirty to filter at 100%...I dunno).

Group shot before lights on, Day 56 in flower (8 25 09)


Hella THC

:woohoo: Looking good, KJ! Kind of a race against time now with the bugs, huh? Gotta say though, they are looking pretty tasty!


- Hella


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
:woohoo: Looking good, KJ! Kind of a race against time now with the bugs, huh? Gotta say though, they are looking pretty tasty!


- Hella

Yeah, for that reason, and for the fact that we need some time to remodel our cab without cutting too much into the next grow cycle. The cab is going to finally be perpetual!
Sucks about the bugs bro. I fear spider mites terribly. Even if I had access to clones, I don't think I'd take them, simply for this reason.

Are you going to keep going with clones, or will your next grow be from seed? And when are you going to go perpetual bro?


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Sucks about the bugs bro. I fear spider mites terribly. Even if I had access to clones, I don't think I'd take them, simply for this reason.

Are you going to keep going with clones, or will your next grow be from seed? And when are you going to go perpetual bro?

Hey Bork! It's been a while. Thanks for checking in.

Yeah, the borg is a terrible beast to contend with. I think we beat it back pretty good, but it's still persisting. I think if I had known to do a neem dunk on the clones, and spray's throughout veg, we'd not have had this problem. But this next time we're going from seed since we have some time to germ them between harvest and the time our cab gets revamped. We'll be doing that next week! So stay tuned.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
the group shot looks great! - lots of fat buds.

interested in how you find the rhino - keep us posted

even if you have no mites i would still neem your plants a couple of times in veg/early flower. it has a systemic action so will prevent them multiplying if any drift in.

nearly there now :)


Hella THC

I'm such a fan of the idea of starting from seed unless you know the clones are primo or it's of a strain you can only obtain through a clone. Reason being? GENETIC DIVERSITY!

I love the idea that I can order seeds and know that out of them can come some great surprises. How awesome would it be to get the illusive "1 out of 1000" pheno off of something you got from seed? To me, it's almost like treasure hunting :D


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Ruby's dried cola

Ruby's dried cola

So here's a picture of Ruby's top cola and auxiliary buds. Thought you guys might want a looksie. It's turning out beautifully, has a real nice aesthetic appeal both visually and aromatically. Can't wait to taste!

Ruby (Royal Hawaiian), top cola 5 days into jar cure (8 27 09)



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
VerdantGreen: Will definitely keep you all posted on how the WR (and all of them) turn out! Thanks for the kind words. As for the neem, I definitely plan to use it as a preventative going forward; stopping a few weeks before harvest, just like I did this time.

Hella THC: Agreed. I loved growing from seed. We chose clones this time around because we needed to cut off 3 weeks or so on the grow cycle. We were out of meds and they're expensive! I think our harvest this time will allow us the extra time to grow from seed.

growMEDS: Thanks for stopping in. See the above post, I think you'll like it (or at least it should hold you over until I get pics of the flowering ladies...coming soon).


Well-known member
wow wow wow. holy mole they be looken great as ever.
and thouse buds on the carpet look really dank as well.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
wow wow wow. holy mole they be looken great as ever.
and thouse buds on the carpet look really dank as well.

Thanks cheesebuds! It's not carpet though, just a nice piece of clean fabric I use as a backdrop. That picture didn't turn out as well as the previous ones I took with it, but it had to do because I was in a hurry yesterday. :joint:


My eyes are crying out of that intense color.

Really nice top Ruby colas K.J. ;)

Have Fun & Be Safe


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
My eyes are crying out of that intense color.

Really nice top Ruby colas K.J. ;)

Have Fun & Be Safe

Yeah, it is a little bright isn't it? Maybe I'll try it with the flash off next time? hehe

Welcome to our grow. Thanks for stopping in!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Harvest time has come and gone...

Harvest time has come and gone...

Well friends, harvest time has now come and gone. We pulled all 6 of the ladies on Monday, which was day 62 of 12/12. I think this timing was just about right for the Bubblicious girls and quite possible the Royal Hawaiian's as well, but I know the White Rhino could have gone longer (day 70?).

It was a special harvest time and it took 3 of us about 6 hours to chop and manicure them all. It was difficult trying to decide what to keep and what to chop, some of the trim was nice and covered in trich's, but we're just too picky with our medicine to inhale large amounts of vegetative matter, so many of them got the chop. We're not yet cooking or making hash, so unfortunately our trim just gets chucked. Maybe someday we can make better use of it.

Unfortunately I failed to take pictures of the ladies before chop, with the exception of one. I guess we just got too busy and we totally forgot about it. But I will take pictures of the final results.

I couldn't be happier this time around as it looks like we might have doubled our harvest compared to our last. We'll see soon! I'll update the thread later. One thing's for sure, the quality is going to be top notch. They look beautiful and were well manicured too.

I can say that we've now tried some of the Royal Hawaiian; Ruby's cola that was harvested at day 50. She's spicy! A little grassy still since she's only been curing for a short time, but I can tell she'll be tasty. Very aromatic, almost stings your nose. And man is she an up, energetic, racy kind of effect that eventually turns kind of indica-ish with the relaxed body buzz. Perfect to medicate with so far for me. I just hope that the rest of the RH's turn out more like this piece did, instead of it being a result of the early harvest. We'll see soon!

The other big bit of news is that a little elf (you know who you are and I'm unbelievably grateful!) helped us remodel our cab a bit. We spent a day entirely remaking and mounting the doors on new hinges, building out the facing on the top and bottom of the cab, rebuilding the shelf in the utility room, adding 2 new ventilation holes (one in each room), putting another 4" hole between the flowering and utility chambers, finishing the light traps/vent holes between the veg and flower rooms, and remounting the 250w so it's parallel to the back wall of the cab rather than turned diagonally (more even light coverage as a result). It wasn't easy because of the inherent flaws in our cab (you'll have to read the other journal linked below to see why) but it was definitely successful.

We still have some weather stripping to do, light leaks to fix, one more step to do in order to complete the vent holes, and the repainting of the doors both inside and out, but it's back up and running (the last harvest is inside, drying in boxes; lights out, vent fan/carbon filter on). The airflow is definitely improved throughout, so the next grow should benefit. Overall I'm happy with these new improvements, even as imperfect as they necessarily had to be. Next cab build, we're consulting with our helpful little elf to get it done right!

I know I owe you guys some pictures, and probably more info than I've given, but feel free to ask any questions/make requests.

Rhonda (Royal Hawaiian), just prior to chop, day 62 of flower (8 31 09)
